Some scientific facts by SaLuSa from Sirius
In fact, the possibility to surpass the speed of light is real. It is not a hoax. But truth. The Sirian starships travel with the speed much more higher than the speed of light.
Teleportation is possible in reality, just it is a very complex technology that we, the Sirians have made real many times ago.
Telepathy works similar like a cell phone does. Your pineal gland works like biologic receiver or else emitter of the mental data (thoughts).
Time traveling is a thing that is real. There exist the time traveling ships that can move you into the past or into the future.
Hello NaNiYa. I found this page at the perfect time. I was just writing about how I love how sometimes I will get a thought in my mind...a name...a place...and it just sticks...and when I go to research it, it ends up being a piece of the puzzle I am working on. I am so grateful to It. I like here how SaLuSa tells us how telepathy works, and how our pineal gland is like a transmitter for the information we are privy to.