16 April 2014

Message from SaLuSa from Sirius - 08/04/2014

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and I would like to greet you, dear Earthlings. I remind you that our united forces of Light continue to struggle against the dark forces and the fight is not lost for us, the Light forces and the Galactic Federation of Light. We, the united forces of Light are fighting against violence, iniquity and hate in this Earth world in which you are living, and we are the peace guardians outside of this planet and the forces of Light are your protectors and allies in this rather complicated for you period of changes, when more and more of people are awakening from a state of spiritual unconsciousness in which they were before the beginning of their spiritual awakening. Know that you aren't ocasionnally incarnated at this moment in this world in this special period, when everything in it is changing rapidly and the whole world around you is transfiguring progressively and your present incarnation is very important for the development of your soul, because at that time your soul gets a lot of invaluable experience. We have a great respect for all the Lightworkers, as well as for the rest of our allies incarnated on this Earth, know that all together you are able to change this world for the better. The God really exists and he loves all the living in this universe, without exception, and know that God is Light and God is Love. Dear Ones, do not fall into despair, if you're today going through any difficulties in your life, ever know that everything can certainly change in your life for the better. Do not let you be invaded by the negativeness of the moment and then give up on everything, do not forget about taking care of yourself, always try to help yourself too, before trying to help the others. Value the life of yourself and of others, every living creature on this earth is worthy of respect for real, because the life is in reality something that is sacred.

People of the Earth, do not forget also about your responsibilities to take care of this planet Gaia, on which you live, humanity itself must make efforts to help to the planet and that means that each of you have a certain degree of responsibility towards your environment, make a personal choice to do not treat the nature that surrounds you with disdain, but respect it. We closely follow the environmental situation on your planet, and we have the technological abilities to help the humanity in cleansing the planet from the pollution state in which it is now. Nevertheless, you should now understand that the irresponsible attitude of yourself, Earthlings, to the nature and to the planet is extremely detrimental for your entire humanity.

The path of development that we recommend to all your humanity is the way of renunciation to all wars in favor of the world peace on this planet. Some of you are afraid of treat of outbreak of the third world war, but we would like to reassure you and tell you that it will still be prevented. Know Earthlings that you should make your own efforts to deal with the aggression if it is present in your hearts, understand that the way of aggression is always ruinous. Love is the most valuable feeling that exists and that is the thing that each of the people must remember, know that each of you has a great potential to expand this feeling within yourself. Feel the peace inside of you, while you continue to receive the incoming from outside energies of Light and Goodness. Know that despite of the negative situations in some regions of the planet, everything on this planet is steadily changing for the better.

We, the Extraterrestrials, members of the Galactic Federation of Light have always been and will remain your friends, Earthlings and we are looking with kindness and understanding at your evolving human civilization. We try to give to the humankind some useful recommendations about its way of development in order to prevent the possible dangerous negative scenarios in the process of development of your humanity.

We, above all, are wishing to you peace and well-being, and send to all of you our Light and Love.
Thank you, SaLuSa!
Channeled by: NaNiYa

Message from SaLuSa from Sirius - 12/01/14

The old world which is under the influence of the dark cabal is gradually transforming into a new world, which will be much better than the old one and totally different from it and the dark cabal is now loosing it's former influence. There is more and more of Light which is coming by the waves to the ground of the Earth. The dark Ones are seeing that the power that belongs to them is decreasing. They continue to fight for their interests, and are taking an increasingly fierce attempts to maintain their already completely outlived order, but they won't get to the victory. The level of vibrations on the planet continues to grow constantly. The Lightworkers incarnated on Gaia and other Light Beings have already done an important part of their difficult and noble mission on the Earth. Those who chose a path of Light and Ascension continue to move forward and it is a great choice that deserves a lot of encouragement. The forces of darkness can still apply a variety of tricks to try to stop you in your way forward. Remember that your task is not to succumb to any of them and safely continue on your way. By being incarnated on Earth you have lived many lives and gathered many very valuable experience, you and your Higher Self now made the right decision by choosing a path of Ascension, to continue to further your spiritual evolution and moving into the higher dimensions in beyond of 3D world. By gathering enough experience in the 3D and lower dimensions of the universe you follow right your own way, moving to the higher planes of existence.

The risings and fallings are what takes place in all of human lives, but a falling should not cause you to lose heart and feel yourself overwhelmed in following the straight path to your goal, do not let setbacks block you in a dead end, that are only the lessons of your life through which you need to pass. This is not something that should break you, but should only make you stronger and wiser. Let go away all which is past and perceived as bad. A past that causes painful memories to you should no longer bother you, just let him fall into oblivion. When making decisions, always listen to the voice of your heart, it will allow you to make the right and wise choice. Ask for help from your Higher Self, it always knows what is the best choice for you in any of your questions.

In the upcoming new world, all the mankind should be free from that negative illusory reality that was imposed on it by the dark cabal, gradually evolving into a developed enlighetened society of an universal love and universal unity. The terrestrial civilization, for its further development, will have to abandon the dangerous to the planet technocratic development path, inflicting huge damage to the Earth, and will have to create an useful for the environment technologies, understanding that the development of spirituality, moral qualities within the whole civilisation must have an extremely important role, together with a technological and other types of progress. Our and other civilizations from the Galactic Federation of Light are friendly to your earthly humanity and we will be happy to help you, but as long as your government has not given a proper official statement about reality of the existence of the extraterrestrial civilizations, we can not make an offical contact with you, Earthlings, but we are actively collaborating with some of you, and how soon the fact that we appear before you all and our existence will be officially recognized depends on all of you, as of course, and on those who are now making efforts to finally allow you to know this truth.

We treat you with love and understanding, and wish to each of you a great success in your own Ascension process!

Thank you, SaLuSa!

Channeled : NaNiYa
Welcome to my blog  "Light Rays Ascension"!

 We are living in this particular period of the ere of Aquarius... A lot of of people were awaiting the End of this world at the date of 12 december 2012. But on the contrary, this date marked the beginning of a wonderful new stage of development in the human history, the arrival of a new era.
 Many people are beginning to ask themselves the questions about spirituality, looking for answers to many questions to whiches they need to find an answer. It is undoubtedly their right decision to begin a spiritual growth. Also, there are those for whom spirituality has become the most important part of their lives. So now many of you have taken a part to a such a significant process on this planet as Ascension or the Great transition, as a transition to a new, more advanced degree of reality on this Earth. This process is not a fiction, this is what is happening in reality and what is the set of witnesses and evidences. A large number of people then are looking for as much information about this event.
 Do know that the extraterrestrials do really exist. And a part of them are very friendly to our developing terrestrian human civilization. By example, the civilization of Sirius, it is a very old and highly developed human-like civilization which lives in the space. So, I entered in contact with them. I am a channeler which is today contacting with the extraterrestrial civilization of Sirius and the Galactic Federation of Light. So here I will publish channelings from the Sirian civilization and I am writing messages from the Sirian Star space Commander SaLuSa.
Enjoy your visit to my blog, dear readers!