Hatred is not good because it produces dark lower vibrations and spoils the energies of the Love, don't letting the good ones thrive. But you can repulse the dark energies far away from you. Do not retain the bad malevolent persons near you, but just leave them. Meanwhile you can be the One who can be the helper for the Ones who want to become better as a person.
Lead your friends to the path of Light, knowing that they have the right to ascend in their lives. At once you and the others who are ascending accomplish your Ascension fully, thereafter you become a gorgeous Beings of Light. Your enlightened souls shine bright all around them. More numerous you are to be like that, more the life on this planet Gaia is beautiful and good.
Love unconditionally the others, but without forgetting the Love for yourself. Feeling Love in your heart can make you happier by itself. Just recognize that.
I bless you by Light and Love in the same time.
I am NaNiYa, channeling my Higher Self.
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