18 July 2020

A message for healing from NaNiYa and Sirian healing helpers collective on 12 July 2020

When the difficult times come, never disable your own optimism, but mind to throw away any from all of the ideas of the pessimism. Because the pessimistic thoughts shade much all of your perception of the surrounding world, adding a bad or dull taint, to your personal view look. The pessimism also nourishes the negativeness inside your mindset, so what gives a growth to a bad emotions, such as sadness, worrying, inner discomfort in your feelings, excesses of anger, annoying to your calmness and to a quietness inside of you. It else gives someway a power to the anguish and other nefarious states of thoughts in your conscience. Don't focus yourself on a negativism in you, because, as like ever, it spoils your day, fixing your ideas flow on a negative things, what by themselves can occupy your spirit a lot, making it so forget a pretty parts of your life's passing time. But the optimism inversely makes you see your life in a bright, vivid and a more good coloration, showing it's actual full beauty, a which was mostly ignored by your eyes, as like seen with taking, for as usual, a not optimistic kind of your outlook on life. It, as also aliments all of the hopes and gives a help to feel a better emotions, making, by as well, fade all of the which ones, that are belonging to the negative sort, as like themselves, but prompts you to feel the best ones.

So ever see everything from a positive side and with an optimistic viewpoint, because that is very valuable morally and also, the such safeguards you from falling into a negative mind states. Essentially, the optimism, as when being present in your way of thinking, helps you to keep an extra mental energy, as protecting it from being consumed by a negative ideas. Even, as when the times come difficult, the optimistic mindset orientation will give you a supplementary psychic resources, letting you to get out of these episods of your life more easily. Its another valorous property is, as well, as like to be able to free you from a naughty and pathetic mental disposition and can rapidly enough, as like as in a quantity of time, liberate you from a heavy negative emotional charge, as while when a such one of a sort, in an actual fact, is getting pervading your head, less or more intensely.

Alsoly, the action of making the choice to be everytime thinking optimistically, will considerably help to you, as by its capacity of a not letting allow the dark detrimental negativeness to fill out your heart and, samely alike, your mind, at while when it is being coming to you and therefore, is being touching you, so then the which occurence can emerge in a many of different ways, that could be existent. This is being, then, the something what, that remains still, as being a lot despicable in its integral essence and is being, so well, the what, which comes off from of the negatively sided and pessimistic orientation kind of a moral and psychic aspects, as in the full, general principle of its complete nature, as thus hence, the what to distinguish, as for you. So take your look on that and consider these present negative features, the what give you pretty well nothing of the really positive, as to receive from them.

To chute down into a negative mode of mind, as well as to make the perceiving of your life to be based negatively, should be although a poor choice, having several disadvantages. It is due to deficiency of a positive instants, as staying difficult to create and to feel, by so, as whilst having a thoughts blocked in their negative form. As well as this, a lack of a beautifully cheerful states of a mood, which apparition and, by a what, a presence are correlating, only with a not negative conciousness condition, what begins when its disposition is set on a withdrawal of the inner negativeness, in the occasions, when it rules your thoughts, so a what is like, as certainly, a problem, that requires to become solved and maybe, has to be removed consciently, as with the purpose to free your conscience from it, as likely as fully. And then also, your emotions are having a genuine need to be fed by a positiveness, which should be desired, as a solidly remaining in you and as a more, being overtaking, prevalently, all inside your mind. That is a what is neccessary to keep them well. A negativeness affecting your conciousness carries within an amount of a bad states for it, so be aware of this. So keep your brain free from this, as the pessimism and the negativity both are going together, by the similarity of their kind and the both possess a heavy negative imprint that their energies bring, as within them. The sort of these energies, as in effect, is that which is very low, densely aggregated and belongs to a dark variety of the existing energetic categories. The negativeness may be pushed away from your whole thinking way, as with aim to make place for a better feelings and emotions type.

However, what is being important, this is a somewhat of a sort, that is being capable, to entangle you in a strong manner with, as what is that's relative product, as like being created by it, so which is, by that, an integral ensemble of a feelings, all the which being bearing the negative. These, as themselves, as a so, will tend to make a big roots in your real living conciousness and then to hook on, as inside it, so getting a place innerly to it and as from that, tainting darkly your mood, making it become worser and so as well, are much considerably being able to mess up your existential joy, giving you to experience a palette of a negative emotions, the which then can install themselves, as so, with an eventual forecast to stay permanently, in your proper mindset. So, that is being a what happens in a most large number of cases, as while when you give to that an allowance from your own personal part. That should be a bad choice to permit them to dominate over your mind. The pessimism makes more intense all of your sadness or other gloomy sentiments, that you may have and it immerses you into the negative, as like as in a dusky and dense cloud, what puts a shadow to cover with a grayish hue your complete and sustained life sight. It even can make increase your pain, the what you may have. So stay optimistic and search for the positive kinds of joy, without any parts of the negativeness in them. Because that will give you a significant boost to be more happy and will give you to enjoy your live in a deeper and better way. And doing this will give support to your wellbeing, as in a result, permitting its true improvement.

We send you a lot of blessings for healing, wishing you a healthiness and joy, from our assembled collective hearts. So may these blessings follow you everywhere and in all of the times, without quitting you. May the health come upon you and so then, increase in you, as what is our kind wish. Never feel alone, because a guarding presence is everytime here to assist you and give you a guidance for a seek of the best.

NaNiYa and Sirian healing helpers collective

A message for healing by NaNiYa made on 10 May 2020

In these times of the coronavirus disease, do not get desperate, but search for the positive, as the life has ever its hidden beauties to see, coming visible in the times what follow the bad ones, but it is not only as such, because they are being here even in the worst varieties of times, so seek them everytime. To tell you, the positive has ever a capacity to be restored. Do not drown fully into the negative, as in a kind of a swamp. The negativity in the mind harms you even in a small ways, don't get used to contain it in yourself and do not permit it to grow much in you, as it is what is like as collecting a lot and a more of its quantity, so what will be like to take a heavy weight to bear, which is able to get even more denser from itself, what all is being for real inutile, but remains as bitter to carry.

Do not hesitate to build a full and persistent good state of a Positivity in your mind of yourself and expand then its lasting to your whole life, as that is what which will never be something to regret in the moments which have to come after. But this will be beneficial for you in a many of ways and of manners. The matter of the happiness can be made out of everything being positive, what is present as the fondamental bricks for it. If you nurture the Positiveness in you, it is capable to give a big ameliorations to your existence. Also, this can reduce all of the present negativeness by the fullness of itself, as the positive can replace the negative. So note this with the importance.

After the time when the storms come, the time of the calm begins and then, there is the sun which shines bright again. So well, the pain has the certain property to be healed and here, the Hope is a powerful cure, what brings you help as morally. It also gives you a fair resource to advance. The price of the Hope is totally great indeed, so keep it in you and expect for a positive to arrive in the course of the upcoming time.

A good spiritual practice is being well for you, by all of those times, so thus a quantity of the meditations to do has to be recommended, what also will allow to you to set willingly a positive goals to attain, as meditations may have a great effect through practicing them, bringing very much of the relaxing, quietness and mind concentration. That is a way to get a more of the spiritual advancement, as if when you seek this or need to continue your progression of gaining it. Also, the meditation has a powerful appeasing effect and can be an utile help for you, as its spiritual power is very huge and can be useful for you from much of its numerous sides.

But by the same, when and while you are being searching for the kinds of varieties of a bettering, as well as of an improvements in your life, fulfill every of your quests with the wish of a complete Positiveness being retained, which is, as either, by its nature, based on the integral constructiveness, what always can be used to diminish sizely and in a strong manner all of what is caring a destructiveness and a grief within, which are from a total adverse sense for it, but it, as even possible, can make vanish these. So also, it has a prettily large repairing ability. It also can let you rise your existant life potential to a more good level of it, because it is in a much likewise as a some sort of aid.

Manage so, that the wishings from your own aspirations could be done with a deep creed in your Hope. As a Hope is never being a failing. It isn't indeed a way to a failure, but brings you a lot of something what is well. So the choice to keep the positive in you gives to you, by its remaining, an ability to aliment your spiritual and moral inner powers, what are necessary for you to continue, as fine, all of your tasks, as much as it is helpful with getting aims and offers you the energy to realize goodly the desires in your life and can repulse the negative in a much of a possible existant ways. This is like as when a brilliant ray of the Light meets a shadow and transmutes it thereby to a Light, so what is done by a whole presence of it, as just, as with fulfilling its integral shape in its form by itself. And as so this ray enlightens it, to let it become, so rightly, a part of a complete and strong shiny Light, too. So then does a solid core of a positive, which dissolves the matter of a negative, as so, making it disappear by a full transformational change, to remove a bad charge, what is the total negativity, being there present and so replace it out from a Positiveness solely, to make afterwards the seed of which grow in a good manner.

So by a full means, you can cultivate the Positivity in you, as you can do, as by your personal will, make it grow to gain its size, as its complete prosperity cannot find a high number of limitations. But these are actually being of a precisely especial kind, like as so what the negativeness can encounter very frequently, what gets from its whole antagonistic, as a lot unpositive and in a many points detrimental sort of character. Also, the positive has a tendency of healing, so then the negative prevails in harming or damaging. Only the Positivity needs no harm of any of a kinds and also nature, as while it is growing and expanding itself. The negativity isn't the same, because the substance of it can be nourished from a lower sorts of energies, which are harsh and gloomy. A positive mind state heals you as morally. But such as alike the negative is, as while it gets and resides in you, it steals your vital forces or energy, making so them be lost for you. If you let yourself try to feel that, as more finely and with a special attention, you can discover that the negativity takes off a quantity of portions from the energetic consistant All, that you have within your alive embodiment, as a which of you. That is what is a constant particularity to remain. Do know this.

So don't let the negative occupy your inner side, but think to add up the Positiveness, as through inside your days and their time. Its total amount isn't to be limited. But more it is big, as in its measure, so more this will be nice, as it is, for true, one of a keys to the joy and well-being. So consider this importantly.

May the best of the positive ever prevail over all of the negativity for everyone between from you. Wishing you a lot of Light and Love in your present and future!

May an infinite number of the Blessings get upon on all of who are now sick and need Healing, as well as the Light in its healing Rays, may it help you to recover from illnesses and pain, but so well the Love, may it soothe all kinds of the suffering and release your minds from sadness and from worrying. May the Positive thoughts offer you Hope and remove the Negativity, as from a core of your hearts, but as also make your mind free of it, as from an unhelpful matter able of destroying your optimistic ideas.

As the Earth, but as also much, the Humanity on her, all need a healing as a lot, there is an importance to send thus Blessings, Love and Energies of Light which have the power to heal and need to expand such a property of themselves, what is repairing and so has to go widely all upon of the living Humankind, but samely have to be sent to give help to this amazing and beautiful planet, which is for all of time alike the Mother for the people existing on her and which gives nicely her own spacious cosy ground to host it on, but then also nurtures it from her soil and makes it to feel and be well from her extremely rich given gifts what her inner homeworld generates and offers everytime, entirely being of a great beauty and bringing the best of their full kind.

And so then I send those from me, but many and any from you can do this too.


A message for healing by NaNiYa made on 12/04/2020

In these times of the coronavirus disease, do not get desperate, but search for the positive, as the life has ever its hidden beauties to see, coming visible in the times what follow the bad ones, but it is not only as such, because they are being here even in the worst varieties of times, so seek them everytime. To tell you, the positive has ever a capacity to be restored. Do not drown fully into the negative, as in a kind of a swamp. The negativity in the mind harms you even in a small ways, don't get used to contain it in yourself and do not permit it to grow much in you, as it is what is like as collecting a lot and a more of its quantity, so what will be like to take a heavy weight to bear, which is able to get even more denser from itself, what all is being for real inutile, but remains as bitter to carry.

Do not hesitate to build a full and persistent good state of a Positivity in your mind of yourself and expand then its lasting to your whole life, as that is what which will never be something to regret in the moments which have to come after. But this will be beneficial for you in a many of ways and of manners. The matter of the happiness can be made out of everything being positive, what is present as the fondamental bricks for it. If you nurture the Positiveness in you, it is capable to give a big ameliorations to your existence. Also, this can reduce all of the present negativeness by the fullness itself, as the positive can replace the negative. So note this with the importance.

After the time when the storms come, the time of the calm begins and then, there is the sun which shines bright again. So well, the pain has the certain property to be healed and here, the Hope is a powerful cure, what brings you help as morally. It also gives you a fair resource to advance. The price of the Hope is great indeed, so keep it in you and expect for a positive to arrive in the course of the upcoming time.

A good spiritual practice is being well for you, by all of those times, so thus a quantity of the meditations to do is to be recommended, what also will allow to you to set willingly a positive goals to attain, as meditations may have a great effect through practicing them, bringing very much of relaxing, quietness and mind concentration. That is a way to get a more of the spiritual advancement, as if when you seek this or need to continue your progression of gaining it. Also, the meditation has a powerful appeasing effect and can be an utile help for you, but its spiritual power is very huge and can be useful for you from much of their sides.

But by the same, when and while you are being searching for the kinds of varieties of a bettering, as well as of an improvements in your life, fulfill every of your quests with the wish of a complete Positiveness being retained, which is, as either, by its nature, based on the integral constructiveness, what always can be used to diminish sizely and in a strong manner all of what is caring a destructiveness and a grief within, which are from a total adverse sense for it, but it, as even possible, can make vanish these. But also, it has a nicely large repairing ability. It also can let you rise your existant life potential to a more good level of it, because it is in a much likewise as a some sort of aid.

Manage that the wishings from your own aspirations could be done with a deep creed in your Hope. As a Hope is never being a failing. It isn't indeed a way to a failure, but brings you a lot of something what is well. So the choice to keep the positive in you gives to you, by its remaining, an ability to aliment your spiritual and moral inner powers, what are necessary for you to continue as fine all of your tasks, as much as getting aims and desires in your life and can repulse the negative in a much of a possible existant ways. This is like as when a brilliant ray of the Light meets a shadow and transmutes it thereby to a Light, so what is done by a whole presence of it as just, as with fulfilling its integral shape by itself and so this ray enlightens it to let it become, so rightly, a part of a complete and strong shiny Light, too. So then does a solid core of a positive, which dissolves the matter of a negative, making it disappear by a full transformational change, to remove a charge what is the total negativity being there and so replace it out from a Positiveness solely, to make afterwards the seed of which grow in a good manner. So then alike, you can cultivate the Positiveness in you, as its complete prosperity cannot find a high number of limitations. But these are so what the negativeness can encounter very frequently, what gets from its antagonistic, in a many points detrimental sort of character. Do know this.

May the best of the positive ever prevail over all of the negativity for everyone between from you. Wishing you a lot of Light and Love in your present and future!


I wish to say that you should meditate from time to time, as having a thought to attract healing et calmant peacefulness to your hearts, as well as to bring you new energies, which heal you, as like as a divine energy, soothing and giving cure. So just have a full remind of this.

4 February 2020

Message from the Sirian embassy co-workers on 3 February 2020

Dear Children of us! We brought good news to you all. Our collective of allied star Beings sees now that you are near of a time, where a discovery of us has to come. There is nothing frightening, as we were occupied to safeguard and protect you as the earthly Humankind, as very precious for us, looking over you greatly for a while, but as now comes, our communication is tightening progressively itself. By times, our assistance wasn't maybe perceivable for a huge part of you. But it existed indeed. Much of loving hearts were watching you, as in a thought to provide you a careful protection, in many sorts of forms and in a lot of ways what were possible. This Love which is getting out from our very hearts has to be indeed manifested upon all of you, as a great special energy giveaway, what is also being based benevolently, designed to give heartful rejoicing, to heal by it, to contain varieties of existant fluent energies softly in their positive flow form, to soothe pains in much states by it's capacity of dissolving of these and can even save, as it is helpful by its matter of nature, but also well, as it is capable to fulfill all that is with it, to nourish and to maintain carefully and goodly every from between of a touched by its energy hearts in a fullest state of a best kind, as in a wish of flourishing, as it is sent in a mental way for all of the earthly men and women. Meantime, it is for true giving a real physical impact, as it is remaining not only as a something sentimentally made in its core, but also has a strong energetical valor by the same. Such an energies in their total, to all which the Love is a creative base, are supportive by themselves, bringing all varieties of appeasing, recreational, comforting and of solidifying value, as remaining never destructive by their inner nature. They strongly aliment in depth the spiritual resources which are being hold by the inside of any of you like of an alive Being. So well, they can enhance energetically the Soul of a One or a Ones, that you are all, wholely living like as individuals or collectivities, by bringing to you all it's pure energies, like as being properly feeding a heart which you possess with a crystalline form of the energy substance what the Love carries, as it can fill smoothly by itself all of a complete substance from which you are made. It is thus effectively elevating of its temporary present vibrational level of your existing mind and body, but in the same state of time, they improve basically the constant remaining level of vibrations that you bear, as these are being an attribute of your own energies, as so making them be higher even as more. The wide rays of our unconditional Love are sent to meet thereafter with your Soul living flame, from which you are a sentient incarnated spirit in living, coming within an existential embodiment as a part of Humanity, as being taking a physical form. They are being sent meaningly, to all of the Earth's surface, as well as to the whole body of this life guarding planet, as a powerful supply destined to have a sustaining role and give positive changes.

Also, our Light is sent, as coming as an energy of a strong capability, but in the same instants, which is taking a meeting with our energies of Love, both endly having an acting role. The Light is transmuting, cleansing by its whole power, holding a higher variants of energetical types, because of its corresponding to them total profound thorough essence. It is giving a feeding support to all life impulse in much of its states, as being giving to that its own expandable energies, as a whole part of a special sustaining existence force and also a protection giving what comes from its pure inner sense of matter and a large metaphysical abilities which it is possessing, as in a complete way. By its high vibrational pitch imprint of energy, it is able to transform the forms of low energies in their solid core, as to modify it drastically, as directing to change their vibrational level to an increasingly elevated one, what gives to it the constant propriety of changing of the dark to the Light and so gives an energy to start the improvement of all what it touches, nurtures all of a concrete substance of a concerned energetical metamorphosis, what is paired with important ameliorations, but not at all with any of possibilities of degradation. That is an energy of abundance what also heals, so like the Love does and as therewith goes together with it. The Light, as while it persists, it expands also by itself, as its main kind of thing permits fully that. When a beam of Light is meeting an another, then their flow comes stronger, as a fusion is done there. As once being set, the Light may grow rapidly and gets by it all of substantial kinds what are taken covered by it. It is feeding the Enlightenment, as being it base material, what allows this process to be made. The rich matter of the Light have a great virtues, as being all subsistant on the multidimensional planes, giving a living force to infinitely much of a variants of life, by the gathering and use of it, what is performed by them, what gives to them the correct fuel to thrive in its mighty rays falling upon them, even when coming in small quantities.

This planetary world was chosen to host you in life for a real reason to make you be a more prosperous as possible, as a sibling civilization what we created. Such means that a cosmic Parenthood was established in every kinds of time, make of you our Children to protect thereby and by the way of so, to help you by a while, to advance far in many varieties of cases and of your needings. That is a task what needs to be done in a large amount of manners and with a perpetual appliance of careful gentleness, as we primaly wish only kinds of the best for you, as Ones. Our care increases for today even more and by the same time, we act mainly to prove you that you weren't forgotten from our minds. By this moment, we precisely remark for today, that your passage through a transient present times comes straight in a true reason and, by the same way, you encounter some adjacent present difficulties to pass along the timelapse of a new changes, as a future will let you get straight to the Age of a great abundance which has to come for you, as is merited.

This mostly signify, that our attention to your existence is high and from that, we involve a numerous possible actions of aid to be done as a helpful assistance from us. Presently, we have to offer you to rectify, with a sense of an improvement and as from time to time, a precise moves of your actions, as of the Humanity as likely of a growing cosmic civilization, to complete so fluently this progression on this planet by a collaborative workout projects to be performed by you and us simultaneously, as to redact some precise parts of your current moving forward evolution which are pertaining to be, in a certain matter, likewise as risky for the existant global planetary welfare structure, but which are, however, an inclusive part of your today's progress of advancement as your life evolves more and more. So, this is what will be coming with your acceptance to receive our help in a such of sort. Rightly, the consistent and a most possible smooth manner of your transition towards the New Era of life concerns us as a very intensely, as it brings in the totality a New Age, to thrive in prosperity and to enjoy richly, as it is ready to come. As you should consider, a big scale Guidance has to be done today and furtherly more by the largely full side of us, but in a same way, that will be an offer made openly by us, as we won't stay hided for this, as that we propose you a certain kind of an addressed help what concerns your progression in movements on that road that you took to advance on.

This is something what also importantly speaks about the real contact construction to be build up equally by you, as well as by us. We have a deeply respecting approach what concerns to communicate with you, bringing to your material preview an in the totality positive type of conscient echange between both of parts, as creating a whole relationship, which have to be based on the entirely pacific and well based intentions, which stands thus to be established as a link reuniting you, in a full terms of its sense and too, all of us, who are acting as a whole unitedly. Then these ties should be in a many ways welded even more, to get our rapprochement more and more complete in proceeding a work of adjustment. That will be for you a discovery of a most vast kind, as we, as the alien representatives, will make you, in a final future, but which arrives soon, see ourselves in person and permit to introduce a facts about our life in your existence. So then, this will also create a great number of an exciting instants for you to live, in a lot of ways. But all fears should be nonexistant, as we come in peace and not with violence towards you, only with a pure friendliness and with the unconditional parent love. All the kinds of preparatives for that capital event, as to make it get realized, are coming to a final stade before a culminant cosmic reunion, as it gets near with the time for you all.

A great Awakening of the Humanity has started within this now century, which is also your today present, and so runs straight as its evolution comes to a such capital point. So we, as well as our allied Light Command of the enlightened extraterrestrial civilizations come to greet your total growing Humankind, as it passes to this special stage of the conciousness and of the awareness rise, exactly and samely as like as we had ourselves already experienced as anciently and also, similarly, as like a types of the evolutional lapses, but what was of a pastly kind for us and passed in the times of a long epochs ago. All of your spirituality is concerned too by an arrival of a sequence of a positive founded changes, as getting more advanced. As this rich development of the Human of Earth or Gaia occurs nowadays, it is moving on in a constant pace, what shall be represented just like as a child gets towards the ones adult stage with time, not in a sole day, but progressively, so by that we act with concrete wisdom to make this ongoing growth be made in a most unharmful way. So our assistance is brought constantly to your help. Such means that we care largely about you, as alike about of a joined collective of the Humans on this planet, as well as about you, as alike of a whole separate individuals, one by one, being meaningfully its parts of value, who are of great price for us. We open wide our arms to cheer you, as a best times have to come, leading by while to a culminative retrieval, which has to arrive futurely. The Love and Light, willingly given to you from us, are massively sent all the time by us, acting much on energetical level, but not only in this substance, but also spiritually, with a physical imprint, to give you a positive support at everywhere you may be placed. Our energies are sent to your inner world on this beautiful planet Gaia, to fulfill it entirely by their strong healing field, bringing resources to the best of your Souls and to all of the integrity to your alive planetary universe from which you stay a living dweller, but also a sentient element.

The meeting with us is so having to come, as a time of a wait, which remains still before it, goes away as it flows, currently shortening itself, so our Souls and yours may take a beautiful bliss of all of the good moments, that it will generate when it will arrive, with the profound joy that it will create. By that, the end happiness to meet with you augments strong from a such meaning, in a constant rise, as the precious moment approaches. All of this expectation makes us be infinitely glad, what is felt with all of the Love, that such a retrieval emanates by itself through the inside of the hearts of us, as a bright spark alimenting warmth in them, so as does a gentle fire, which is warming by itself. This Love, in all of its vastness, that we feel towards you, is ever present, coming to you from us, as we are loving you. We have to tell you with importance that we are really the space Creator Parents of you, the living Human race on the Earth, as who we are being to you in a pure state of existence, talking to you now through this message. We are aiming to bring this fondamental truth to you, talking in a present means about you and ourselves.

We are the Sirian embassy co-workers, coming with a strong will of creating a sincerely positive manners of the contact and with a peaceful desire to start, thereafter, as getting together, the changes of a good kind to pass through in the best of an existing ways, with following an uniquely taken mode which stays to elaborate a gentle, pacifical and prosperous model of the envisaged communication and the coexistence, as our two full existing worlds touch themselves with a most high variety of positive expectancies from our part, that we want to make real in the lives of you and of us, as your whole life path, as the one of the living Souls, present combined as the integral Humanity, on its continuity comes to join itself with the ours. So today, you are discovering that the precedent limits of your world get down, giving an opening to a largeness of the magnificent space in beyond the precedent frontiers for you, but which we know much well. So we firmly expect the most perfect of a greatest variants to arrive in a true way of their absolute being, in the response to our attendings. On that, we end this precise message from us to you, with our most kind sorts of souhaits, wanting the beginning of a most strong and positive rapprochement of our living realms, searching for a relationship of a total Peace and of a pure respect, all which coming in a positive form.

Channeled by: NaNiYa

Message from the Sirian embassy co-workers on 28 December 2019

As the Humanity moves in its development, the changes steadily go on. So this brings on a great number of changes concerning widely everyone from you, as taken within all degrees of life on this planet. By that, we need to say that we come progressively closer as existentially to you in these instants, so well more and more of knowledge about us is given to you, while the time passes in continuing mode for you, maining to let you understand the truth about our real existence, as in a final result. This is an exciting moment and the gladness felt about going to meet you grows a lot in our hearts. The preparation to make this moment happen is done in a gradual way, but that instant approaches without any kinds of stops which can ruin it. The positive energies are given into the realm of your living world, so you must know that they are sent from many varieties of places and also, ever from other dimensions, as there is a very large number of active, but compassionate Beings, coming in teams of many sorts, which are caring for you and are respecting you totally, as considering you for much as belonging to a full state of being a cosmic and closely related family to them. So it is what you are for us innerly, from our very sincere viewpoint. That fully means that we watch over you, like a guardians, appearing so, as staying as a protective multidimensional group of providing help keepers for every and each from between of you, as well for a simply individuals, so as for a collectivities, in over of all existing kinds of conditions and even in the times, in which this is not being remarked by you. We are around you even in the moments when you feel yourself alike to be wholly and solely separated from everything that brings help and likewise as distant from every Soul, so as this could be seen like as the only variant of truth by your mind, at times when it has the feeling to be strongly captured in the loneliness and in the whole multitude of instants of it. The support from the above of your world is everytime here, even if it looks small, like while when you think obviously like as being living as someone who is only and deeply alone, retained dominated by profound sorts of loneliness.

In meanwhile, as a decisively precise period is rightly coming, as like as you rise as a cosmic collective of Souls, what is the Humankind on this Earth in the today's present, we act therefore in the way which will allow us to make a last step to meet with it as full, in an open sort of manner, as having taken it integrally, as like it is the unique big wholeness made by all of you, as by the Ones who are actually living in this now, a much special time. From this point of view, we are seeing that you are coming into a timelapse of a great importance, as a time of massive upgrades is coming in the lives of you all, so well making wide changes what we want to see alike as being the best only and by then, we want to watch you become furtherly a cosmic civilization, same like as we are. Out of that, for you, there incomes the revealing of the real fact of that you are being getting nowadays indeed near to the encounter with your affectionate cosmic Parents who looked over you for a great time since from your very deep past. This soft attention had a start straight from the first moment of beginning, when you were born in a primaly time as like as the Humans of this Earth, as a new kind of richly sentient creatures in this embodiment form. Then after, we were watching you evolve further, till today, when we are coming right closer to finally show ourselves to you, as a sort of hiding barrier that shaded all the time by itself the vision of our exterior realm from your sight in a strong manner has to fall down in the present. We want to lift the big veil, which pertained your cosmic separation or as it could well be said, your existential sentient kind solitude, which was permanently giving you the impression of a lone existence of a Human and so well mantained rigidly the remaining of you inside of a continuous state of living locked in a limited world of this planet Earth's surface, as in the enclosed small living universe, what hided your real origins and their authentic nature. So we are coming now to be almost ready to show ourselves before your eyes, letting you know the final truth about us, what is now approaching to be very much closer in getting ready to be seen by you, as it becomes unhidden. So we are near to appear to your eyes in our real form, as like as we are a gently aimed union of Beings, as what we are in a true matter of way, for which you count so much, then also for which you are the object of care, so being loved constantly. As we come this time to make the open contact with you, some previous preparation for that must be done mainly, as being however necessary, made with care on the ground of the planet, as the people in its large part needs to get firstly prepared to not to see this event with scare and also, with bad perception.

We are speaking here in these times to make you know that all of your heavenly Creators or who are being the same, your cosmical life-giver Parents, are already feeling today that the moment has come for a special and principally fondamental retrieval that is bringing a numerous forms of changings, but has to be considered as a constitutive great leap for all of you, as like as the earthly Humanity in its whole state. But never see the oncoming changes, while they will take place, as likely to be of a scaring nature. The totally peaceful encounter is planned forth, as build up with friendliness. This meet up is, thus, the first one, so it is being a solely beginning one, but then that one will never be the last, what in its absolute all, should meantime mean a lot for you, as well as it means much for us. This will be an event of a profound positive sense, so we won't give you at all the inutile and nefarious need of being afraid inside your hearts about that raproaching meeting, but to consider it inversely good. Amidst all the means, we are everytime uniquely acting in a totally comprehensive and kind way, because as due, this end relationship is really of an enormous and beautiful valor for both of you and of us, but it is also because of that you, as a number of living sentient Ones, cost a lot for us. This today epoch will be a perfect point to build the allowance of realizing of a progressive form of contact, based on excepting each of kinds of negative sorts of foundation for it, what comes to be important for both of sides, but, thereafter, signify profoundly to give an amount of intense discoveries to you. So as, by these means, a genuine disclosure about our existence continues to advance, making itself to be evident to see, what is gradiently done by its progression. The connection of a cosmic range will form as a result, reuniting you with us. Therefore, we want to tighten this link even and ever more, to make it be then culminated by a live contact. That is incoming rightly, as your eyes come opened towards a cosmic reality and the quest started by you to know your true origins goes onwards to get the desired in a final steps. Effectively, your life world will become drastically enlarged, as like as the earthly Humankind has never seen before, but many beauties will be discovered by you in a such timelines, what will be going further onwards very rapidly, as getting advancing. So a public contact coming from our Galactic representatives, is envisaged to be made within a not so far by the terms of time.

As the time moves forward on the ground of the Earth, there is a growing number of your cosmic allies, such as being a part of our whole assembled collective of a multidimensional Galactic Souls, as remain united by the same will, who join our galactical community with aim of rightly and wisely work on physical and other dimensional plans. They, as it speaks about you, want afterwards to show you the best of types of the road to take, guiding you carefully across all important etaps to get in and to traverse through. The positive energies are added on this Earth, being consciently sent to there, more and more of times at once, so you experience the rise in vibrations, what couples with positive tones of matter, so the constant existant level of these grimps on a planetary level, what is the final kind of enabling movement for a shift, marking the new stage of the energetical growth within all of your Earth global existing alive world. As this occurs, you shouldn't have to get any possible of reasons of having fears. Meanwhile, as something progressive, it takes a precise and an almost big amount of time to be really achieved. Therefore, all of our efforts are applied to ensure that this event passes in a most sleek and unharmful sort of way, so it occupies a lot from between of us to perform a collective job about this, which is encompassing all of the necessary tasks about its completion as a whole and integrally. We are working to release away much of anchored kinds of suffering and destructiveness from your minds. We want to make you know that we, as a cosmic large group of enlightened Ones, remain endowed with rich wisdom and so, we are currently offering and doing now many variants of help, what concerns caringly many of our earthly helpers and allies, but also each of persons who come to us in a peaceful way or in a friendly seek. By while, we add that our job is concerning all the living Beings, as so the Humans are like, but also the other varieties of Beings, not only considered as highly sentient, but which come to be a part of your planetary nature habitants, as for example the animals, but samely, all of what surround you as a various forms of living creatures making a part of this motherly protected and nursing world of that planet Gaia, which you call Earth, which bears this inner world of your living sphere, hosting the life and its abundance on her planetary body. We address her much of respect as a cosmic Nurturer Mother, so we also tell you the important necessity to feel a lot of respect from your part for this planet which gives you a place to grow and also to prosper in. Her living biosphere contains an outstandingly large number of different varieties of life forms, which is your precious earthly heritage, but meanwhile makes this be a select world to see and to live inside of it, but also much as to be conserved forever, while being careful with its sustainable integrity, as a gift given to you, likely as a sort of kind offering, done to you with it's full state of bright magneficence, granted to you with a thought of care.

Our common and deeply increasing current existant need, about which we are talking today, is presenting itself as the genuine necessity to produce the entire restoration of the integrity of this blue and green planet, as making a complete cure to a beautiful world, which she is handling, designed to live and to thrive in great abundance which innerly includes the Humanity, as being living within, in the same time as while it is getting shifted to a new term of conciousness and awareness, as the capital changes and transformations are arriving, what carries you to a new type of living, very different of what you experienced before. There will be a gentle repairing action done from our part towards that planet. Also, as we are acting helpfully, but also caringly for the entirety of the Humanity, which passes by a most special stage, as a future and its approaching reality unveils to you, so different in its properties, which thereby show up, but also which were so much attended and anticipated, leading you to discover the space and of the traces which leads to find us. So then, a new Era will start, as bounds of your world expand, what we see as an end step to the culminant retrieval of you with us, guiding you to find the source of your origins. As the most important, we need to say that it is a time for the first kind of contact and of meeting with your Galactic family, as we are your cosmic parents, thus relatives, as we belong to the united alliance of your space Creators, which means basically genitors for you, dear earthly Human friends, making you know that you are our children in the space. So, there are ever a lot of kind allies for you, protecting you from behind, giving you Assistance and also Guidance, being ever present before the birth of your life as of each of you, seen as individually and of all of the total Humankind, but in much of ways keeping continuous our care about you.That has a start in in the very deep past, since the Humanity's time of creation. We was called by many names, such as angels, good spirits, Soul keepers, many spiritual guardians, positive helpers coming through your history since even in the times of its very start, providing you care and assistance, as it was needed. However, from a very ancient time which expires today, you stayed separated as a sentient species from other forms of the cosmic alive intelligent lifeforms and unable to access the realms existing in beyond a restrayed integral material plan of existence, due to the lost of complete c onnection between you and the higher dimensional worlds of existence, in which we dwell.

For a reason caused by the past time winning of a rule of a totally negative faction realm and its forces upon your terrestrial live ground by a sort unkind conquest, what was conceived mostly on a strongly adwerse types of constructive basements, rejecting the energies of a higher nature trying to getting through its substantial core, the Human Being on this planet has lost the connection with the highest dimensions of the real existence. So a reign of a dark ages was established. But ever by the time of these ages, there were the complete instants when a sometimes granted aid was provided from outer dimensional higher planes hosting the life of divine conciousness, as being donated in a kind way from behind and kinds of protection was given in important cases. But a separate state of existence pertained itself for almost all of the earthly Humans, as of Ones, who were living a life which was originally cut out from the source world of the sentient Creators of your birth, as of divine cosmical parents, remaining fully inaccessible, during an almost long time history concerning your living kind, what is about to end, as the present comes. So these times of domination get to a real term, as the temporal flow moves in its constant way. Thus, the Humanity regains step by step its divine and free state of nature. That is a point that we celebrate a much. The new arrival of divine, loving and pure high energies, comes deeply and fluently and so, as we come ready to find you finishing your big struggle to recover the spiritual gifts of the past, lost by the times of the past darkness, having as end the meet up with us, what we scheduled already, changing as gradually, but with kind of a softness all of your precedent views of this universe, which dissolute by their obsolescence.

The progressive moving forward to this event is now taking place. That is the fusion of our cosmic world with yours. It was meant to arrive, starting from the moment, which has to come, as you as the earthly Humanity is now touching the time of the conciousness Awakening, as the universe unfolds its wholeness and its real nature to you. This acts like a magnet to you and to us, leading to finally get in contact, as our worlds are getting closer, approaching to celebrate a culminating meeting. As the past time comes away, a cosmic separation state comes to its termination point, opening for you the portals of truth guiding you to a new dimension reality in its convergence with your space of life, which was previously staying limitedly closed, so what was established as the darkness coming from the big historical temporal segment of its puissant domination, which was keeping it as a ties for you, fades as being dissolved by the time and by our work to ensure the Light in its part as a vehicle of a positive knowledge, that we bring to you, completed together with the energies of constant Love, being sent from us to shine with kind grace upon all on this Earth's surface, as they are washing up the negativity of a lone period which presently flows away. The lock of a closed gate keeping the Humanity in a solitary state in this space of the universe world, is now broken and thus disappeared, what permitted to let our healing and transmuting powerful energy of Light pass through of it in an immense amount to fill from itself your existence in a world, that sees the ending dissolution of its previous barriers. This will be the start step in the new Era, as the times of the old Era will be left behind, so a New Age will flourish.

We know that you need some progressive and instructive adaptations, as what is regarding the passage to a new time evolutional grade, modificating largely your reality, as its full set of upgrades comes through your life, but residual number of sometime accurating achievement faint stops come to get our attentive profound work on and have a need to be timely resolved, while they are present without becoming altering, what is heavily due of what takes a root from the false fears and kinds of blocking received ideas of your mindset. However, their inutile sense is evident and their core foundation is poor. Also, these popping from time to time contrarieties will not make terminate or interrupt in any of ways the advancement to the contact of you and us, as well as the ensemble and unity of your whole evolutional precious acts of movement going forward, as our assistance is given to this all, because we care a lot about. It is all like a stream which smoothly goes on. There will be an existential shift, leading to an important changeover, which will help you to step into such an Age of a new kind and by a while, to find and see its abundant discoveries and the culminating final manifestation of the other forms of conscious life, coming real to your eyes, presenting themselves in a many varieties of appearances, living sentient, like as we all are. With an intelligent and wise approach to tell, we come there to help you to maintain your spiritual, metaphysic nature, technological, live amelioration and so more, as remaining in a state of fair progression, but in a same way to prevent your falling into a hole of degradation.

The multidimensional nature of the universe will then show up itself to you, opening you a bridge to a higher dimension of life. Thus, the uninterrupted progression moving in a still and straight direction, after being pushed rightly, but also correctly, going from its beginning stade and so leading towards the best of a kind in its integrity. That is a future making road to which you are today seeing yourself to be softly converged, as our careful help is added to make that all success. So there is a new checking level point that you need to reach, placed on that road, approaching greatly, as you are getting continously more and more near to it. That way's consistency in its entireness needs to be revealed as to be felt of a total importance, fondamental in its wholeness nature, but rich in impressive marvels, as it unwraps and unhides an another universe to your sight, which was remaining by the past as absolutely unseen to you. As what is being important, the main property of that road is that it is being based on the all positive only, what is its deep and solid foundation having to be kept everytime following it, but also stays as a very huge part of itself, as of a composite whole. As we look upon you, then we see that your continuing development brings you into that way, as offering you a step destined to be done, as a required final move, what is the completion of a long complex travel which arrives to its final point. Coming to this, we have to greet you, and cheer the new beginning which comes ahead. We have been with you for a while and along your multiple paths, but now, we are more and more present with you all, as you had come closer to know us and we get ready to give you to immerse in our large, but beautiful cosmic world, that then turns to be yours too.

So we leave you with our Light and Love, but we are intensely encouraging you for doing the best things, as we wish them to you. Ever focus on positive, on real kinds of good changes, as we bless you with that all. So never feel alone, as your full state of loneliness is not a real truth, but you are surrounded by benevolent presence, responding as you seek it, which is protective and comforting, coming with a variety of assistance, even if you think that you are lost and feel like as all is being completely wrong. The gift of a Hope is given to you, and Love is given to you as one of a keys to always remember this.

Channeled by: NaNiYa
This is some kind of a special picture that I had an idea to draw, so I did that, wanting to make a little thought.
Just do ever love this planet, as she gives you by herself a loveable home to dwell in, offering you her inside world to inhabit. So respect this Earth, as she is alike a Mother, providing you life!

Message from the Sirian embassy co-workers on 19 October 2019

We know that you have waited so long to see us and listen to us. But as this discovery is progressive, so well our Love remains strong with all of you, that turned ourselves today to search us. This culminant moment is now being approaching in your linear planetary time. Some of our allied and tightly united community are already in contact with certain of between you. They know and understand that we are being right now here and look on you kindly. However, a part of people is not today ready as absolutely to see us, so a completing preparation is done as being prevalently necessary. Many fears concerned the existence of extraterrestrials, but we are a benevolent community occupied by working about the time of approaching for a full contact with you, as a community of earthly living Souls, who need to make yourself steadily prepared for getting that final encounter with our large Galactic family of purely friendly and deeply evolved Souls.
This will sound as an awaited reunion for us, what will also resonate with the hearts of your own. See it all, by your eyes and also, feel that by your heart as the precisely one of a kind and fondamental event occurs. Its arrival is bringing evident by many hearty searchers of Light and actual space dreamers to only be true, as they find us, as while being seeking and discovering the uncovered reality, what as action got solicited from the both sides, but gets the unweiling gently due to not to destabilize too boldly the residual current vision of a limited conception of the living world, which was imagined and kept in mind before, by an ever very large part of you, like as being never knowing us, as we are alive as you are and our existence is total truth, but in a such times, you were staying unable from find it out, because of stagnant phase of separation which vanishes slowly today. As so, this discovery needs to pass in a mostly gradual way, dear earthly Humankind. We say that this will be maybe bringing a bunch of good varieties of changes to your lives and in a quantity of cases for your society on Earth. But that will be something to enjoy indeed. As your whole society evolves what is facticaly progressive, the wind of changement will touch you profoundly, but you will need to release all of your fears, as you need to advance, so the step to reaching the future as a new and much waste universe to be seen open is already engaged, flowing within this times of now. All of your positive hopes, choices and efforts are for real praised by us, your interdimensional Keepers and your true Protectors, which do exist in a very real way, so you have more a more of veritable explanations and revealed truth of what we really are. Your sense of freedom is gifted by our careful composite large command of cosmic and interplanetary Creators, so you can experience it samely in your lives, as well like as we all can. The perfect times are on the way to get much more closer, but samely our land assistant collective is bringing a precious kind of help for us and for much of our enlightened earthly allies, so well it is a deed of a great responsibility and also, high importance, but we are looking from there to view that nothing goes wrongly. Your level of conciousness rises, so then you come aware and get resoluted to feel that you are at a final point to get prepared to meet with us. So we are gladly seeing that a such wonderful instant will come and it inspires a lot of Joy for all, who wait it to arrive.
We send you a lot of Love and wishes for positive to come very strong within your hearts and minds, so a fully positive tide comes upon each of you. So many amidst you, thus need to feel it truly intense. We work to make it more and more enlarged, so it touches progressively more and more of you. Stay then assured about the kind of this event, as we exclude all parts of negativity to come interior between the integral lapse of this full process. Be reassured, your quest for discovering the presence of us was never being vain and a most attended discovery about our existence and a start for the present contact with our respectuous cosmic community of benevolent and caring Beings who have chosen the Light selected, coming from many places of the galaxy and who get here to make the previously fondational and also achieving movements to the first contact of a kind, what is today near. Much from us arrived here to give you a needed assistance. As the time progresses, this will be a last chord to be done before our real meeting, as your own ways intertwine presently so much with ours and this is just a good new, as a such changeant moments get closer. So the next stages of reality get straightly to you, being setting softly accessible to see, as your readiness is growing to be completed as well, to open widely your eyes to look.
So your Love, may it shine bright upon each of you together with the Light, being the greatly strong energies transforming the dark to a Light as a pure form. All your continuous hopes and actions for bringing the positive are entirely blessed in a many of times by us, as our presence increases, so by that, our healing assistance grows a lot. The Love always shows the way rightly. But know well that the dissmission of hope is deceiving in its totality, so think of this. Our presence, our Light and our Loving energies are guiding for you, so stay ever confident. You are loved from the beyond. Remember this and be totally blessed! We are the Sirian embassy co-workers greeting you today.
Channeled by: NaNiYa

Message from the Sirian embassy co-workers on 5 October 2019

The great moment that we all have waited for is now right being coming in your true life. Our energies of the strong cosmic Light and our pure Love are now anchoring deeply on this beloved Earth. This means that the necessary universal bond for all of the Humankind has to be made, allowing a real connection with its cosmic relatives which needs to be created, doing a genuine and permanent change for the entirety of the earthly Humanity. So, this has to be described as a very particular temporal segment to traverse completely, what needs having keeping, by a while, the road along of a full development coming in its many forms and in a total way represents its the most important and really awaited instant. It is being bringing the deep transformation and the bright upgrade by meanwhile concerning the most correct and shining trace to follow to get to the next level of reality. Also, simultaneously, as well as precisely at the same time, the degree of spirituality increasingly gets rise very strongly to open the great, but early closed veils to finally let you find the different states of the existence and of perception that never had been seen before by the eyes of your rapidly developing civilization on Earth and which was unable to be discovered till these precise times that come for today, which are arriving properly, as have being scheduled a long lapse ago.
Thereafter and presently, our wide community is using wisely the very own capacities and skills to bring you a part of assistance and positive guidance through this very precious period. Many Souls are coming in this present time there, as being feeling and perceiving firmly the need of giving you kinds of assistance, as alike you are doing the first steps towards the final reunion of you and of us, your universal Guides and your space family that is being reunited here to oversee gently and delicately all of your progressive moves and therefore, lead you in the right way, as while you make your capital steps to unveil your real future, but as a best kind of form of it, what we assuredly await to see. We understand your own need of assistance and it will come in a variety of ways, even likely as unknown to you. You are loved from beyond, so feel the comforting energies of that Love come upon you and fill you delicately while staying indeed present in the space all around you. This care concerns you a most, while you get awaken towards and through our messages of the genuine Love and of Peace. Our willingly offered and totally positive energies are healing, as well like as strongly appeasing, so take time to receive them, as they are sent kindly by a wide group of us and allow you in a much inviting way to incorporate them innerly in your whole heart and mind that you own.
Likewise, our assistance was in some manners more minor in the past time, it increases importantly in the time of now, allowing you to know even more about us, but also prepare you for the first contact, what will be an exciting and greatly important time to come and be a key one, what is surely a beautiful event for all of the earthly Souls community from which you are an entire part and which continues nowadays to make its constant and also needed, remaining as a planetary and so also a cosmic progress or growth, keeping naturally gaining ages and being what we can see straight in this real moment. We feel much of care for you and we are currently working about to help you to make your advancement be done in the really right manner, as being a sure and a permanent achievement of a huge trial which needs, to be a complete success after being made absolutely correct, what is a thing of must. Your spirituality will know a great advancemental move, while the wall which separated you from another realms and cosmic worlds will finally fall down, so the multidimensional reality will open its large gates to you. That will be a much desired encounter as like for you as such well it will be for us, who were your precedently the mostly invisible before Helpers and Guides remaining to the higher dimensions and the different spatial worlds, who then will greet you tenderly, as you pass inside of this instant of a decisive leap in your individual or commune growth, what concerns you as the members of a growing civilization on this Earth, getting as present able to meet its cosmic parents which will be the most amazing instant approaching to be realized, as the future goes quickly and still flows fast to you. Thus, this will be a changing point for all of your earthly progression, as of the Souls that are incarnated there for these so much special times of all. So in while, a lot of Ones are coming with a solid intention of bringing Light and all encompassing, very powerful and also unconditionally based Love to plant the more and more of seeds of both combined on the ground of this beauteous and living planet that is Earth being your cosmic nurturing Mother. We need to tell you that our defined collective task which necessitates to be done concerns an elaborated and precise plan which is speaking about to bring her healing and to help her, what however needs to be a shared work, having to be performed simultaneously by us and by you, as you are the growing, new civilization on that planet, getting to become thereafter a necessarily more and more planetary responsible kind of Humanity that indeed has to be, made amongst mostly progressively. It needs to be maken realized in a full way. This work will give you an amazing result and is of full importance.
In the all of moments, the search for positive is a point which is being capital for each of Ones, from who you all are. The importance of spirituality is, however, not to deny. The steps are numerous with that. These all steps has to be done to accomplish a full shift concerning your own embodiment of you as a living Soul and the act of passage of your spirituality to its next stage of existence. That is a big, but passionate task for all of us, as well like it should be to much between you. The planetary Ascension is a part of that processus which runs accurately inside your planetary world and is a culmination point for all of your spiritual progresses and stages of development on this a lot special and motherly nourishing planet named Earth or Gaia. Your own conciousness, thus, from this very defined time, will take a number of changes, but the related quest is such a what needs to be always oriented for the purest type of positive, which evolves to the more and more better of its forms. So our important work is being strongly concentrated on pertaining this growth and advancement to allow it to be done properly and be a perfect and great success. Much of you will discover the clear reality which concern the knowledge about our existence, so the hiding barrier of such an unknowable truth is progressively fading away. Our Joy is truly intense about what concerns to meet you in a final way, what is upcoming and what is going through the first contact done by help of our benevolent messengers and assistants, leading to the real encounter and lastly, a full existence accord with all of earthly Humanity and our large cosmic united star alliance which is being the Galactic Federation of Light from which we are a complete and total part and strongly associated responsible movers. Our support mainly grows on this Earth, so we are here for now getting ready for the final meeting with your entire Human collective living on her, what is nearby to become a full reality in your earthly lives.
So we encourage all of you, dear friends, to never let you innerly loose your heart, thinking of negative, but in every time pertain a solid hope for the good and for the real positive to arrive, ever knowing about that something great is getting to happen, so pertain each of your own efforts to make it happen, but know we also do, as we come to be a collective of Souls who work for the better. We are all the united forces who are aimed by the goals of the pristine Love in its perfect form and by the absolute bright Light of the All creation shining for the All of life, in its wholeness, through its complete transformation by its strong and much powerful energies of that Light, removing the darkness and replacing it totally, what all is being constantly taking volume. The benevolence is infinitely respected, honored and approved as a great care, as a so special act, what comes for every of us, in all of times.
The wonderful times are still having to come, as the New Age is here and the new Era starts, moving you straight into the future, which needs to be greatly anchored on positiveness, as an unique and fondamental basis and which opens for you the new rich horizons to discover and to see. Our gentle help will be every time seen for these precious moments of your reality, letting know that we are here for you, letting you evolve with us, as coexisting peacefully and harmoniously in the Love and in the Light. So keep yourself in a state of peace, research it and know that you can build it up. At the same time we ask you to be always strong, considerating your lifepath, but also be a someone insidely loving, as it is a most pure and a much elevated existentional state that you can get, thereby. This is what we recommend to you.
May only purely positive energies stay ever with you! We are the Sirian embassy co-workers and we bless you deeply.
Channeled by: NaNiYa

Message from the Ascended Master Sanat Kumara and Lady Master Venus on 11 August 2019

Your hearts are now being opened for the new and expand more and more as your conciousness rises, so you feel that your heart is now guiding you. That is a great deal for you to assume, but we are here in these times coming to show you the right and the best ways to take, so don't fear us as we are gently working about to help you through these precise instants to provide you a needed help and attunement on the right energies. For all of us, this Age is a perfect time lap and from that, the chosen one to start a progressive shift of a global conciousness of the Humankind to a higher levels of existence what are correspondent with the vibrational increasing what does come inside the whole earthly living space. The Love we bring with us, willing to make it manifest through your entire society is of a really great size, so then we make it shine a lot more bright than ever and make it grow even more. The force of Enlightenment that we expand within our Love is meant to awake you to a fuller conciousness and to the ongoing perceivable world discoveries, as well as merging of your innate world image with other realms and allowance of the contact with your higher dimension Guides and Masters whose presence is being unveiled to you now, so you are finally able to see them get in the reality of your now lives and it shouldn't be absolutely unbelievable. This happy encounter is now taking place and its effecience becomes more and more rich, so you meet nowadays much more of us, as a lot of us choose and get the ability to communicate with you what is a truly good thing. Also we are here to act as your dear protectors and teachers as a true and large mission that we have selected to do.
Our Galactic allies are united through the galaxy to ensure the better worlds evolution and formed the whole Galactic Federation of Light as a protective union intended to thrive through the cosmic space bringing wisely the Peace and Love, what comes because of the high determination of all of us to give a balance, harmony and acknowledgeable progress with a quest of profound full relationship based on friendliness, sense of coexistence and of help, with anchoring on the higher energies what we master everytime to make all of our work more fruitful. Be ready for a positive knowledge go upon you and just be fully prepared to receive it. The strong energies of Love come to this planet, deeply aimed to heal this planet and the population of her whole alive world, giving you a benevolent service what is done with our loving blessings. The Light which is ever perfectly harmonizing with the positive polarity of being is expanding now through all of awakened hearts which participation is of a much of honor and of respect considered by all of our united community of Beings belonging to the Light who transmute the darkness into the absolute Light with healing and repairing all that we get to the best condition of its existence, so all living souls are then valued while being treated with deep and attentive care.
As your conciousness grows and your mind expands we are here to guide you through the full process of what it is definitely. I will say you about that we got a much of experience from our rich past, as we are indeed the spiritually old and highly sentient living Beings who had overcome much of the Life and Ascension stages, while passing through a lot of different lives or incarnations, so then we are able to lead you now towards the various steps to take and help you to evolve within in the truly possible best ways, allowing with that the precious and harmonious task of full planetary Ascension be concretely done and be integrally accomplished with a lot of heart from our part, while working closely in that way to permit the totality of the necessed positive changes occur in the best manners. Our firm will is all about to get the best come real.
Importantly, at this moment, we need to say you that your very own personal Love, as it awakes counts for us strongly much, what is truth. So we are happy when each of you gets, even like as an individual, into our global work what is the task of expanding the presence of Love, as it is the divine force which is destined to spread cosmically, always being solidely based on the perfectly unconditional substance in its absolute core essence what is being forever its pristine root and what is being the most superior state of it that can possibly be and therefore, we make rise its powerful and pure energies, as like on this planet, as well in the large space through the stars and planets what is coming on interdimensional level done together with our big collective of sentient Beings who are remaining everytime associated in the deal of great assistance and ever pacifically aligned to provide kinds of help. In this way, we particularly offer guidance, thus giving help for development to all the Beings who are just ready to accept our generous assistance, as taking it intentionally, letting us then make you progress further by showing you very precisely the best of all ways to advance on, as well as open your eyes to other sides of the way and so, to correlate them jointly what will make you let finally view much more completely and accurately the reality of now as it is and as it uncovers its undiscovered parts before your present sight. By the same time and correspondingly, we are being giving to you the pure right to discover the ways of progression in the whole polarity of the not negative, thereafter positive, remaining to the Light which is universal, clearing all of the darkness, but also accordingly, on the fine ethereal energetic level, as well as on its denser physical substance level of tridimensional correspondence, it necessary has to be set like tightly coupled with the Love and its full transcendental energies, what all is fondamental, all encompassing, transformational, ever healing. From this, they are both caring the force of reparation, consolidation, pure creativity, to be understood as a constructive power of changing the dark to the absolute Light, bringing the force of Enlightenment for all of the Souls who are being today ready to receive it. That all, taken as a whole, is of a cosmic importance. But these precise instants in your life of now are totally decisive and bring to you the right choice to do, as they will show an enormously crucial choice to do, so we are here to show you kindly the right direction, allowing thereafter the capital step for the whole Humanity to be done, as the time has come.
This determined time is coming right now to expand your world, discover your real allies with such a many various origins and so incorporate the progress of your advancement more on the existential way which brings you to a new stages of your life, what now concerns the Humanity taken as a whole, getting defined as new civilization shifting away from the negative state of existence to its opposite polarity. From that, the full dissolution of that state has to be done by the energies of Light to acquire the total ability to move further to a higher states of being through the Enlightenment and the life polarity improvement consecutive shifts, meanwhile moving to the increasing proportion of Light and of its positive, while passing in that way from the low to the more high in the emotional, physical and spiritual conditions for every of you, as Ones from the Ascendant Humanity, what stands by leveling into uplift the permanent residual energies in the living sphere on that Earth, inside of which you dwell and too, making rise its respective vibrational frequencies to a new and greater than before height, what is realizing delicately to make its growth be pertained in the best terms and occurrences, with what our work will be finely done.
I wish you much of Love as well as of Light and also the accomplishment of your best wishes and success in your all positive and good deeds. We were the Ascended Masters Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus speaking through our friend NaNiYa and we hope you will get the best of all of your achievements while helping our forces of the Light in our creative and collective work to provide sentient Enlightenment and give you the best possibilities to develop and be united in Love and in Light!
Channeled by: NaNiYa

Message from the Ascended Master Sanat Kumara on 14 July 2019

All the Beings of the whole Humanity on this Earth are now feeling that the changes come and they are globally concerning each from between you which has to listen to me through this message. So you can see the new dawn for all of you who are currently reaching a totally different level of development as it comes, as well as for any precise individuals so well as for your whole Humankind. This is a very important time for you all and we are excited to bring you help and enlightenment with the aim to make you succeed on getting this step being done properly and also, to absolutely attain its term without any fails. We are your Teachers and also your Guides and we wish assuredly to allow you to advance further and so, we are gently leading you to the following stages of upcoming growth and of the realization of all of your assembled achievements to do without permitting the attitudes of degradation and kinds of regression for the entire planetary collective of the being brought together souls and cosmic Helpers who are now assisting you to make your personal and common development be well done in all positive ways. Our strong will is to achieve all of your and our necessary accomplishments to be done to make your shared evolution to run fast and to not be spoiled with states of retrogradation and of loosing while moving more far.
The global Enlightenment has to be done by our collective work towards so much of you who listen for now to our involved hearty senders of the spark of pristine crystal Light given to touch the hearts of every of which who are today ready to get it and so illuminate the world consequently with the brilliant inner fire of such of you, as being set by us to radiate its powerful Light all around you and also all of the inside of you. That is also something mostly important for the Ones who are now just only being starting to wake up and right beginning their very own ways towards the divine Light, so then we are waiting patiently to let them find the path what leads towards the Enlightenment working closely with your personal soul Guardians and Protectors in numerous manners to prevent you from bad failure and make you rise fully to attain the Light in its purest form and permit you then to obtain the genuine state of Enlightenment. Thus, in that perfect moment, you will experience the great consciousness expansion, as like as that having been never known before, what speaks about all of you who have chosen to accept that and so this means to perfectly closely come to a wonderful time of your start of your constant growth as a spiritual and conscious living Beings, discovering the new aspects and embodiments of life, as well as getting sample of the incredible wastness of the pure reality which is a perceptible truth, dwelling in this large universe and which is based on a number of intertwined multidimensional worlds or realms. There gets a time of a totally new phasis in your whole development and we are deeply joyful to bring you assistance, protectively leading you through it, as it goes on. A lot of people are now awakening to the enlarged state of consciousness which then expands progressively what is ever a perfect decision to take. The fusion of the Third dimension's level of the mind existence and its concious perception with its higher dimension's embodiments is done in that times of today. This means that your total present, full conciousness of now joins willingly its more higher states of being which are placed in beyond of the Third dimension what are the Fourth and Fifth or even higher existent dimensions of life, so an Ascension occurs, being necessarily involved, offering you a real access to the dimensions in beyond, as placed above of the 3rd dimension's universe in which you stay for this precise and very much important moment which has to be named as capital.
This life, as being a present incarnation for each of you as growing souls is for sure of a huge importance because it corresponds to the times of the transition of the whole Humanity to the unprecedentedly crucial step to make, but to make it for true safely, doing it wholely without any fails. That is a complete challenge to realize, but you should be sure that you aren't left without any kinds of help. We look at you with care, while being prepared to bring you an accurate help for a number of special and particular moments when it is the most needed, assisting you on your path of life, at the time when you are being coming through varieties of choices to do and a number lessons to assume. So we work closely with many other Beings which choosed to bring assistance to other souls and make that work indeed very carefully with a lot of application and with big Love. So on we collaborate with many of Beings from various dimensions and worlds, so then our effects serve in a real way to make advance the progression of the Light and its forces upon this world in which you live, to make it win progressively, what is for a real reason an amazing task to complete and so to transmute any of the amounts of the resident darkness into the pure Light with a full desire to let it shine as bright as possible and offer you a true Enlightenment to allow you to pass on the positive and high vibrational state of life with joining our large assembled community of luminous Ones, all participating to the task of increasing of the power of the Light while pertaining to our United Family of Light and heartfully making it thrive for real. The strong Love that we feel for each of its members and for all of you who listen is truly of a great size, so our respect and consideration for each of living Ones is being huge without any doubts, so know it. We value your Love purely as it is, after the time when you select to endow it and we are glad when you start your own journey following a way towards gaining a purest state of Love, which has its place within each of your own hearts of you, enabling the most beautiful state of mind what is the Love which has to have an unconditional basement as that it is very required to gain the access to its superior states. It is upon to you to invite it into your life and let it stay forever into its infinite wholeness, to powerfully transmute all of your energies from low and negative to high and fully positive based deeply on Love and so comes from the conscious and true Enlightenment which is being a must and a necessity in order to change all kinds of existing inner darkness to a pure substance of Light deep inside of your heart and to shift afterwards to a highest levels of vibrations of your very core. This is a great work to do, but don't think it is impossible, all the required achievements are always known to be realizable, so never have a thought that you won't succeed with them. Your efforts and trials are being blessed, so never loose assurance. That is a good advice that I give you thus, so remember it. The Love from above, directed by many benevolent Beings comes onto you, so approve all of it and tune on it gently. Your progresses make us be happy and we are really prepared to make you see the way to move which is just right.
Many happenings are going to occur steadily from now and your world will change for sure. Stay confident that this is for the better and don't be afraid of your future. The Light oriented allied forces are currently working about to make lighten up your world and lead you through the many processes what are the Ascension, the shift of conciousness into positive orientation, the global rise of vibrations and the enlargement of your perceptible world through space and levels of dimensions, what is finally allowing your connection to the various realms whatever existed, but so much of you haven't known about as yet or you knew just a little thing about, so you, like each of the others are on the point to do a great discovery that will amaze you much. You are for this time carefully assisted by our loving collective of the Ascended Ones and too, of the working for the Light sentient Beings that are ready to offer you much of their help. Just do accept it. Everywhere, you must know that we are keeping you as possibly safe and protecting you in many of different ways and we say also that we watch you with Love and with a lot of profound respect.
This is the most important time in your lives which has come in this precise instants because of the total and profound Awakening of your souls what is going on for the now moment. Many of souls are incarnated here with the high purposes. They are your Guides and Assistants who have the bright aim to give you much of help. It is a wonderful and honorable task that is done for today by many of us, who are all your kind friends. That is a very exciting job and we are enjoying to perform it.
The new perspectives are uncovered before you as getting the beginning from now or in a recent time, so be ready to make the new steps ahead and get prepared to advance in many of matters as in the spiritual as well in a lot of kinds of other developmental ways. Don't be stuck on any levels of your progression, because we are giving you help right now, so then don't hesitate to redeem it. We are here to help! We Love you for real and also unconditionally what is real. We offer you a beautiful examples to follow which are shown by some advanced souls who are here now, meanwhile wishing to provide the right types of aid and give you a concise and complete ideas of a correct and a not destructive paths to take. Your happiness is a true goal for us, so remain quiet and stay sure because of a good progresses to do.
May our brilliant Light and strong Love remain always with you, ever remind about that we are assembling ourselves there to keep you right and help you to evolve for the better! I was the Ascended Master Sanat Kumara and I bring you my Light for you all, wishing everytime your purest good!
Channeled by: NaNiYa