18 July 2020

A message for healing from NaNiYa and Sirian healing helpers collective on 12 July 2020

When the difficult times come, never disable your own optimism, but mind to throw away any from all of the ideas of the pessimism. Because the pessimistic thoughts shade much all of your perception of the surrounding world, adding a bad or dull taint, to your personal view look. The pessimism also nourishes the negativeness inside your mindset, so what gives a growth to a bad emotions, such as sadness, worrying, inner discomfort in your feelings, excesses of anger, annoying to your calmness and to a quietness inside of you. It else gives someway a power to the anguish and other nefarious states of thoughts in your conscience. Don't focus yourself on a negativism in you, because, as like ever, it spoils your day, fixing your ideas flow on a negative things, what by themselves can occupy your spirit a lot, making it so forget a pretty parts of your life's passing time. But the optimism inversely makes you see your life in a bright, vivid and a more good coloration, showing it's actual full beauty, a which was mostly ignored by your eyes, as like seen with taking, for as usual, a not optimistic kind of your outlook on life. It, as also aliments all of the hopes and gives a help to feel a better emotions, making, by as well, fade all of the which ones, that are belonging to the negative sort, as like themselves, but prompts you to feel the best ones.

So ever see everything from a positive side and with an optimistic viewpoint, because that is very valuable morally and also, the such safeguards you from falling into a negative mind states. Essentially, the optimism, as when being present in your way of thinking, helps you to keep an extra mental energy, as protecting it from being consumed by a negative ideas. Even, as when the times come difficult, the optimistic mindset orientation will give you a supplementary psychic resources, letting you to get out of these episods of your life more easily. Its another valorous property is, as well, as like to be able to free you from a naughty and pathetic mental disposition and can rapidly enough, as like as in a quantity of time, liberate you from a heavy negative emotional charge, as while when a such one of a sort, in an actual fact, is getting pervading your head, less or more intensely.

Alsoly, the action of making the choice to be everytime thinking optimistically, will considerably help to you, as by its capacity of a not letting allow the dark detrimental negativeness to fill out your heart and, samely alike, your mind, at while when it is being coming to you and therefore, is being touching you, so then the which occurence can emerge in a many of different ways, that could be existent. This is being, then, the something what, that remains still, as being a lot despicable in its integral essence and is being, so well, the what, which comes off from of the negatively sided and pessimistic orientation kind of a moral and psychic aspects, as in the full, general principle of its complete nature, as thus hence, the what to distinguish, as for you. So take your look on that and consider these present negative features, the what give you pretty well nothing of the really positive, as to receive from them.

To chute down into a negative mode of mind, as well as to make the perceiving of your life to be based negatively, should be although a poor choice, having several disadvantages. It is due to deficiency of a positive instants, as staying difficult to create and to feel, by so, as whilst having a thoughts blocked in their negative form. As well as this, a lack of a beautifully cheerful states of a mood, which apparition and, by a what, a presence are correlating, only with a not negative conciousness condition, what begins when its disposition is set on a withdrawal of the inner negativeness, in the occasions, when it rules your thoughts, so a what is like, as certainly, a problem, that requires to become solved and maybe, has to be removed consciently, as with the purpose to free your conscience from it, as likely as fully. And then also, your emotions are having a genuine need to be fed by a positiveness, which should be desired, as a solidly remaining in you and as a more, being overtaking, prevalently, all inside your mind. That is a what is neccessary to keep them well. A negativeness affecting your conciousness carries within an amount of a bad states for it, so be aware of this. So keep your brain free from this, as the pessimism and the negativity both are going together, by the similarity of their kind and the both possess a heavy negative imprint that their energies bring, as within them. The sort of these energies, as in effect, is that which is very low, densely aggregated and belongs to a dark variety of the existing energetic categories. The negativeness may be pushed away from your whole thinking way, as with aim to make place for a better feelings and emotions type.

However, what is being important, this is a somewhat of a sort, that is being capable, to entangle you in a strong manner with, as what is that's relative product, as like being created by it, so which is, by that, an integral ensemble of a feelings, all the which being bearing the negative. These, as themselves, as a so, will tend to make a big roots in your real living conciousness and then to hook on, as inside it, so getting a place innerly to it and as from that, tainting darkly your mood, making it become worser and so as well, are much considerably being able to mess up your existential joy, giving you to experience a palette of a negative emotions, the which then can install themselves, as so, with an eventual forecast to stay permanently, in your proper mindset. So, that is being a what happens in a most large number of cases, as while when you give to that an allowance from your own personal part. That should be a bad choice to permit them to dominate over your mind. The pessimism makes more intense all of your sadness or other gloomy sentiments, that you may have and it immerses you into the negative, as like as in a dusky and dense cloud, what puts a shadow to cover with a grayish hue your complete and sustained life sight. It even can make increase your pain, the what you may have. So stay optimistic and search for the positive kinds of joy, without any parts of the negativeness in them. Because that will give you a significant boost to be more happy and will give you to enjoy your live in a deeper and better way. And doing this will give support to your wellbeing, as in a result, permitting its true improvement.

We send you a lot of blessings for healing, wishing you a healthiness and joy, from our assembled collective hearts. So may these blessings follow you everywhere and in all of the times, without quitting you. May the health come upon you and so then, increase in you, as what is our kind wish. Never feel alone, because a guarding presence is everytime here to assist you and give you a guidance for a seek of the best.

NaNiYa and Sirian healing helpers collective

A message for healing by NaNiYa made on 10 May 2020

In these times of the coronavirus disease, do not get desperate, but search for the positive, as the life has ever its hidden beauties to see, coming visible in the times what follow the bad ones, but it is not only as such, because they are being here even in the worst varieties of times, so seek them everytime. To tell you, the positive has ever a capacity to be restored. Do not drown fully into the negative, as in a kind of a swamp. The negativity in the mind harms you even in a small ways, don't get used to contain it in yourself and do not permit it to grow much in you, as it is what is like as collecting a lot and a more of its quantity, so what will be like to take a heavy weight to bear, which is able to get even more denser from itself, what all is being for real inutile, but remains as bitter to carry.

Do not hesitate to build a full and persistent good state of a Positivity in your mind of yourself and expand then its lasting to your whole life, as that is what which will never be something to regret in the moments which have to come after. But this will be beneficial for you in a many of ways and of manners. The matter of the happiness can be made out of everything being positive, what is present as the fondamental bricks for it. If you nurture the Positiveness in you, it is capable to give a big ameliorations to your existence. Also, this can reduce all of the present negativeness by the fullness of itself, as the positive can replace the negative. So note this with the importance.

After the time when the storms come, the time of the calm begins and then, there is the sun which shines bright again. So well, the pain has the certain property to be healed and here, the Hope is a powerful cure, what brings you help as morally. It also gives you a fair resource to advance. The price of the Hope is totally great indeed, so keep it in you and expect for a positive to arrive in the course of the upcoming time.

A good spiritual practice is being well for you, by all of those times, so thus a quantity of the meditations to do has to be recommended, what also will allow to you to set willingly a positive goals to attain, as meditations may have a great effect through practicing them, bringing very much of the relaxing, quietness and mind concentration. That is a way to get a more of the spiritual advancement, as if when you seek this or need to continue your progression of gaining it. Also, the meditation has a powerful appeasing effect and can be an utile help for you, as its spiritual power is very huge and can be useful for you from much of its numerous sides.

But by the same, when and while you are being searching for the kinds of varieties of a bettering, as well as of an improvements in your life, fulfill every of your quests with the wish of a complete Positiveness being retained, which is, as either, by its nature, based on the integral constructiveness, what always can be used to diminish sizely and in a strong manner all of what is caring a destructiveness and a grief within, which are from a total adverse sense for it, but it, as even possible, can make vanish these. So also, it has a prettily large repairing ability. It also can let you rise your existant life potential to a more good level of it, because it is in a much likewise as a some sort of aid.

Manage so, that the wishings from your own aspirations could be done with a deep creed in your Hope. As a Hope is never being a failing. It isn't indeed a way to a failure, but brings you a lot of something what is well. So the choice to keep the positive in you gives to you, by its remaining, an ability to aliment your spiritual and moral inner powers, what are necessary for you to continue, as fine, all of your tasks, as much as it is helpful with getting aims and offers you the energy to realize goodly the desires in your life and can repulse the negative in a much of a possible existant ways. This is like as when a brilliant ray of the Light meets a shadow and transmutes it thereby to a Light, so what is done by a whole presence of it, as just, as with fulfilling its integral shape in its form by itself. And as so this ray enlightens it, to let it become, so rightly, a part of a complete and strong shiny Light, too. So then does a solid core of a positive, which dissolves the matter of a negative, as so, making it disappear by a full transformational change, to remove a bad charge, what is the total negativity, being there present and so replace it out from a Positiveness solely, to make afterwards the seed of which grow in a good manner.

So by a full means, you can cultivate the Positivity in you, as you can do, as by your personal will, make it grow to gain its size, as its complete prosperity cannot find a high number of limitations. But these are actually being of a precisely especial kind, like as so what the negativeness can encounter very frequently, what gets from its whole antagonistic, as a lot unpositive and in a many points detrimental sort of character. Also, the positive has a tendency of healing, so then the negative prevails in harming or damaging. Only the Positivity needs no harm of any of a kinds and also nature, as while it is growing and expanding itself. The negativity isn't the same, because the substance of it can be nourished from a lower sorts of energies, which are harsh and gloomy. A positive mind state heals you as morally. But such as alike the negative is, as while it gets and resides in you, it steals your vital forces or energy, making so them be lost for you. If you let yourself try to feel that, as more finely and with a special attention, you can discover that the negativity takes off a quantity of portions from the energetic consistant All, that you have within your alive embodiment, as a which of you. That is what is a constant particularity to remain. Do know this.

So don't let the negative occupy your inner side, but think to add up the Positiveness, as through inside your days and their time. Its total amount isn't to be limited. But more it is big, as in its measure, so more this will be nice, as it is, for true, one of a keys to the joy and well-being. So consider this importantly.

May the best of the positive ever prevail over all of the negativity for everyone between from you. Wishing you a lot of Light and Love in your present and future!

May an infinite number of the Blessings get upon on all of who are now sick and need Healing, as well as the Light in its healing Rays, may it help you to recover from illnesses and pain, but so well the Love, may it soothe all kinds of the suffering and release your minds from sadness and from worrying. May the Positive thoughts offer you Hope and remove the Negativity, as from a core of your hearts, but as also make your mind free of it, as from an unhelpful matter able of destroying your optimistic ideas.

As the Earth, but as also much, the Humanity on her, all need a healing as a lot, there is an importance to send thus Blessings, Love and Energies of Light which have the power to heal and need to expand such a property of themselves, what is repairing and so has to go widely all upon of the living Humankind, but samely have to be sent to give help to this amazing and beautiful planet, which is for all of time alike the Mother for the people existing on her and which gives nicely her own spacious cosy ground to host it on, but then also nurtures it from her soil and makes it to feel and be well from her extremely rich given gifts what her inner homeworld generates and offers everytime, entirely being of a great beauty and bringing the best of their full kind.

And so then I send those from me, but many and any from you can do this too.


A message for healing by NaNiYa made on 12/04/2020

In these times of the coronavirus disease, do not get desperate, but search for the positive, as the life has ever its hidden beauties to see, coming visible in the times what follow the bad ones, but it is not only as such, because they are being here even in the worst varieties of times, so seek them everytime. To tell you, the positive has ever a capacity to be restored. Do not drown fully into the negative, as in a kind of a swamp. The negativity in the mind harms you even in a small ways, don't get used to contain it in yourself and do not permit it to grow much in you, as it is what is like as collecting a lot and a more of its quantity, so what will be like to take a heavy weight to bear, which is able to get even more denser from itself, what all is being for real inutile, but remains as bitter to carry.

Do not hesitate to build a full and persistent good state of a Positivity in your mind of yourself and expand then its lasting to your whole life, as that is what which will never be something to regret in the moments which have to come after. But this will be beneficial for you in a many of ways and of manners. The matter of the happiness can be made out of everything being positive, what is present as the fondamental bricks for it. If you nurture the Positiveness in you, it is capable to give a big ameliorations to your existence. Also, this can reduce all of the present negativeness by the fullness itself, as the positive can replace the negative. So note this with the importance.

After the time when the storms come, the time of the calm begins and then, there is the sun which shines bright again. So well, the pain has the certain property to be healed and here, the Hope is a powerful cure, what brings you help as morally. It also gives you a fair resource to advance. The price of the Hope is great indeed, so keep it in you and expect for a positive to arrive in the course of the upcoming time.

A good spiritual practice is being well for you, by all of those times, so thus a quantity of the meditations to do is to be recommended, what also will allow to you to set willingly a positive goals to attain, as meditations may have a great effect through practicing them, bringing very much of relaxing, quietness and mind concentration. That is a way to get a more of the spiritual advancement, as if when you seek this or need to continue your progression of gaining it. Also, the meditation has a powerful appeasing effect and can be an utile help for you, but its spiritual power is very huge and can be useful for you from much of their sides.

But by the same, when and while you are being searching for the kinds of varieties of a bettering, as well as of an improvements in your life, fulfill every of your quests with the wish of a complete Positiveness being retained, which is, as either, by its nature, based on the integral constructiveness, what always can be used to diminish sizely and in a strong manner all of what is caring a destructiveness and a grief within, which are from a total adverse sense for it, but it, as even possible, can make vanish these. But also, it has a nicely large repairing ability. It also can let you rise your existant life potential to a more good level of it, because it is in a much likewise as a some sort of aid.

Manage that the wishings from your own aspirations could be done with a deep creed in your Hope. As a Hope is never being a failing. It isn't indeed a way to a failure, but brings you a lot of something what is well. So the choice to keep the positive in you gives to you, by its remaining, an ability to aliment your spiritual and moral inner powers, what are necessary for you to continue as fine all of your tasks, as much as getting aims and desires in your life and can repulse the negative in a much of a possible existant ways. This is like as when a brilliant ray of the Light meets a shadow and transmutes it thereby to a Light, so what is done by a whole presence of it as just, as with fulfilling its integral shape by itself and so this ray enlightens it to let it become, so rightly, a part of a complete and strong shiny Light, too. So then does a solid core of a positive, which dissolves the matter of a negative, making it disappear by a full transformational change, to remove a charge what is the total negativity being there and so replace it out from a Positiveness solely, to make afterwards the seed of which grow in a good manner. So then alike, you can cultivate the Positiveness in you, as its complete prosperity cannot find a high number of limitations. But these are so what the negativeness can encounter very frequently, what gets from its antagonistic, in a many points detrimental sort of character. Do know this.

May the best of the positive ever prevail over all of the negativity for everyone between from you. Wishing you a lot of Light and Love in your present and future!


I wish to say that you should meditate from time to time, as having a thought to attract healing et calmant peacefulness to your hearts, as well as to bring you new energies, which heal you, as like as a divine energy, soothing and giving cure. So just have a full remind of this.