Message from SaLuSa from Sirius on 10 September 2017
I, SaLuSa greet you, inhabitants of the planet Gaia.
Do insist to keep the Light inside, be positive and loving with your heart. Know that the hatred is a negative feeling and a negative state of mind attracts all the negative. Love more, try to find this Love inside of you, it is something that all you have from the day when you come to this world, love this universe because it is greatly amazing, you have to discover its magnificence, and live in Love and in Joy, therefore these two feelings make you raise in the high vibrations and then you have to keep stay so, you become a high vibrational One this way. Have a positive mind, become optimist, know that this attracts all positive, really good things like events and persons come towards you.
I love you all my friends, and I have to tell you that it is never late to ascend individually. There are many lovely Guides from the other dimensions as the 4th or 5th dimensions that can lead you to the Light and finally Ascension with keeping that body that you possess in live, which will pass a lot of transformations and become accessible to 5th dimension's Energies and get the ability to handle them.
All the souls in this world will finally get their Ascension, but only if they aren't too dark and don't pass their time and life to do harm to the bearers of holy Light.
All of you like the happiness and so know that to be truly happy, you must get rid of such a feeling as a hatred that is a very destructive feeling. Banish it from your heart.
Love this life that is given to you, love your entire Being, love the Ones that are nearby you especially if there is a friendliness of you and them. In outer case, chase away all the mean Ones that are nasty and bad towards you.
The great times are coming. There is the beginning the Golden Age. Soon, we the Sirians will show up ourselves to you Earth's humankind.
I send Love and Light to you all and after that I wish happiness to all the gentle Souls living on this planet Earth.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, I am the Golden Star, loving you all. I do my work with my beloved NaNiYa, as she is as well as myself a spiritual teacher, the second Golden Star.
Text dictated by SaLuSa written by NaNiYa
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