We want primordially your freedom, joy and happiness. So we bless you and we say that we are able to offer you help and assist you in your good objectives!
Everybody has the right to have the one's own staff made of a knowledgeable spiritual light teacher, helpers, guides and protector that follows you every time. They are here to help and to assist you in many cases and circumstances. You can communicate and talk with all of them, don't have a fear of this. They are here truly for your good. You are their ward and also apprentice. Do appreciate these lovely friends of yours. They will bring you to correct way of Love, Light and Peace. Also they can assist you on your Ascension path. The Ascension is your real right, so at all time you can start your way to ascend.
We send you our Love and Light, wishing you a great time!
NaNiYa, SaLuSa, SaLeIre and SaMaRel (Heru)
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