I want to tell you a very important things, this is about men and women rights and also about the planet Gaia on which you live.
The woman is so much intelligent, completely as well as the man is. She has the same feelings, capacities just like a man. The woman's real intelligence quotient is not lower that the man's quotient.
The woman has been mistreated and humiliated depicted as inferior Being by the man's domination system. I don't support that kind of things. That is obviously bad and false. The woman and man are both equal. Really the woman merits the same rights than the man. The woman can become Ascended as well as a man and develop the same qualities and abilities than a male.
People called Humankind and the other Ones who have the feelings, you can easily find that the unconditional Love can heal you and that hatred can destroy you. It is a truth, the reality is so. But never be pessimistic, because the pessimism is a destructive state of mind, instead just be more hopeful, that is a beautiful state of mind.
Please Love the planet on which you live. Gaia is today suffering from the Ones between the humans, who make harm to her. Contrariwise she greets the Ones who love her. Really she is the true sentient Being, that is something to know.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and I send Love and Light to you all.
Thank you my dear SaLuSa!
The words dictated by SaLuSa written by NaNiYa
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