Take care of your body. Do not give up care of it! It is a sacred body shell in which dwells your soul. Do not let it be destroyed, but your consciousness must protect it. It is the carapace that bears your soul, so respect it. It has many capacities that you can develop and they are called talents or, otherwise, personal qualities. So love it, never hate it. Hating the body is destructive to it and also this makes your soul unhappy. Respect the physical carapace of others, and also respect the yours much. The physical bodies are here to permit your spirit to live in this world and interact with it. You will be astonished to know it real possibilities!
Train your heart to love yourself and thereafter, also to love your nigh Ones. If you see the One in need of help to pass on the Light Ones community side, you can offer them the necessary help, if you are able to do this.
All of you, our friends can become enlightened. And if you are already enlightened, you can help the other Ones to become enlightened too, in a row.
If you have a dispute with someone, so try to resolve it peacefully, do not let the conflict grow. Ever avoid the conflicts, but search for the pacific solution that fits to everyone's will.
Everybody, send your Love and Light to this whole world, make it spread all over it, and each of you can do so, because of the possibility of wishing and making this world be better. It is not a difficult task for anyone from you, hence when more of you are doing so, the better it will be, all what comes as result. All of you are here, you who can make this world be a better place to live in! Just believe that a good changes are incoming!
We send you much Love and Light!
Be in happiness and in joy!
NaNiYa, SaLuSa and SaLeIre
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