Message from the Sirian embassy co-workers on 6 April 2019
There was so much time ago that you started this jorney in the low energies of the third dimensional world, so now the restrictions of this world are falling apart and you discover the huge new world of the newest opportunities and the space to explore. Your friends from the beside of the veil of the tridimensional life are now manifesting into your very real existence and the levels of the Fourth and Fifth dimensions and ever higher are showing up to you. These discoveries are in your destiny from ahead, so now you will see the world from the spot in beyond of the understanding of a 3rd dimension's level of knowledge and consciousness. Meanwhile the stages of existence in beyond the Third dimension have already existed before you started your journey to this 3D world. Many of us had the will to incarnate here with you to help you to advance further and were your Guides and Teachers what meant to give you the knowledge about the way of your own development, to progress in it more and more. Our united Galactic forces were your benevolent assistants, so you will be able to make a leaps to access to the more highest levels of being and open to you the portals connecting your 3D world to the higher dimensions. The worlds in beyond are now linked with your Earth 3rd dimension and the spiritual realms are now becoming visible to you, so much of positive living Beings are now watching you from the beyond to view your planetary evolution and directing you to the right steps to take. Your previous evolution was however not forgotten, so now your evolutional luggage is full enough to let you move forward through the multidimensional reality from which we, your Creators, are a part.So now the time had come to allow you to met your star parents and this is a very happy retrieval. Our presence on Gaia is more and more unhidden to you and now you are able to finally understand that you are not alone on this planet and in the space. Your Galactic friends are now connecting with your earthly collective and the secrets of the universe are now revealing to you at once you do advance straight in both your material and spiritual growth. The Love from the distant points of the galaxy is sent to your planet Earth to make you know that you are important as living Beings and also that you are loved truly and genuinely. Also the Light which is sent from all the corners of the galaxy is arriving to this planet to be anchored in, just to make it reach your souls.
The wonderful times of our meeting is really near. Much of Ones will avait this patiently, so the Joy of our civilizational encounter day will be truly great. Some of you are already in contact with us and the number of terrestrial people who make the contact with our Galactic Federation of Light will grow and that is a very good progression that we will announce to you. So now we are glad to offer you assistance in the civilizational growth of the entire Humanity as our earthly childrens. Your Galactic parents are now here, being watching upon you, so be very confident. Our Love is now here with you and we are very pleased to share it with all of you.
So much of Beings are now working together on the increasing of the energies of Light on this planet Gaia, this a noble and precious work that we respect a lot, so any participation in this task is so highly appreciated, therefore we will be enormously happy to greet each of the Ones who will add oneself to this amazing work.
So now we will give you a blessing from our loving hearts to each of you who reads this message. So from now our friendly participation in your development is more evident than by the past times, that's a truly good news for all of you. The Love and Light of your cosmic parents are a pouring rain on all of your hearts, to enlighten you more and make you feel loved. Today we have a tender wish to be sure that you listen to us through our kind messages and our message of Love and Light is delivered to light a spark in your souls, so you should for real accept the Love and Light to be raising in you and make you a One who endows the Love and Light to make it shine bright, so the others will be able to see it likewise. That the thing which will make us, your Creators infinitely happy!
Channeled by: NaNiYa
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