Message from the Arcturian Council of Earth Ascensional assistance on 24 April 2019
We are here to greet all of you, dear helpers of the Light. Our mission is to help you with your common planetary and Ascension tasks. So now we look at you and now we see your progression in that big and beautiful road to the Light of all Creation and your advancement as a civilization which is now in full growth. So on this date we will remark a happy novelty in our Lightworkers community what is meaning that it expands and more of people are interested by the Light polarity of being, so the Ascension concerns more and more of Beings, what are a quite rejoicing news. From this point we will talk to you that this is a moment when much of people will do a shift to the Light side of living Beings and also we will appreciate and cheer all that persons who are now becoming the Light Ones. Therefore we will offer you some assistance with this task and we are involved in your progression as a whole star nation like much of other Beings' nations in the Galactic Federation of Light which are for now getting the state of the Cosmic civilization after having passed their stages of development from the lowest ages to a paradise like state of welfare and having a Cosmic Acknowledge. The Law of Love and Light is a special law which concerns all of your Human society and wholly sets bounds which are of a positive kind, to allow you listen to a meaningful nature of life which is directed by these two conceptions what build up a positive establishment of the way of living. Though this unique road to take is not really difficult to follow, so then you must only understand that Love are a beautiful existential mode of being of the consciousness for each of you to take personally, thus your feelings are becoming transmuted to this universal emotional template, so then you will realize that you are taking the pathway which is conducted by the positive and elevated emotional guideline which is purely directed by Love in its whole greatness and kindness. Even more, the feeling of Love will bring you to a permanent state of genuine positively aimed mode of life what we explain as giving up on hatred and all of negativity, meanwhile by emptying the negative types of feelings by your inner will and tuning your heart on the positive waves of feeling such like is Love. But you only should admit that the real Love must be founded on the bases of unconditional motives, launched by your inner heartfelt manner of the ability to Love without the need of earning advantages from this feeling. That is clearly the most powerful of all feelings that a Human Being can have, also the more perfect and undeniably positive. The Love will make you be connected with the strong energies that dissolve all kinds of negativity in you, make you rise from a low and dark energies to the much superior energy flow which remains on all positive vibrations. We are talking so much of positivity, because that is a real choice for you to make a willing to go further in the Light of all Being which is built from only positive types of energies, rejecting all what is bad, negative, nasty and evil from your increasing level of consciousness.The discovering of levels of life or existence much higher than yours will lead you to view another dimensions. Your look up will concern then the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and even more higher levels of dimensions that exist. We come to look after you from the higher dimensions and we want to make you access to the dimensions in beyond of your 3rd dimensional world, allowing you to get into the higher dimensions in the future. Then many other discoveries will be made by you, meanwhile and however our assistance will be available to you with your interdimensional growth needs.
There will ever be a Light of hope for each of Humans of Earth, so turn on to the Light in which the presently ongoing Ascension will fully immerse you. The Ascension is an interdimensional shift which occurs in today's moment, so then the absolutely new existential realm will be brought to you, as while you will ascend to the much more higher level of existing. Further more, you will gain the capacity to connect with Beings looking up on you from higher dimensions placed in beyond of yours. Also much of incarnated Beings are living now on this planet Gaia to assist the Humanity to make its fearful steps to the high dimensional truth. These levels of being what we call dimensions are all existing simultaneously, therefore you have to understand that there is a big difference in densities of the worlds for existence for us and for you, we will make you know that the worlds in beyond of the 3D world are less denser that this tridimensional universe in which you stay. Note that the levels in beyond of an actual fixed level, like by example the 5D level of dimension has a lower density than the world of 4D. Thus the 3D dimension is far denser than each of the levels in beyond respectively placed in increasing numbered order featuring less and less of density. The percentage of negativity is gradually lowering through the increasing height of vibrations, so the more highest possible remaining of vibrations are actually ever repulsing the low vibrational kinds of energies and also their sources. But in reverse, all the high positive vibrational energical substances are truly attracting the same pitch of vibrations. So your positivity is helpful to find and anchor all of positive vibrations within your existence. We are like that explaining why the people caring the high kinds of vibration with them attract much people in quest of positive energies, but there is too a negative resonance what make uncomfortable the persons bearing the highest vibrations by facing a negative kind of Beings who stay anchored in exceptionally dark, lowest energies which are interiorly full of negativity. The places where dwell the dark energies cary a particular imprint which can be perceived by much of less or more sensitive Beings. The kind of feelings what each of these involved discoverers find there is much bad and unpleasant, it is like a chilling feeling of a negative aura of a such place, which can be rapidly removed by leaving this precise emplacement. Cleansing of resident energies may be a solution in there, in some cases, to raise a positive energetic impact of the location.
Our collective beautiful hope is to see you thrive and Love each other to build a solid and helpful social structure beneath your earthly race of Beings. We should ask you to try to go positive yourself and then help the others with the same task, but memorize that before doing that you have to be aware that the precise moment had come for every of persons which gets concerned by you to be invited to pass on the positive living mode, so these Ones must be indeed ready to make the capital changes which that requires. Thereafter all of enlightened persons that had made their steps towards the Light, are then becoming a keepers of Light and also the alive beacons of Light. This honorable position will make you be then an example to follow and will give you a chance to light up the various parts inside the terrestrial Humanity, giving a fruit from all of our hard work to make the positive changes all through the wholeness of your earthly concise social structure of the entire Humankind and constating some good modifications to make our work to pay even more.
Each Soul on the Earth had a specific role concerning its existence, therefore, for much of you that is a task to bring Light to your society, helping to enlighten a really bigger number of the Humans on the planet and to remind that you can correspond in such a job with other Ones to bringing even more of amount of Light if getting united. The Light is a compositional kind of energy and of specific vibration being very high. Also the Light can nourish the souls to make them even stronger and make rise the vibrations of each Being concerned to a very high level. The Light removes the darkness within everyone who is accepting it, so much of Lightworkers are here to help others to make happen such a change with gently assisting the persons in search of Light and enlightenment.
We are here to offer you help in a such transitional period and we are glad for each One who finally joins our large enlightened collective of the different positive minded cosmic and multidimensional Beings who have chosen the Light to direct all of our lives. We are happily salutating everyone who gets to the path of Light which one we all benevolently share with you.
We are a part of the Galactic Federation of Light and the Arcturian Council with its part reserved to offer help on this planet being respectful for all of you, making a wish to make you more happy, give you some kinds of assistance in much of different ways, so ever keep on dreaming and follow, then reach your best goals. May the Light shine upon of you all, dears. May the Love guide you to the best achievements and may it lead the whole Humanity to the best kinds of changes. All of the Arcturian people bless you for the best of chances to modify and improve all of the Humanity to make it exit from the ties of darkness and transmute these to a pure Light with objective to being reborning then in its brilliant clearty as a new reunited Humanity flourishing into the positive kind of development and closely tuned on Love and Light. Our help should be offered also to release all of bad as well as negative energies, what is predefined to be done on the entire planet surface, to clear the energies of dark profoundly and help you to retrieve your true existential sense to show you a bright path to take and arise high from the ages of darkness to the Age of Light, accepting all of the life's positivity and transforming much kinds of darkness to Light, purely and simply. Be blissful and live always in Light! Keep Love forever with you and let it be in your hearts! The parently civilizations are today here with you to assist you to go further! We, the Arcturians are your star family of Light too, so we are affectionately sharing with you our potent and positive vibes!
Channeled by: NaNiYa
Oh my goodness, the photo you attached to this of the Blue beings is the same as the combination of two separate photos I pasted into my journal the other day. That is synchronicity speaking.