When the times of Light will arrive on this planet Gaia the people's relationship will change. The relations will be founded on the mutual unconditional Agape Love while the Humans will stop hating, this because of the huge amount of Love in their hearts. The Love will be one of the primordial things in the live of the Humans of Earth. There will no longer be hatred between the persons, knowing that it is very difficult for a a loving heart to hate. The heart will simply reject the hatred. Because in reality the unconditional Love is Joy. So the heart will search more and more Love. And it knows that the hate is unpleasant.
The friendship is also a select thing. The people will prefer to be friends and no more have conflicts. People will prefer friendliness first of all.
Let there be the Love, the Joy and the Friendship for everybody on this Earth! The Love must win on this planet!
23 July 2018
12 July 2018
I keep seeing a green Ray on my photos. I know that, in reality, it is meaning that the Archangel Raphael is near me. I asked him about that. He confirmed this to me. My dear friend Raphael the Archangel keeps an eye on me and he guards me. He is oftentimes watching me as my protector. I am very grateful and happy!
People, reunite together against the destruction of this planet Earth. That is, in fact, a huge living organism. And also, that is a living Being which offers you a beautiful place to live on her own flank. But Mother Earth can suffer, so when you make something which is bad for her, you cause harm to her. She gets damaged and as result becomes more and more ill. That is difficult for her to recover further from the injuries she had received due to the Human degradative activities.
We must respect her. Treat her with Love and with Positivity. Everyone should do so! To take care of this lovely planet. She will be grateful to you then! She truly needs your respect and also, the Love! More you love the planet, more it is good for her!
NaNiYa and SaLuSa
We must respect her. Treat her with Love and with Positivity. Everyone should do so! To take care of this lovely planet. She will be grateful to you then! She truly needs your respect and also, the Love! More you love the planet, more it is good for her!
NaNiYa and SaLuSa
3 July 2018
1 July 2018
The Love is the most supreme thing that you can feel. You are lucky to have the power of Love. That means to be able to love. The heartfelt Love makes you be in harmony with everyone who can feel your Love that comes from within of you and is radiating all around you.
Love this world in which you live to make positive energetic connection with it, but know that the hatred or spite create a negative detrimental connection. And that is a bad option to avoid. Be positive to attract the positive but not on the contrary! Discover the beautiful Light side of this world that the Love will show to you!
Therefore your Love that the world will receive, further will be mirrored back to you, because like that you gain access to this world's true positivity and Love, what is certainly like as an award.
The unconditional Love which is called Agape will give you the inner happiness and make happier the Ones around you who feel that awesome Love. More you are numerous to feel and radiate Agape Love, more the world around you is beautiful and is becoming a more great place to live in it, please note this!
Love this world in which you live to make positive energetic connection with it, but know that the hatred or spite create a negative detrimental connection. And that is a bad option to avoid. Be positive to attract the positive but not on the contrary! Discover the beautiful Light side of this world that the Love will show to you!
Therefore your Love that the world will receive, further will be mirrored back to you, because like that you gain access to this world's true positivity and Love, what is certainly like as an award.
The unconditional Love which is called Agape will give you the inner happiness and make happier the Ones around you who feel that awesome Love. More you are numerous to feel and radiate Agape Love, more the world around you is beautiful and is becoming a more great place to live in it, please note this!
Namaste to you all!
If you have a beautiful feeling called Love inside of you and that is so instead of the hatred, then, you can emit the positive energies of Love all around you, if in the same time you are loving this universe and the Beings of it. And also, these Beings can benefit from these powerful energies. Then, be proud. You are the One who makes this world be a better place!
Everybody is invited to join the always welcoming ranks of the brave Beings who are against hatred, but for true Love! That is the Ones who want to make this world be better!
We wish you high vibrations and much of happiness in Love and in Light, dear friends! We love you! Let the Joy be forever in your heart!
NaNiYa, SaLuSa, SaMaRel and SaLeIre
If you have a beautiful feeling called Love inside of you and that is so instead of the hatred, then, you can emit the positive energies of Love all around you, if in the same time you are loving this universe and the Beings of it. And also, these Beings can benefit from these powerful energies. Then, be proud. You are the One who makes this world be a better place!
Everybody is invited to join the always welcoming ranks of the brave Beings who are against hatred, but for true Love! That is the Ones who want to make this world be better!
We wish you high vibrations and much of happiness in Love and in Light, dear friends! We love you! Let the Joy be forever in your heart!
NaNiYa, SaLuSa, SaMaRel and SaLeIre
A great number of the spiritually advanced souls on this planet stay for the peace on the whole Earth's globe. The people need to stop wars but build a totally pacific Humanity with which the wars are obsolete. But which needs to make this planet be a totally new and changed gorgeous world. Where each One treat the other with Respect and Love. Where the One in need is getting the necessary help. The world which is made of mutual help and friendliness. Where the Love and Light unite everybody in Oneness and Graciousness in such a beautiful world of global happiness and joy.
Each Being who can perceive the Love needs to be loved, so such One expects to find some Love in the One's own way of life. I mean simply to receive Love from any other Ones who emit the Love. That Love, it may be coming from you, dear friend, if you want this. Then, to make this be reality you need to love unconditionally this universe and its inhabitants. Radiate Love, so you will make happier the Ones around you!
Together we all can make this world be a really better place!
Together we all can make this world be a really better place!
The Soul as like as the body needs to be fed. Note that the Soul needs a spiritual food. The spiritual food is the spiritual knowledge. The Soul will thrive if it is fed, but it will wilt if it is not fed for a some period. You need to take care of your Soul and see it develop once it will receive its spiritual portions of knowledge. The needs of the Soul, if they are satisfied, so then notice that this give to the Soul the necessary knowledge proper to make it progress in the spiritual development. Each Soul has the need to grow spiritually. But not to decrease, because it is really bad for such a Soul which spiritual needs are not satisfied, so then it degrades spiritually. And that is the spiritual regress. The Soul constantly needs to develop onwards, it is so. When spiritually sated, the Soul prospers!
If you, the Humans of the planet Gaia start the Third World War, the planet will perish and nobody will win that war, but just go to the bad what is meaning simply self doom. The whole Humanity will be destroyed by its own weapons which have a terrifying destructive power and which are numerous, accumulated by several Gaia's countries today!
The Third World War will in reality transform this beautiful planet in an asteroids ring!
So be aware! That terrible war can be avoided! Search to find Peace. We, who speak to you, are your gentle supporters and we wish that you choose the good way of Peace, but not the global conflict!
That war is also a threat to the sentient Beings living inside of the planet like the Ones of Shamballah or Agharta.
So choose the Peace not the war! You can then make the Peace worldwide. And afterwards enjoy it!
NaNiYa, SaLuSa and Sirian embassy co-workers
The Third World War will in reality transform this beautiful planet in an asteroids ring!
So be aware! That terrible war can be avoided! Search to find Peace. We, who speak to you, are your gentle supporters and we wish that you choose the good way of Peace, but not the global conflict!
That war is also a threat to the sentient Beings living inside of the planet like the Ones of Shamballah or Agharta.
So choose the Peace not the war! You can then make the Peace worldwide. And afterwards enjoy it!
NaNiYa, SaLuSa and Sirian embassy co-workers
The notions like Love (the feeling named Love increases enormously your vibrational level, making it high and gives you a genuine happiness), Joy (there are a lot of ways to find the Joy in your life and the pessimism as is should have been forbidden by yourself inside your mind) and Peace (remove completely the hatred from your brain and stop to hating others, but search Peace with the Ones who can accept it), if they are respected, they will bring you to the happy and peaceful future!
All the members of 144000 divinely blessed souls are already here on this planet Gaia. That are the Ones who will build the new magnificent Star-nation on the whole planet. They stand for Peace, Love, Light and Joy for the every future citizen of this planet's Star-nation, all unitedly.
The Great Times are coming ahead! That will be a very amazing Times!
Love and Light to you all! And we wish Peace to you, people of Earth.
NaNiYa, SaLuSa and Sirian embassy co-workers
The Great Times are coming ahead! That will be a very amazing Times!
Love and Light to you all! And we wish Peace to you, people of Earth.
NaNiYa, SaLuSa and Sirian embassy co-workers
144000 star souls have arrived on this Earth to make great changes on it. These 144000 are Lightworkers and are benevolent Beings working for the Light, Peace, Love and Good, to make this world be better and awake the people on this Earth. The moment has arrived, the Earth is now seriously damaged by the bad human activity on it and needs much help today, also the ruling systems of the present world create distemper and misunderstanding. The 144000 benevolent souls are bringing Light and Peace on this planet, illuminating the people and bringing the new teachings to this human world. So, the decreasing spirituality of this world knows a new soaring with the gracious help of the Lightworkers. I know about myself that I am one of these 144000 angelic souls, and that I have a noble mission on this Earth that I have to accomplish.
Some scientific facts by SaLuSa from Sirius
In fact, the possibility to surpass the speed of light is real. It is not a hoax. But truth. The Sirian starships travel with the speed much more higher than the speed of light.
Teleportation is possible in reality, just it is a very complex technology that we, the Sirians have made real many times ago.
Telepathy works similar like a cell phone does. Your pineal gland works like biologic receiver or else emitter of the mental data (thoughts).
Time traveling is a thing that is real. There exist the time traveling ships that can move you into the past or into the future.
The starseeds, you all have a mission to be completed with various tasks to accomplish, wherein with a special task for each One, to achieve your common great goal. All of you are our dear Lightworkers. All the Lightworkers, you need to unite together to be in unity and be strong struggling against all that is dark. Don't let yourself loose this fight. All be One. You are on this planet Gaia to make the world of her be wonderful and peaceful. The Galactic Federation of Light cares about you and protects you, dear Ones! Blessed be!
NaNiYa and Sirian embassy co-workers
NaNiYa and Sirian embassy co-workers
The woman is belittled, depersonalized and humiliated in some places on this Earth. The woman must not be obligated to wear such a thing like niqab, burka and also hijab... It's about the violation of women's rights. The man must not mistreat the woman. The man and the woman must have the equal rights! Men and women are equal!
Dear friends, be aware of the evil Ones that can cause you pain or ever make physical harm to you. Get far from those Ones, also do defend yourself as you can. You must stay safe and in no event let a bad One destroy you!
Have a good luck, friends! I wish you Joy and absence of suffering! Stay forever in Light and Love and you will find your real happiness!
Have a good luck, friends! I wish you Joy and absence of suffering! Stay forever in Light and Love and you will find your real happiness!
All kinds of religions that push somebody to murder others on behalf of these religions are awful, because the other Ones who are not the obedient members of that religion are considered by such a religion, for instance, as a so called infidels or have been tagged with any other harrowing tag by it, and in the absolute reality are just the innocent Ones. Beware of these sinister religions because they put you on a totally wrong and bad Way! They want you to do harm to the innocents! Be aware of this!
In the Golden Age the Love will dominate everything because the Love is for real the foundation of all that is good inside of your mind. On the whole that are the Peacefulness, Friendliness, open-hearted Goodness, kind Appreciation and Love in its purest state. And in fact, the Love can lead you to true happiness and joy!
That is the Humanity itself which will build its Golden Age. The other Beings will only give their feasible help in the matter to you, Human of Gaia, but the construction of the Golden Age fully remains on you. People, you must all Unite together to achieve this great Goal! Being united in Oneness will give you a lot of prodigious possibilities!
Love unconditionally and then share your Love with this universe in which you live. The miracles will come to you, then. Believe this. Love is the most amazing and powerful feeling that is.
Ever Love. By that, you will be protected from the low vibrations and the negative nasty feelings. Love is the key to the happy existence. Never forget this.
Know that it is everytime possible to join the side of the Light. Thus, all of you are welcome, friends.
May Light be forever with you. May Love be your guide in this universe.
We wish you Love, Happiness, Light and Joy. Blessed be, dear friends!
NaNiYa, SaLuSa and SaLeIre
Ever Love. By that, you will be protected from the low vibrations and the negative nasty feelings. Love is the key to the happy existence. Never forget this.
Know that it is everytime possible to join the side of the Light. Thus, all of you are welcome, friends.
May Light be forever with you. May Love be your guide in this universe.
We wish you Love, Happiness, Light and Joy. Blessed be, dear friends!
NaNiYa, SaLuSa and SaLeIre
Humans of Earth, you are born for not to hate the others, but to love. Your heart is an amazing body organ which can love unconditionally. Love is the most superior feeling.
Search happiness in that life. If you feel unhappy, it is time to change something into your life. Remove the problem that makes you unhappy, knowing that your ultimate great state of being is Happiness.
If someone is in trouble, you can offer help to that One. But help only if you can do that. And do not let someone one one to ruin your happiness and your life.
Search happiness in that life. If you feel unhappy, it is time to change something into your life. Remove the problem that makes you unhappy, knowing that your ultimate great state of being is Happiness.
If someone is in trouble, you can offer help to that One. But help only if you can do that. And do not let someone one one to ruin your happiness and your life.
Message from me and SaLuSa from Sirius, as well as SaMaRel on 16 February 2018
Do meditate. Do that often enough. Meditate wishing the peace in this Gaia the planet's world and no more wars in it. Each One can contribute to establish the world peace and to make more beautiful the life in it. Notice that the meditation pacifies your mind and relaxes it.
Everyone, meditate for the peace while being in a state of deeply desiring it. We all, united together, will arrive to make that Earth's world be a world of peace.
The global peace is your true goal to achieve, Earthlings. To finally move into a world free of wars and also from the hatred which is an emotion that produces aggressive and destructive mental energy and which has to be eradicated from all of your minds, to let them thereafter always remain into a positive and peaceful state.
To replace the hatred in your heart, there is the Love which exists. That's a magnificent feeling that is the contradictory of hatred. The human heart can hold two types of emotions: the hatred and the Love or stay without any emotion. Try to make from Love a predominant feeling. Avoid hating. Let the Love be the feeling that dwells permanently inside your heart. Love yourself, love your friends, love the good Ones.
But beware of the Ones that can take you from the Light side to the dark side. Don't believe them at all. Stay ever on the side of Light. Although, it is your personal choice to be in Light or in darkness. Nevertheless, you, as a person, are always welcome to the Light Ones side, do know this!
Love each other everytime. Forbid hating into your heart. Be a good One. Also, never make harm to the good Ones.
With lot of Love and Light. We bless your souls, dear friends! Be in joy and happiness! We wish you to find the real Light for you! Sending you our positive energies! Remind, we love you dear friends!
NaNiYa, SaLuSa and SaMaRel
Do meditate. Do that often enough. Meditate wishing the peace in this Gaia the planet's world and no more wars in it. Each One can contribute to establish the world peace and to make more beautiful the life in it. Notice that the meditation pacifies your mind and relaxes it.
Everyone, meditate for the peace while being in a state of deeply desiring it. We all, united together, will arrive to make that Earth's world be a world of peace.
The global peace is your true goal to achieve, Earthlings. To finally move into a world free of wars and also from the hatred which is an emotion that produces aggressive and destructive mental energy and which has to be eradicated from all of your minds, to let them thereafter always remain into a positive and peaceful state.
To replace the hatred in your heart, there is the Love which exists. That's a magnificent feeling that is the contradictory of hatred. The human heart can hold two types of emotions: the hatred and the Love or stay without any emotion. Try to make from Love a predominant feeling. Avoid hating. Let the Love be the feeling that dwells permanently inside your heart. Love yourself, love your friends, love the good Ones.
But beware of the Ones that can take you from the Light side to the dark side. Don't believe them at all. Stay ever on the side of Light. Although, it is your personal choice to be in Light or in darkness. Nevertheless, you, as a person, are always welcome to the Light Ones side, do know this!
Love each other everytime. Forbid hating into your heart. Be a good One. Also, never make harm to the good Ones.
With lot of Love and Light. We bless your souls, dear friends! Be in joy and happiness! We wish you to find the real Light for you! Sending you our positive energies! Remind, we love you dear friends!
NaNiYa, SaLuSa and SaMaRel
The Earth people, stop fighting one another. It is truly not a good thing. Try to make peace with the Ones that you are in conflict with. If this is impossible, then abandon such an inimical One as quickly as you can. Do not let anyone make harm to you, friends.
Love yourself and love the others too. The genuine Love is a true key to your personal happiness, when it dwells in you. Love is the pleasure for your heart. Just let your heart feel Love. Then the heart can radiate Love around it. Next try to get the joy from that. You, very certainly, will achieve that goal.
The unconditional Love is the most great feeling that is. The Peaceableness is the most beautiful virtue. The Joy is the best state of being. Avoid the sadness because it is really bad for you, chase it away from your mind and replace it by the optimistic thoughts. Don't let the hostility take your mind, but let the peacefulness do this. Do not let the hatred take root in your heart, but let the Love thrive inside it.
Forever be in Love and Light! Blessings!
Love yourself and love the others too. The genuine Love is a true key to your personal happiness, when it dwells in you. Love is the pleasure for your heart. Just let your heart feel Love. Then the heart can radiate Love around it. Next try to get the joy from that. You, very certainly, will achieve that goal.
The unconditional Love is the most great feeling that is. The Peaceableness is the most beautiful virtue. The Joy is the best state of being. Avoid the sadness because it is really bad for you, chase it away from your mind and replace it by the optimistic thoughts. Don't let the hostility take your mind, but let the peacefulness do this. Do not let the hatred take root in your heart, but let the Love thrive inside it.
Forever be in Love and Light! Blessings!
Know, dear friends, that you are loved by our big space Beings community and that the Galactic Federation of Light respects you really much.
We want primordially your freedom, joy and happiness. So we bless you and we say that we are able to offer you help and assist you in your good objectives!
Everybody has the right to have the one's own staff made of a knowledgeable spiritual light teacher, helpers, guides and protector that follows you every time. They are here to help and to assist you in many cases and circumstances. You can communicate and talk with all of them, don't have a fear of this. They are here truly for your good. You are their ward and also apprentice. Do appreciate these lovely friends of yours. They will bring you to correct way of Love, Light and Peace. Also they can assist you on your Ascension path. The Ascension is your real right, so at all time you can start your way to ascend.
We send you our Love and Light, wishing you a great time!
NaNiYa, SaLuSa, SaLeIre and SaMaRel (Heru)
We want primordially your freedom, joy and happiness. So we bless you and we say that we are able to offer you help and assist you in your good objectives!
Everybody has the right to have the one's own staff made of a knowledgeable spiritual light teacher, helpers, guides and protector that follows you every time. They are here to help and to assist you in many cases and circumstances. You can communicate and talk with all of them, don't have a fear of this. They are here truly for your good. You are their ward and also apprentice. Do appreciate these lovely friends of yours. They will bring you to correct way of Love, Light and Peace. Also they can assist you on your Ascension path. The Ascension is your real right, so at all time you can start your way to ascend.
We send you our Love and Light, wishing you a great time!
NaNiYa, SaLuSa, SaLeIre and SaMaRel (Heru)
Message from SaLuSa from Sirius on 22 January 2018
The times of the great changes have arrived. Now the world of Gaia is different than before. The Humankind progresses in its development. The new technologies arise constantly. The humans are coming out of the cradle planet to explore the space around. There are many new technologies that you, the earthlings have created already, before today. Your civilization is almost very young. You make huge technological advance. You, the people of Earth are approaching a new era of Light. An Age where everyone will be happy and free. This Age is upcoming. Where Love will direct everybody, thus entire Humankind. Hatred will be banned by all the people, and the whole planet will rise her vibrations to a high level.
Therefore, you the Earthlings need to take care of your planet, on which you live. Gaia is not an old planet and has many time left before becoming an old one. But your waste and unreasonable using of her corpus makes her very ill. You need to respect her and not to make harm to her. Send her your Love and Light to help the planet in her existence.
Remind, you generate the Light by yourself while you have a hopeful soul which is enlightened.
The Ascension is not yet done to some between you, but you can ascend right now. Because, this is allowed to your soul to ascend lately. Just have a belief that you will ascend meanwhile. You need to have a strong creed in that the Ascension is possible for you. And you will fulfill such a wish.
The old dark energies dissolve currently on the planet to make room to the positive, Light energies. That is a great step for the planet and her inhabitants towards the Ascension. Open your heart to feel the positive energy coming into you.
Do not forget about meditating, it is very important thing to do for your uprising soul. Meditation is factually necessary to complete your Ascension undertaking. You will be amazed once you are ascended yourself and that is for real.
Wishing Peace to everyone, I send you Love and Light.
Many thanks, dearest SaLuSa!
Words dictated by SaLuSa written by NaNiYa
The times of the great changes have arrived. Now the world of Gaia is different than before. The Humankind progresses in its development. The new technologies arise constantly. The humans are coming out of the cradle planet to explore the space around. There are many new technologies that you, the earthlings have created already, before today. Your civilization is almost very young. You make huge technological advance. You, the people of Earth are approaching a new era of Light. An Age where everyone will be happy and free. This Age is upcoming. Where Love will direct everybody, thus entire Humankind. Hatred will be banned by all the people, and the whole planet will rise her vibrations to a high level.
Therefore, you the Earthlings need to take care of your planet, on which you live. Gaia is not an old planet and has many time left before becoming an old one. But your waste and unreasonable using of her corpus makes her very ill. You need to respect her and not to make harm to her. Send her your Love and Light to help the planet in her existence.
Remind, you generate the Light by yourself while you have a hopeful soul which is enlightened.
The Ascension is not yet done to some between you, but you can ascend right now. Because, this is allowed to your soul to ascend lately. Just have a belief that you will ascend meanwhile. You need to have a strong creed in that the Ascension is possible for you. And you will fulfill such a wish.
The old dark energies dissolve currently on the planet to make room to the positive, Light energies. That is a great step for the planet and her inhabitants towards the Ascension. Open your heart to feel the positive energy coming into you.
Do not forget about meditating, it is very important thing to do for your uprising soul. Meditation is factually necessary to complete your Ascension undertaking. You will be amazed once you are ascended yourself and that is for real.
Wishing Peace to everyone, I send you Love and Light.
Many thanks, dearest SaLuSa!
Words dictated by SaLuSa written by NaNiYa
Message from me, SaLuSa and SaLeIre on 11 January 2018
Dear friends, we greet you! We want to talk with all of you about important things that you need to know.
Take care of your body. Do not give up care of it! It is a sacred body shell in which dwells your soul. Do not let it be destroyed, but your consciousness must protect it. It is the carapace that bears your soul, so respect it. It has many capacities that you can develop and they are called talents or, otherwise, personal qualities. So love it, never hate it. Hating the body is destructive to it and also this makes your soul unhappy. Respect the physical carapace of others, and also respect the yours much. The physical bodies are here to permit your spirit to live in this world and interact with it. You will be astonished to know it real possibilities!
Train your heart to love yourself and thereafter, also to love your nigh Ones. If you see the One in need of help to pass on the Light Ones community side, you can offer them the necessary help, if you are able to do this.
All of you, our friends can become enlightened. And if you are already enlightened, you can help the other Ones to become enlightened too, in a row.
If you have a dispute with someone, so try to resolve it peacefully, do not let the conflict grow. Ever avoid the conflicts, but search for the pacific solution that fits to everyone's will.
Everybody, send your Love and Light to this whole world, make it spread all over it, and each of you can do so, because of the possibility of wishing and making this world be better. It is not a difficult task for anyone from you, hence when more of you are doing so, the better it will be, all what comes as result. All of you are here, you who can make this world be a better place to live in! Just believe that a good changes are incoming!
We send you much Love and Light!
Be in happiness and in joy!
NaNiYa, SaLuSa and SaLeIre
Dear friends, we greet you! We want to talk with all of you about important things that you need to know.
Take care of your body. Do not give up care of it! It is a sacred body shell in which dwells your soul. Do not let it be destroyed, but your consciousness must protect it. It is the carapace that bears your soul, so respect it. It has many capacities that you can develop and they are called talents or, otherwise, personal qualities. So love it, never hate it. Hating the body is destructive to it and also this makes your soul unhappy. Respect the physical carapace of others, and also respect the yours much. The physical bodies are here to permit your spirit to live in this world and interact with it. You will be astonished to know it real possibilities!
Train your heart to love yourself and thereafter, also to love your nigh Ones. If you see the One in need of help to pass on the Light Ones community side, you can offer them the necessary help, if you are able to do this.
All of you, our friends can become enlightened. And if you are already enlightened, you can help the other Ones to become enlightened too, in a row.
If you have a dispute with someone, so try to resolve it peacefully, do not let the conflict grow. Ever avoid the conflicts, but search for the pacific solution that fits to everyone's will.
Everybody, send your Love and Light to this whole world, make it spread all over it, and each of you can do so, because of the possibility of wishing and making this world be better. It is not a difficult task for anyone from you, hence when more of you are doing so, the better it will be, all what comes as result. All of you are here, you who can make this world be a better place to live in! Just believe that a good changes are incoming!
We send you much Love and Light!
Be in happiness and in joy!
NaNiYa, SaLuSa and SaLeIre
Message from me and SaLuSa from Sirius on 28 December 2017
You, the Lightworkers and other our real friends, you are the precious Ones that we admire and respect very much. We love you.
Any conscious soul has it chance to ascend in this current life. There are many benevolent Beings able to offer help to you in this task. There are your Guides, Light teachers, potential helpers that can assist you. Their help is necessary in your progress in your process of Ascension and your whole spiritual growth.
Join us, the Light Ones! You are ever welcome, dear friends!
Spread your blessings all around you. Your Higher Self will be awarded due to your good actions, it is so. Also by doing good things you erase your negative karma, continously while knowing that every good gesture counts.
Love yourself before the other, but also further love the others too.
The world is something enormous and full of amazing things that could also be discovered while your level of consciousness grows.
Also know, that our galaxy is full of wonders and incredible things. There are an immensity of living forms that you even could not understand how they can exist, but they are real. Life exists in milliards of various forms that are real. Life conditions for the presence of life are very different, even it is astonishing to discover the conditions in which the life can exist, in fact. It is not only on that Earth that the life exists. There are an immensity of planets orbiting around different stars and a lot of that planets can hold life. A star with the planets existing together is a common phenomenon in the space.
We, the members of the Galactic Federation of Light, wish you much of good and we can offer help to you in your lives, our friends.
Love and Light must be the two fundamental things that rule this world.
Lightworkers and other friends always choose the peace but not the conflict. Be peaceful! Stay for the Peace. And also discover the Love for all that is. Cultivate it in your heart and then radiate it around you! Be happy from this. Remark that when you feel Love in you inner, it can make you happy. That greatly increases you level of vibrations and make it high. Live with the high vibrations' level. Do not give up loving!
We send you much Love and Light, blessed be your souls!
NaNiYa and SaLuSa
You, the Lightworkers and other our real friends, you are the precious Ones that we admire and respect very much. We love you.
Any conscious soul has it chance to ascend in this current life. There are many benevolent Beings able to offer help to you in this task. There are your Guides, Light teachers, potential helpers that can assist you. Their help is necessary in your progress in your process of Ascension and your whole spiritual growth.
Join us, the Light Ones! You are ever welcome, dear friends!
Spread your blessings all around you. Your Higher Self will be awarded due to your good actions, it is so. Also by doing good things you erase your negative karma, continously while knowing that every good gesture counts.
Love yourself before the other, but also further love the others too.
The world is something enormous and full of amazing things that could also be discovered while your level of consciousness grows.
Also know, that our galaxy is full of wonders and incredible things. There are an immensity of living forms that you even could not understand how they can exist, but they are real. Life exists in milliards of various forms that are real. Life conditions for the presence of life are very different, even it is astonishing to discover the conditions in which the life can exist, in fact. It is not only on that Earth that the life exists. There are an immensity of planets orbiting around different stars and a lot of that planets can hold life. A star with the planets existing together is a common phenomenon in the space.
We, the members of the Galactic Federation of Light, wish you much of good and we can offer help to you in your lives, our friends.
Love and Light must be the two fundamental things that rule this world.
Lightworkers and other friends always choose the peace but not the conflict. Be peaceful! Stay for the Peace. And also discover the Love for all that is. Cultivate it in your heart and then radiate it around you! Be happy from this. Remark that when you feel Love in you inner, it can make you happy. That greatly increases you level of vibrations and make it high. Live with the high vibrations' level. Do not give up loving!
We send you much Love and Light, blessed be your souls!
NaNiYa and SaLuSa
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