Message from the Pleiadian High Council representative Mira on 23 March 2019
All the times that we were looking at you, we felt happy because you were thinking about the Ones that were your Creators, so we were glad to show you that we were here at the moment of your creation as a Human race on this planet Earth. So now we want to present ourselves to you, as the Ones who have created you, but thus not without the help of the other star civilizations that had made a great work with us. So now you are living in this period where you will discover your true origins that are the ones of the star aliens, but don't turn afraid because we care for you as of our dear children. So now we are happy to cherish you like the newborn civilization of stars due to your progressive civilization growth and your desire to discover the nature of this universe as your gigantic home.Now we will say to you that we are guides and helpers, so you can relay your need of help to us, as we are your teachers' community and we will give you help to evolve further. Now is the instant where we will send you a message about your new start as a growing earthly civilization which makes its first steps in the space.
Your life is now filled by the news about the discoveries that speak of the multidimensional realities and the huge leap that the Human of Gaia is doing now to reach the parallel worlds and distant planets. So today you will find the new ways of living like an evolving Human Being that lives a splendid unveiling of the world concerning a pluridimensional state of being and new levels of life that the each of One's soul lives through. So now you will discover your Oversoul and the new crescent level of existence from which your Higher Self may teach you to make you know how to advance further. Therefore this is an Ascent from the lower levels of Being to the higher ones, which means that you move further from the darkest vibrations to the more and more high, to attain the degree of an ascended Being and more to access to the highest realms which contain the worlds of the highest vibrations. So far, you can understand it like an evolution that you as a Soul meant to make, thereafter, you can discover the Truth about your divine nature and thrive both spiritually and physically. So now you were placed on the path of evolution and can join your multidimensional parents and Guides who came from the Galactic Federation of Light and are currently watching you from behind the other worlds, just to show that you are much important for us, your gently Creators and helpers. So keep serenity, because our Light Forces are involved in the great plan to offer you help. We love you! Our kindly hearts are feeling much Love for you, so our giant collective of Lightworkers are now occupied by bringing you help and assistance. Just be happy! We love you truly and the Light coming from the inside of you is really much important for us. So we share the Light that we carry with all of you. Listen to our friendly message that we bring to you. Be in Light and in Love!
Channeled by: NaNiYa
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