You, the Lightworkers and other our real friends, you are the precious Ones that we admire and respect very much. We love you.
Any conscious soul has it chance to ascend in this current life. There are many benevolent Beings able to offer help to you in this task. There are your Guides, Light teachers, potential helpers that can assist you. Their help is necessary in your progress in your process of Ascension and your whole spiritual growth.
Join us, the Light Ones! You are ever welcome, dear friends!
Spread your blessings all around you. Your Higher Self will be awarded due to your good actions, it is so. Also by doing good things you erase your negative karma, continously while knowing that every good gesture counts.
Love yourself before the other, but also further love the others too.
The world is something enormous and full of amazing things that could also be discovered while your level of consciousness grows.

We, the members of the Galactic Federation of Light, wish you much of good and we can offer help to you in your lives, our friends.
Love and Light must be the two fundamental things that rule this world.
Lightworkers and other friends always choose the peace but not the conflict. Be peaceful! Stay for the Peace. And also discover the Love for all that is. Cultivate it in your heart and then radiate it around you! Be happy from this. Remark that when you feel Love in you inner, it can make you happy. That greatly increases you level of vibrations and make it high. Live with the high vibrations' level. Do not give up loving!
We send you much Love and Light, blessed be your souls!
NaNiYa and SaLuSa
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