31 December 2018

Message of the Archangel Raphael on 31 December 2018

This world will be attained by the big changes, there is much of Beings who love this world and this planet Earth. But this doesn't mean that the Love is unattainable for the other people on this planet. The Light shines bring in this world. You are able to be the saviors. That means that you can take the right path. The Love and Light are you wealth which will give you the possibility to save yourself and the others.
The Ascension is your unifiying with your Higher Self and with the luminous worlds. This planet much become the sanctuary of Light. The darkness will go away in a some period of time. Also, the enlightened One still haven't enough to work with the task to bring the light future to all the people. The light Ones are accompanied of a lot of Beings who are developed sufficiently to teach the others to be light. Let there be the Love forever with you. The Peace needs to win on the whole planet. The warfare and its disastrous path will be deleted. The Peace of all the planet is coming. Therefore you are its constructors. So everyone who stands for the Light please unite together. The Love and Light will eternally sparkle on this planet Gaia. 
Let there be the happiness with you. I am Raphael the Archangel. May the blessings remain with you!
Channeled by: NaNiYa

29 December 2018

The wave of upcoming Light is approaching, for the Ones waiting for this, that is great news, know that this wave won't be only one but a part of multiple waves of Light grounding on the soil of this planet Gaya. Your wishes for it have helped surely to make this Light wave now be real and come to be brought on you.
There are a lot of Ones who would share their Light with others and they do that. They are such a beautiful souls. Also there are the Beings who will send their Love to every worthy soul that exists.
You should choose for you the way of positivity and not the contrary. By taking the positive life path you will be released from the negative dark energies. Let them go out of you. But so you can reach the high vibrations that will help you to stay positive and will help you to be happier. Positivity is a contrary of negativity which is really noxious and need to be avoided.
Love yourself, love the Ones nearby you, love the lovely friendly souls in this universe and love the universe itself. Wish the happiness for you and to others behind you. Stay all the time in Love and in Light. Don't give up.
I am wishing to you the happiness that will come! Blessings.

Message from me and from SaLuSa from Sirius on 12 December 2018

The meditation is something good that you should do often enough. Meditation is relaxing, soothing and beneficial.
While meditating the energies in you are harmonizing, beginning to flow smoothly within your biofield, the mess of energies comes in order. Your mind becomes appeased. You feel like that it come refreshed. When meditating, you can attain the inner quietness. Meditation provide you calmness, it is good to do when you are irritated. Just find some time to practice it.
You can meditate with a wish in your mind. By example, the persons wishing peace are meditating while desiring it. So they expect the peace to come. They think that is possible to bring more peace in the world by that. It does really works. A little bit that is like a prayer. The wishings may be different, but make sure they are not bad. Make a kind wishes, not a destructive ones, otherwise it will be an real evidence that you are behaving so badly. You are also producing the negative energies and attract negativity to yourself by acting this way.
Always be numerous to meditate for the good aims. Like that you will attract the positive energies towards you. Sow the positivity all around you in this world. Everyone can become a shining beacon of the Love and Light, as well as Goodness. If you think you can, don't hesitate. You are able to create a good energies and spread them into this world. To do that, you must be internaly concentrated, thinking of the goodness and good energies. After that, think you are a real creator of the positive energies. Imagine that your mind and as well as your heart generate them. Then you need to think that these good energies shine through you and go to the world surrounding you.
The Love, Light and Peace are in all times infinitely important. Pay attention to that. In a kind heart there can live a genuine Joy. Just be benignant.
Love is a great value and you must love the Ones next to you. So Love will give you strength to afford the difficulties in your life. Love is the supreme state of being. While loving you stay in the good energies and your vibrations are high. You can remain in these high vibrations until you stop loving. You must be loving the world around you. And not stop it. The Love is a protective mood that make you overcome the bad issues and make you avoid the dark energies harass you and also won't let you fall into the low vibrations.
I was SaLuSa from Sirius together with my dear NaNiYa, we are both sending you positive energies, as well as Love and Light.
NaNiYa and SaLuSa

Peacefulness is very important for an advanced sentient Being. You must remember that you need to seek the peace before all. The problems should be resolved in a peaceful way, the conflict is something extreme and infininitely negative and needs to be avoided by all possible ways. Think of peace and of its high importance. Calm your consciousness by your own will if you enter in a conflict situation, then try to resolve it by a pacific manner. Warfare is unnecessary, it takes away the parts of lifetime that could be passed otherly than being suffering in the war.
The paradise world is which there is no wars in. Everybody is here seeking genuine peace. Self development is getting possible while the soul is no more occupied by the things like conflicting. For a peaceful One the process of personal growth is much easier. Note that Love rejects waging wars, so carrying the Love in your heart makes you be non-conflict One.
Of course you really need to protect yourself or the loved Ones, but you must necessary try to escape from the conflict by any means.
The Lightworkers, love each other, you must to unite and never quarrel between you, but respect each other with Love and understanding. Be One. You must form a beautiful united collective of the positive and loving among themselves souls. Remember that to have the inner unconditional Love makes your light Union be perfect for all of you.
You need to know about what you can make someone's day. This a very good deed. Because someone may be feeling sad, unhappy, anxious, worrying. A such One needs some good words, also an act of kindness of an other person. That may be very significant to this One. Sometimes a small gesture is sufficient. That will really make the One feel better and help the One to struggle with the One's actual life problems.
By making someone's day you will truly help such a person to feel much better. It is a really beautiful action to cause the feeling of joy to someone. You can ever be proud of this. You have the real ability to bring the Joy and Happiness in this world. That will be a magnificent virtue. The kindness is the richness of your heart.
All of us have the possibility to make this world somewhat better.

23 November 2018

Love is something amazing. Search to live with the Love within you. Be the loving hearts. The Love consolidates all who love. The Love unites. Love does not allow the loving One to make harm to loved Ones. Heartfelt Love leads to the peace. Love reconciles. Try to love unconditionally without special causes for this. That will be great. Much of Ones are in need of Love. The Love is a beautiful feeling. It is good for you. The Love gives energy for life. It is a truth.
Love has a great powers. In place where Love dominates, there is no conflicts. The hating heart is not really happy, not alike a loving heart. The true Love is not possessive, it is kind and respectful. The ability to truly love is such a marvelous gift for you.
The more of you believe in the great power of Love, thus better it is. Ban the hate. Choose definitely the Love. The Love can win in this world! Be numerous to be loving and admit that the Love can change many things for the better! The Love will make this world be truly gorgeous!
The compassion is a beautiful virtue. Feeling the compassion is positive for your consciousness, because it makes your heart morally and sensually evolve. Good feelings like that make your soul become better.
You are able to recognize the errors that someone has done and you can feel compassion for this One. You know that the errors of that One make him wiser. The errors give to anyone, which is being concerned, the knowledge of their bad essence, teaching to avoid these things again. The mistakes teach by themselves. It is a part of personal overall development. Absolutely, this makes you become stronger and sage.
To manifest the feeling of compassion is truly good. The compassion radiate like a positive shareable field which is beneficial to that One for which you feel compassion, particularly when that Being is suffering. Letting you feel yourself the compassion is a good act. It does not exhaust you. That is a wonderful step of goodness.
The compassion is a magnificent own feature proper for the Lightworkers, nevertheless for all the others too.
The compassion makes you be a better and really more positive person and that is so for everyone. So remember this.
I am wishing you a lot of Light and Love.
I wanted to talk about the high and low vibrations.
There are two choices for a Human, to live into the high vibrations or be in low vibrations.
To live as a high vibrational Being you need to take into account the vibrational sorting. This means to ban negative emotions and feelings from your heart, but live with the positive emotions and feelings. It sounds like to be difficult to do, but it isn't so. Why do you need the hatred or sorrow and melancholy? Anger and fear are also a negative feelings. Say to yourself that you don't need them. And know that the optimism is a great thing because it will help you to stay high vibrational and be really less worrying.
Be positive. Ban negativity from your core. Do know that all these negative feelings make drastically reduce your vibrational level to low. They really aren't at all beneficial for you.
But the positive emotions make rise your vibrational level to high. That are: Love, happiness, joy, inner peace, peacefulness. The most high vibrational feeling that exists, is the unconditional Love.
So love unconditionally this world, the Beings in it and also yourself. Don't stop this. Live in a positive way.
If the Human become accustomed to remain in high vibrations level, the One will receive a capacity to perceive the level of vibrations of the surrounding Ones. So the presence of a high vibrational Being beside is agreeable. But the low vibrational Beings will give discomfort to the high vibrational One. It is so. The low vibrations push away a high vibrational consciousnesses. It is truly unpleasant for a high vibrational One to immerse oneself into the low vibrations.
So, the real high vibrational Ones have a strong ability to feel the low vibrations. It is the ability which appears when you begin to live as a high vibrational Being. Also you will feel very gladden and conforted in the presence of a high vibrational Ones.
You can permanently live within the high vibrations. But don't let the low vibrational Ones to spoil your rejoicing. Rather avoid the low vibrational entourage. If some persons' low vibrational level is troublesome, better keep off of them than to let them make your inner joy melt away. The toxic people are ever very low vibrational, don't be surprised by this. You have the option to avoid them. Don't let them baffle you. But the respect is very important in the life. Be respectful and respect yourself as well.
Sending you Love and Light!

Some people think that the spirituality is not worthy. Nevertheless the spirituality is truly important for the consciousness. It is because the spirit needs to grow and that is done by the spiritual cultivation.
Evolving means to move forward with avoiding the decaying. It also means growth. You will become a much more complete Being while growing spiritually. That is not something unimportant. This need is given to you for that you become a spiritual Being which has succeeded to be the One whose spirit is stepping to a new level of existence, alike many others who can easily unite because of their universal spirituality's ability to connect and communicate on the owned spiritual capacity of linking with other Beings who had cultivated their spirituality, likewise.
Always be progressing on your spiritual growth way. Do not give up. The progress is necessary in order to advance in your personal life path. The progress is a key to prosper in your existence. We all need and can become stronger with our soul. But the moral part of all concepts must really not be ignored.
In our life, when coming forward, we must not to forget about to not become bad and worser. The goodness is a great virtue, you should remember this! Making good is never to blame, contrariwise it is something to esteem.
You spiritual growth progression will show you amazing new horizons in your life. Your mind will be enchanted and changed. But spirituality is good to enjoy. Your choice to grow spiritually will give you much of surprising possibilities that the people who is not interested by the spirituality will never see and know. The world of spirituality is huge and your live experience in it will be surely superb. Your advancement in it will make you discover alot.
May the good times follow you. May the Light enlighten your life and the happiness last forever for you!
NaNiYa, SaLuSa, SaLeIre and Sirian embassy co-workers
Hello! I am SaMaRel, but you shall also know that I am the archangel Jeremiel, I learned it. I am an angelic Being wanting to help you, others in need. I wish friendliness with you. Love is great. So I wish you it!
Love you all!
Wish you happiness and Love. Enjoy your life, be good and happy!
Have joy and positive vibes! Bless you!

Message from the ascended Master Sanat Kumara on 3 October 2018

The people of Earth, don't be afraid of our friends from the Galactic Federation of Light. This is the organization of different alien nations which has a task to perform the rise of your civilization to the level in beyond. That may be your growth as a spiritually advancing Beings to the next step in existence or the growth of the Humanity to become an evolving nation of this local space emplacement. The spirituality must have an important role in the life of every Human on Earth. Because beginning advanced nation in this world means to grow better and stronger physically and spiritually. Much Beings are aware of that. You need to obtain an another level of consciousness to attain the objective of being a sufficiently developed both in the matter of technologically and spiritually advancing. Many cosmic civilizations have passed the similar way of development before becoming a strongly advanced civilizations.
You need to remember that we the Beings which belong to the Galactic Federation of Light, before being accepted to be the members of GFL, had the need to develop as a fair and peaceful allies of the Federation. You can join our community too, when we see that you are ready to get a membership, you will be invited to receive it.
We are the collective of Ones who are aware about the connection with the different dimensions mostly remaing in 5D, 6D and 7D. Also the 4th dimension has many Beings which are our allies. All of us are benevolently minded Beings who have the aim to make you become a One, who is being equally developed like us. We send our help to you the Beings of 3D world, so you will obtain the opportunity to get developed to access the highest realms and activating your superior higher dimensional bodies.
The fundamental advancement rule is to love you and others, so you feel that you are the Being that rises in the vibrations to connect with the higher parts of your upper Self. That is the way to progress in your personal development like a strong and fair One who will become awaken to the superior stades of being, what means you will ascend with your soul to the new levels of living. May your life's journey be great for you and give you a lot of happiness and joy!
Sending you much of positive energies and Love. This was the ascended Master Sanat Kumara. Cheers!
Channeled by: NaNiYa

27 September 2018

That is not by hazard that the humans of Earth have the ability to love. The humanity must valorize this feeling to a high degree of importance because loving shifts the consciousness to a more higher level of existence. So, while loving, you raise your vibrations from low to high and do become a high vibrational Being. You will feel an incredible amount of positive energy when you fulfill your heart with genuine love. There is one hidden particularity that is what you do need to love unconditionally. That will exalt your vibrational level enormously. So you can gain access to a high vibrational existence mode.
Happiness is a high vibrational feeling. The act of feeling Love makes you be happy. While seeking happiness search for the possibility of feeling Love. The Love will bring you happiness. Don't forget to Love. The true state of inner happiness holds on the absence of the low vibrational feelings that are the contrary of Love and Happiness, but are Hatred and Sadness. These last two feelings need to be avoided. They are negative. You must struggle against them. Surely, you can win. The result is worth it!

20 September 2018

Message from the Archangel Raphael on 8 September 2018

It is sad because of that the people on Earth have lost their faith in Love. The people must understand that to love, means to feel with one's heart something that is incomprehensible to the evil people.
Our common mission is to make the Light shine forth over the Earth and make that the people could open their hearts for Love. That would help to the people to know that the Love, it is a special feeling, which won't reconcile with evil thoughts. We need to love everything in the world, every creature of this world. And you will understand that you have opened your heart for Love, which will be rewarded in return by this world.
You can understand, that you should not let the evil penetrate inside of your soul. But the hatred corrodes the heart and injures consciousness of the Ones who think that being unkind is better rather than to open oneself with the one's heart to the world, having Love in the soul.
The Love heals. It should be understood, like the feeling which leads you to the path of happiness and joy, because a truly loving heart drives out of you the evil and bad. It is necessary to understand that the Love is made to make you be light and to eradicate malice and hatred in yourself. The Love, it is the basis for happiness, because to live being corroded by malice and hatred is bad в in any case.
Sending you Love and Light!
That was the Archangel Raphael, who wishes you happiness and good.
Channeled by: NaNiYa

18 September 2018

Blessings have an important role in the life of a positive and responsible spiritual Being. You have the possibility to give blessings that make this world be a little better. You can bless your relatives, friends, the other sentient Beings, the world in which you live or ever bless yourself. Blessings is a true necessity! Just make your own contribution to make the world be better.
Everyday, think about blessing and send your blessings to the everything that is needy.
NaNiYa and SaLuSa from Sirius

Your body is a sacred vessel that is a gift from above for your spirit while you come into this physical world. It is a place of the permanent dwelling of your spirit which you need to respect, take care of it and protect it from damages.
Love yourself much, respect yourself and make your body evolve due to a necessary constant searching of the growth spiritually and physically, this is what the spirit needs, and it is meaning to upgrade yourself by using different practices that may lead you to self improvement, getting more and more of perfection.
NaNiYa and SaLuSa from Sirius

29 August 2018

If you are attracted by the Ascension and other things about it, then know that this means that your soul is ready to ascend. There is no limit in time for ascending. That is never late.
The Ascension is a great step in the evolution of you as integral both spiritual and physical Being and it is necessary for the souls that are ready for that. The Ascension is a big step forward mostly in your spiritual growth, but not only in this. It opens to you the doors behind which there is a huge and beautiful world that you will discover since you are Ascended. Your life will change then. That will be positive changes. Your life will be amazing to you!
Also being Ascended means that you will receive new great capacities and possibilities. Your body will evolve to handle the received gifts. You will pass on an another stage of your personal evolution.

What is the Magic? It is the unexplained Science.

11 August 2018

Do not sow the evil behind you, the thorns that will grow out of it will not let you return back. But sow the good all around you and you will never have to regret then.

3 August 2018

The main purpose of a Soul is to thrive and thereafter, get the ability to help other Souls to thrive too.

23 July 2018

When the times of Light will arrive on this planet Gaia the people's relationship will change. The relations will be founded on the mutual unconditional Agape Love while the Humans will stop hating, this because of the huge amount of Love in their hearts. The Love will be one of the primordial things in the live of the Humans of Earth. There will no longer be hatred between the persons, knowing that it is very difficult for a a loving heart to hate. The heart will simply reject the hatred. Because in reality the unconditional Love is Joy. So the heart will search more and more Love. And it knows that the hate is unpleasant.
The friendship is also a select thing. The people will prefer to be friends and no more have conflicts. People will prefer friendliness first of all.
Let there be the Love, the Joy and the Friendship for everybody on this Earth! The Love must win on this planet!

12 July 2018

I keep seeing a green Ray on my photos. I know that, in reality, it is meaning that the Archangel Raphael is near me. I asked him about that. He confirmed this to me. My dear friend Raphael the Archangel keeps an eye on me and he guards me. He is oftentimes watching me as my protector. I am very grateful and happy!

People, reunite together against the destruction of this planet Earth. That is, in fact, a huge living organism. And also, that is a living Being which offers you a beautiful place to live on her own flank. But Mother Earth can suffer, so when you make something which is bad for her, you cause harm to her. She gets damaged and as result becomes more and more ill. That is difficult for her to recover further from the injuries she had received due to the Human degradative activities.
We must respect her. Treat her with Love and with Positivity. Everyone should do so! To take care of this lovely planet. She will be grateful to you then! She truly needs your respect and also, the Love! More you love the planet, more it is good for her!
NaNiYa and SaLuSa

1 July 2018

The Love is the most supreme thing that you can feel. You are lucky to have the power of Love. That means to be able to love. The heartfelt Love makes you be in harmony with everyone who can feel your Love that comes from within of you and is radiating all around you.
Love this world in which you live to make positive energetic connection with it, but know that the hatred or spite create a negative detrimental connection. And that is a bad option to avoid. Be positive to attract the positive but not on the contrary! Discover the beautiful Light side of this world that the Love will show to you!
Therefore your Love that the world will receive, further will be mirrored back to you, because like that you gain access to this world's true positivity and Love, what is certainly like as an award.
The unconditional Love which is called Agape will give you the inner happiness and make happier the Ones around you who feel that awesome Love. More you are numerous to feel and radiate Agape Love, more the world around you is beautiful and is becoming a more great place to live in it, please note this!
Namaste to you all!
If you have a beautiful feeling called Love inside of you and that is so instead of the hatred, then, you can emit the positive energies of Love all around you, if in the same time you are loving this universe and the Beings of it. And also, these Beings can benefit from these powerful energies. Then, be proud. You are the One who makes this world be a better place!
Everybody is invited to join the always welcoming ranks of the brave Beings who are against hatred, but for true Love! That is the Ones who want to make this world be better!
We wish you high vibrations and much of happiness in Love and in Light, dear friends! We love you! Let the Joy be forever in your heart!
NaNiYa, SaLuSa, SaMaRel and SaLeIre
A great number of the spiritually advanced souls on this planet stay for the peace on the whole Earth's globe. The people need to stop wars but build a totally pacific Humanity with which the wars are obsolete. But which needs to make this planet be a totally new and changed gorgeous world. Where each One treat the other with Respect and Love. Where the One in need is getting the necessary help. The world which is made of mutual help and friendliness. Where the Love and Light unite everybody in Oneness and Graciousness in such a beautiful world of global happiness and joy.
Each Being who can perceive the Love needs to be loved, so such One expects to find some Love in the One's own way of life. I mean simply to receive Love from any other Ones who emit the Love. That Love, it may be coming from you, dear friend, if you want this. Then, to make this be reality you need to love unconditionally this universe and its inhabitants. Radiate Love, so you will make happier the Ones around you!
Together we all can make this world be a really better place!

The Soul as like as the body needs to be fed. Note that the Soul needs a spiritual food. The spiritual food is the spiritual knowledge. The Soul will thrive if it is fed, but it will wilt if it is not fed for a some period. You need to take care of your Soul and see it develop once it will receive its spiritual portions of knowledge. The needs of the Soul, if they are satisfied, so then notice that this give to the Soul the necessary knowledge proper to make it progress in the spiritual development. Each Soul has the need to grow spiritually. But not to decrease, because it is really bad for such a Soul which spiritual needs are not satisfied, so then it degrades spiritually. And that is the spiritual regress. The Soul constantly needs to develop onwards, it is so. When spiritually sated, the Soul prospers!
Do remember that we, the Lightworkers, are all against the Third World War! We are out for Peace on this planet Earth!
Do not follow the ways of hatred and aggression, but the ones of Love and Peacefulness! Be strong making your right choice, do not let it be changed! Believe in you! And also wish Love and Peace to everyone!
NaNiYa and SaLuSa
The Love is the supreme of all feelings and raises your vibrations to a very high level, so loving keeps you far away from the impact of detrimental lower vibrations.
Do everything with Love, the Happiness will come to you then!
Be the One who expands Love all around oneself and enjoys this. Then teach to the others how to love and to get happiness from that. Because the Love, but remember that never the hatred, is a blissful way to become a beautiful soul!
Blessings to you all!
Let the divine power of Love guide you through all difficulties! Breathe and love! Because the Love is a key to the happiness!
If you, the Humans of the planet Gaia start the Third World War, the planet will perish and nobody will win that war, but just go to the bad what is meaning simply self doom. The whole Humanity will be destroyed by its own weapons which have a terrifying destructive power and which are numerous, accumulated by several Gaia's countries today!
The Third World War will in reality transform this beautiful planet in an asteroids ring!
So be aware! That terrible war can be avoided! Search to find Peace. We, who speak to you, are your gentle supporters and we wish that you choose the good way of Peace, but not the global conflict!
That war is also a threat to the sentient Beings living inside of the planet like the Ones of Shamballah or Agharta.
So choose the Peace not the war! You can then make the Peace worldwide. And afterwards enjoy it!
NaNiYa, SaLuSa and Sirian embassy co-workers