1 July 2018

We greet you. We love you much dear Ones. Expect the true friendship with us and we are blessing you. We can help you and give you advices, almost spiritual and also help you in your life spin. We are always friends to you however, concisely your aren't dark One.
Don't make harm to someone, only fight to protect yourself from the dark Ones, one or several of that kinds of Beings. Self defense is not forbidden to you, ours friends.
You, the enlightened One never make bad to a woman, nor to the children. Neither the cats and dogs, because they understand a lot of things as well as other Beings which can suffer and being harmed. Don't make bad thing to them because that is up to you to make the real Good. If you can save someone from the danger, then you save the Being in need. But beware of the darkest Ones, these Ones can make you harm, maybe there are too dark souls, so escape yourself from them.
If you feel that this possible to lead someone to Light then try it.
Expand your knowledge, live in a constant state of acquiring spiritual knowing, it is to Ones who want to ascend, if not not ascended, in this life or if you are already ascended, for perfectioning your skills. To ascend is a wonderful process, which will permit you to feel the true love called Agape in your heart and brain, develop an incredible capacities and one of the telepathic, just try with your mind with a benevolent Being member of the Galactic Federation of Light.
Take care of the positively related persons and get rid of the relationship with the negative, badly thinking Ones.
The Love is a great sacred energy that may dwell in your mind and heart.
Protect the Ones who are not in capacity to defend themselves. Unconditionally love the other Ones, but if you think if that Ones merit it.
Love is one of the most important things in your life, so we bless you for being good, compassionate and helpful.
We are in trio together, NaNiYa-Maat, SaLuSa-Thoth and SaLeIre-Horus, but also with some other members of the Galactic Federation of Light, we all are sending you Love and Light.

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