31 December 2018

Message of the Archangel Raphael on 31 December 2018

This world will be attained by the big changes, there is much of Beings who love this world and this planet Earth. But this doesn't mean that the Love is unattainable for the other people on this planet. The Light shines bring in this world. You are able to be the saviors. That means that you can take the right path. The Love and Light are you wealth which will give you the possibility to save yourself and the others.
The Ascension is your unifiying with your Higher Self and with the luminous worlds. This planet much become the sanctuary of Light. The darkness will go away in a some period of time. Also, the enlightened One still haven't enough to work with the task to bring the light future to all the people. The light Ones are accompanied of a lot of Beings who are developed sufficiently to teach the others to be light. Let there be the Love forever with you. The Peace needs to win on the whole planet. The warfare and its disastrous path will be deleted. The Peace of all the planet is coming. Therefore you are its constructors. So everyone who stands for the Light please unite together. The Love and Light will eternally sparkle on this planet Gaia. 
Let there be the happiness with you. I am Raphael the Archangel. May the blessings remain with you!
Channeled by: NaNiYa

29 December 2018

The wave of upcoming Light is approaching, for the Ones waiting for this, that is great news, know that this wave won't be only one but a part of multiple waves of Light grounding on the soil of this planet Gaya. Your wishes for it have helped surely to make this Light wave now be real and come to be brought on you.
There are a lot of Ones who would share their Light with others and they do that. They are such a beautiful souls. Also there are the Beings who will send their Love to every worthy soul that exists.
You should choose for you the way of positivity and not the contrary. By taking the positive life path you will be released from the negative dark energies. Let them go out of you. But so you can reach the high vibrations that will help you to stay positive and will help you to be happier. Positivity is a contrary of negativity which is really noxious and need to be avoided.
Love yourself, love the Ones nearby you, love the lovely friendly souls in this universe and love the universe itself. Wish the happiness for you and to others behind you. Stay all the time in Love and in Light. Don't give up.
I am wishing to you the happiness that will come! Blessings.

Message from me and from SaLuSa from Sirius on 12 December 2018

The meditation is something good that you should do often enough. Meditation is relaxing, soothing and beneficial.
While meditating the energies in you are harmonizing, beginning to flow smoothly within your biofield, the mess of energies comes in order. Your mind becomes appeased. You feel like that it come refreshed. When meditating, you can attain the inner quietness. Meditation provide you calmness, it is good to do when you are irritated. Just find some time to practice it.
You can meditate with a wish in your mind. By example, the persons wishing peace are meditating while desiring it. So they expect the peace to come. They think that is possible to bring more peace in the world by that. It does really works. A little bit that is like a prayer. The wishings may be different, but make sure they are not bad. Make a kind wishes, not a destructive ones, otherwise it will be an real evidence that you are behaving so badly. You are also producing the negative energies and attract negativity to yourself by acting this way.
Always be numerous to meditate for the good aims. Like that you will attract the positive energies towards you. Sow the positivity all around you in this world. Everyone can become a shining beacon of the Love and Light, as well as Goodness. If you think you can, don't hesitate. You are able to create a good energies and spread them into this world. To do that, you must be internaly concentrated, thinking of the goodness and good energies. After that, think you are a real creator of the positive energies. Imagine that your mind and as well as your heart generate them. Then you need to think that these good energies shine through you and go to the world surrounding you.
The Love, Light and Peace are in all times infinitely important. Pay attention to that. In a kind heart there can live a genuine Joy. Just be benignant.
Love is a great value and you must love the Ones next to you. So Love will give you strength to afford the difficulties in your life. Love is the supreme state of being. While loving you stay in the good energies and your vibrations are high. You can remain in these high vibrations until you stop loving. You must be loving the world around you. And not stop it. The Love is a protective mood that make you overcome the bad issues and make you avoid the dark energies harass you and also won't let you fall into the low vibrations.
I was SaLuSa from Sirius together with my dear NaNiYa, we are both sending you positive energies, as well as Love and Light.
NaNiYa and SaLuSa

Peacefulness is very important for an advanced sentient Being. You must remember that you need to seek the peace before all. The problems should be resolved in a peaceful way, the conflict is something extreme and infininitely negative and needs to be avoided by all possible ways. Think of peace and of its high importance. Calm your consciousness by your own will if you enter in a conflict situation, then try to resolve it by a pacific manner. Warfare is unnecessary, it takes away the parts of lifetime that could be passed otherly than being suffering in the war.
The paradise world is which there is no wars in. Everybody is here seeking genuine peace. Self development is getting possible while the soul is no more occupied by the things like conflicting. For a peaceful One the process of personal growth is much easier. Note that Love rejects waging wars, so carrying the Love in your heart makes you be non-conflict One.
Of course you really need to protect yourself or the loved Ones, but you must necessary try to escape from the conflict by any means.
The Lightworkers, love each other, you must to unite and never quarrel between you, but respect each other with Love and understanding. Be One. You must form a beautiful united collective of the positive and loving among themselves souls. Remember that to have the inner unconditional Love makes your light Union be perfect for all of you.
You need to know about what you can make someone's day. This a very good deed. Because someone may be feeling sad, unhappy, anxious, worrying. A such One needs some good words, also an act of kindness of an other person. That may be very significant to this One. Sometimes a small gesture is sufficient. That will really make the One feel better and help the One to struggle with the One's actual life problems.
By making someone's day you will truly help such a person to feel much better. It is a really beautiful action to cause the feeling of joy to someone. You can ever be proud of this. You have the real ability to bring the Joy and Happiness in this world. That will be a magnificent virtue. The kindness is the richness of your heart.
All of us have the possibility to make this world somewhat better.