I wanted to talk to you about this planet Mother Gaya and the Humanity living on it.
The message speaks about that the Planet has to say to you Humans is that you make her suffer, because she has feelings, as suffering, feeling joy or love for example. Your exploitation of natural resources causes her pain and destroys her body by various ways.
The things she needs and wants is to make grow a new Humanity that is ecologically responsible and free of cruelty. Know this, because you must to know that Gaya can think and has thoughts. She also like and prefers the people who are high-vibrational than the low-vibrational persons who generates the negative energies. She loves the Ones who love her and protect her, as well as she hates the Ones who are destroying her.
Do protect the Planet and the nature on her! That was a short message about Gaya.
You, the Humanity must make the steps towards the global Peace and Love and spread this everywhere on the planet.
Do bless more. The blessing is always a positive energy that you can freely send to all who you think merit it. And bless the Ones who needs a blessing!
Make your motto to "Do everything for the highest good of everyone that is". That is enough simple.
Ban hatred from your heart, because this is a destructive and negative feeling, that only destroys and saves nothing. Try to find the positive and good feelings to replace the negative ones, you will certainly succeed, just wish this strongly. Don't loose heart. Do not fall in the pit of pessimism. Try to become optimist instead. Become a high-vibrational person.
Do protect yourself from all Beings that are evil and full of hatred, leave fastly such a person or a group of persons. Try to avoid all the dangerous individuals that are wishing you the bad. Don't let the bad Ones destroy you.
I am sending Love and Light to you!
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