Message from the Sirian embassy co-workers on 27 April 2019
We have talked to you several times through our messages and we are now searching to make you know that the moment had come, so nowadays we are on the way to build a more deeper contact with you to make you understand that we are your true Protectors and the Holders of your direction through the necessary steps which are required to whole Humankind civilizational advancement like of a child star nation. As a rising community of the today assembled various souls you are now struggling with a range of problems what concerns your planet ecological state, spiritual advancement and quest for discovering of the sustainable energies and technologies. As why a technical progression needs much of responsibilities to assume, the Humanity is granted to have our assistance to be guided in an evolutive search for obtention of a positive and not harmful kinds of technologies while always looking for conformity of technologies by having ever be assured that these technologies are not destroying the planet Earth, are not dangerous to other living Beings and are following the annotated by us primary rule to be safe in the space and time without causing any possible damages. Such types of a fully positive technologies have to be used by the Galactic Federation of Light member civilizations, as have been approved and checked for not being a treat to the space and to the living Beings on a multidimensional level scale. Therefore there is a positive mutual aid within our entire galactic union of sentient Beings worlds. So thus there is much of civilizations that are being raised to become a real young members of our cosmic Federation.The multiple shifts of consciousness known as being named Ascension are leaded by the galactic educative collective made of highly advanced in matter of knowledge teachers and instructors to make each of eartly pupils wholly embrace the interdimensional truth reality to open to your minds the new extensive explanation to go through what concerns the existing dimensions and realms to the individuals currently progressing in their soul journey as well as in the constant spiritual advancement what we fully consider as being a really positive road to take. Such Ones can have a rich variety of opportunities to get and have a possibility to give some help to other souls which are being likewise in a personal or collective growth progression, so a diversity of guided developmental boosts are really possible.
All of your own demands for assistance are taken seriously in account while your definite will to obtain guiding and get much kinds of help is sure to be gracefully offered to you in much of manners. Your tries to evolve further are every time noted by our wise community of competent Light Ones oriented in checking of positivity of your wishes to pursue and are kindly, sometimes slightly, giving you advices or support you in any other ways. These all are currently your Guides and Protectors, which also may be known as the Guardian Angels or helpful Ascended Masters, coming from different worlds and dimensions. That is for real a very blessed task of a big importance. So know you are not alone within your search for approval and each of you are gifted by mutual collaboration with much of different spiritual seekers being there for much similar purposes, so all of you are now arriving in this real moment, a very special planetary instant while the Humanity is coming awaken to an abundant income of intense and strong galactic Light surrounding this whole planet, so the enlightenment occurs on your soul level pertaining to your physical body structure, but also concerning all your superior bodies of a lower densities. The energetical upgrades come with constance, continously being held by all of awaken souls on this planet getting to a higher amplitude and multiplied by the efforts of our collective of aligned for Light star and earth Beings, so that more of persons could get in touch with the substance of pure transforming Light, accept it and allow oneself to start the way to enlightenment and to the discovery of a full multidimensional nature of each of the living incarnated consciousnesses from whom you are for sure the Ones, dears.
So may each from you gather much of Love as well as of Light on your very special way that you actually lead by living here and now and may you have many beautiful discoveries on your unique pathes of life, so may you be amazed by the numerous occurrences in this one of a kind world keeping moving onwards, but never fall apart from your progressive road to the enlightenment and to the full state of Ascension which is gained step by step as the next horizons arise in front of you. Never lose the faith from inside of you! We share our Love with you and much from us are here for the each between you. Think about this. Just accept to step forward with us side by side as we are ongoing to be more present for you, so many of you will get shown the truth about our existence revealed what will increase furthermore as the whole globe people awareness what means for us to be even more visible and soon the wholeness of knowledge about us will become a public discovery! This will be surely a lovely novelty and it is upcoming as a great instant of gladness for you as well for us!
Channeled by: NaNiYa
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