24 February 2019

Message from the Sirian embassy co-workers on 16 February 2019

The Sirians know that you must pass through this time of changes and evolution beneath your proper evolution that is started for a while. Your evolving civilization is growing now. That means that the world is evolving with you. Each of you must know about that the evolution might bring you to the superior, new level of living and an expanded consciousness. This life of you was chosen to get you to the superior levels' consciousness, so the new, also more complex levels of existence and new dimensions are being unveiling. But to get to these new levels of being, you must to evolve in increasing your level of the spiritual consciousness and also being aware to the Light given to you by the highly evolved benevolent Beings with a much expanded consciousness. We agree with your need to evolve and are happy to help you with it. The Love in your heart is granting you the great high vibrational energies that you may use to communicate with us. Believe that we will help to your loving heart to evolve and thrive in this world.
The energies of this planetary world are being constantly cleared because your and our need in a good, healthy and high vibrations. This is made by the caring Light Forces, from which we are a part, to allow the transition to the much higher vibrational state of this planet Earth's world. The energies of Love that we and you are producing are helping to this world to evolve positively and don't slide down in its positive plan. Hope that you will understand us and rise in your vibrations to a pure positive level of existence.
Wish that Love and Light will remain with you and you will take a part in the task of the amelioration of this world to make it be better. Wonderful times are ahead, but all of us should take a part in helping to make these times arrive.
Channeled by: NaNiYa

Message from the ascended Master Sanat Kumara and from SaLuSa from Sirius on 9 February 2019

The Earth human people is now facing a new period in that's development way. I mean that you, in the present time, are going to discover the lot of mysteries in this universe. You should know that the Ascension is going on today and it's something real.
The living Beings of this planet are commonly feeling that the changes are done. This world is currently being modifying in itself. So the Humans see that they get to the disclosure about the different variations of the sentient Beings on this planet. Your family from the stars as well as from this planet is greeting you. They are the multidimensional Beings who are often benevolent and tend to help you with your growing up as newly aware civilization.
You are awakening to the true Light, of which I meant you have to understand the nature and which is the matter illuminating your spirit to allow you to develop highly with your spirit and your consciousness, so you can see clearly the nature of the steps to pass in order to rise spiritually. That is surely an amazing experience to perform.
We, as your galactic family are truly appreciating your efforts to be as well enlightened as us, and we are excited to cheer you between the members of our cosmic family.
The Love and the Light are your true beacons, of which you must to be profoundly aware. That is explained by that you need both of them maximally in your life path. Much more your vibrations are high much more you can thrive in your today's moment. So love more and give more of Light to anybody else, what will make you then enjoy the results of such a lifestyle.
The importance of Love in your life is great, so don't neglect this advice that is given to you. Your Love is making you be a better person and also being radiating that Love into the world around you. So others can have the chance to join the common great field of Love. Be happy and share happiness all around you.
Blessed be. That were the ascended Master Sanat Kumara as well as SaLuSa from Sirius.
Channeled by: NaNiYa

Message from the ascended Master Sanat Kumara on 29 January 2019

The times had arrived for you to reach the level of the ascended Beings, so you will know that you are the soul which has found the way to become the One who is a Being which can see another manifestations of this world that the persons who are not knowing about that cannot see. Your life is an amazing thing which will give you the chance to take the winning of the struggle for getting the new level of consciousness. The world around us is full of amazing features which will bring you to discover your properties that you haven't already know. But they really exist, so you will discover the life in beyond your previous state of consciousness. You will found that you are able to do something incredible. There are the miracles of this world that ever exist, but the eye of a person who hasn't been iniciated to the levels of consciousness in beyond what the people looking from the level of 3rd dimension's consciousness can barely see.
You must see that the level of consciousness while growing is getting higher and higher, so you can help yourself by thinking that you can achieve this really. But to do this you must modify your vision of the world in which you live. You must know that this world is not only what your three-dimensional state of your mind can see. So understand that this world is an enormous multidimensional structure from which you can currently see only a small part.
That all is due because of your 3rd world level's limited area of consciousness. By progressing in the spiritual development you will discover the new possibilities for you to explore the different levels of the world in which you live. You will be totally amazed. This world is much more in beyond the senses of a person who is restricted by one's principal human senses which are in use by this One.
So have a great trip of discoveries ahead! You lifetime is worth it. This was the ascended Master Sanat Kumara. Have a good time ahead!
Channeled by: NaNiYa

Message from the Sirian embassy workers on 24 January 2019

Dear Humans of this planet, you may know that we are the Ones who want to help you with your own development. We are your guides and your helpers. You must know that we are your parent civilization and we want to help you to join us as the allies and the members of our Galactic Federation of Light. You need to join us as your family of the stars. And you need to change your attitude against the much kinds of aliens, knowing that we are your friends and not a destructors. Our valors are the creed in Love and in Light, also in Joy and the happiness for each of us and for you too. The Love might save you as a civilization from destructiveness and self-destruction. So, believe in this.
The Light will illiminate your mind and make you grow spiritually, also it is an energy which feeds your heart and soul. Being enlightened will bring you to an another level of living. It means that you will be changed totally while your spirit is growing in its development way. But these changes are positive. They will bring you new horizons to explore, very amazing ones!
Our loving civilization greets you as our much loved siblings. Many times ago, we were also faced to the sames development problems. But now, when we passed this, we becomed a higly advanced civilization in the space. So, we send you our Love and Light, hoping that we will be reunited with you, dear friends of us! We will help you with your developmental problems and struggles. And when you will be sufficiently developed, we will show up ourselves to you. This will be great and happy encounter, really much of Joy for you and us! We bless you! We wish you much of chance and lot of good accomplishements!
Channeled by: NaNiYa

Message from the ascended Master Sanat Kumara on 18 January 2019

Many of you are tired of the bad emotions and feelings. This is because you don't make any tries to reach the level of the happiness and there is some things to tell about this. You must now know that you have to change yourself at much points. That is many things that you have to review in your life. You must understand that you have to remove the bad habits from your thoughts. So, you must start by forgetting the evil thoughts, but also the nasty thoughts and stop having the bad ideas of sadness. This is not so difficult. By realizing your wish to become a high vibrational One, you must fulfill your heart with a good intentions. So, think about happiness and welfare for everyone and not for only you alone. But also, you have to change your mind's ideas that consists to go positive minded. And throw away all the bad negative thoughts. So, like this you will take the possibility to stay in the positive vibrations. That means you will become a One who understands the true purpose of living, that can be understood as seeking the most high vibrations and escape from the dark energies. The universal Love and happiness are the most great purpose of your lives. That explains you many things about the true Oneness with everyone that you can establish as a happy and good Beings. Someone of you think that bad emotions are something good, but falls into an error. The hatred and the sadness are truly bad and destructive. So, make sure you get rid of them.
Fulfill your heart with Love and then, search joy and happiness. That is not so difficult. You must become a happy and good Being, so you can help the other Ones to be happy too. 
You must know that Love is something fundamental in your life. You have a great opportunity to find this real aim of your life. Because you are endowed with this feeling, you should make a great use of this. Love much and more, while starting by loving yourself and just after, the others.
I wish you a great time ahead. That was the ascended Master Sanat Kumara. The good shall be ever remaining with you!
Channeled by: NaNiYa

Message from the ascended Master Sanat Kumara on 18 January 2019

Many of you are tired of the bad emotions and feelings. This is because you don't make any tries to reach the level of the happiness and there is some things to tell about this. You must now know that you have to change yourself at much points. That is many things that you have to review in your life. You must understand that you have to remove the bad habits from your thoughts. So, you must start by forgetting the evil thoughts, but also the nasty thoughts and stop having the bad ideas of sadness. This is not so difficult. By realizing your wish to become a high vibrational One, you must fulfill your heart with a good intentions. So, think about happiness and welfare for everyone and not for only you alone. But also, you have to change your mind's ideas that consists to go positive minded. And throw away all the bad negative thoughts. So, like this you will take the possibility to stay in the positive vibrations. That means you will become a One who understands the true purpose of living, that can be understood as seeking the most high vibrations and escape from the dark energies. The universal Love and happiness are the most great purpose of your lives. That explains you many things about the true Oneness with everyone that you can establish as a happy and good Beings. Someone of you think that bad emotions are something good, but falls into an error. The hatred and the sadness are truly bad and destructive. So, make sure you get rid of them.
Fulfill your heart with Love and then, search joy and happiness. That is not so difficult. You must become a happy and good Being, so you can help the other Ones to be happy too.
You must know that Love is something fundamental in your life. You have a great opportunity to find this real aim of your life. Because you are endowed with this feeling, you should make a great use of this. Love much and more, while starting by loving yourself and just after, the others.
I wish you a great time ahead. That was the ascended Master Sanat Kumara. The good shall be ever remaining with you!
Channeled by: NaNiYa