Message from the Sirian embassy co-workers on 30 March 2019
The Light in the energies on the planet Earth is slowly, but constantly and truly increasing. That is a good sign for you, the earthly Humanity. We are here to assist you and to guide you forth in this New Times where the reality meets the wonders and fairy tale like living. So stay tuned for the new energies that are ready to be perceived by you and will open to you the superior realms of the higher dimensions that are beyond of your previous state of living which all remained in the 3rd dimension. So now you have evolved enough to touch the more high dimensional reality and also be stunned of its magnificence. There is a huge world highly out of your tridimensional perception. Your Guides are here to help you to awake to the new stage of reality.So now we are telling you that we waited so long to be reunited with you. Through the dark ages you evolved alone without knowing who we are, but you have dreamed of our divine presence as angels and guardians of your souls. And from now it is a happy moment for us to retrieve our siblings which are you. Our Love is much strong and you might feel it because you are much loved by us. From the moment of the Creation of you as our children there was a plan to make you reach to the Light of your Creators in which we live in the present moment and nowadays, we come to start to show to you all the space parents of yours from which we are a part. So now we get to be reunited with you what comes more and more evident, so our presence is not hidden from you any more like it was in the precedent centuries. The dark ages had passed and your experience from it is now recolted by yourselves within your souls, so you reach the new time of your development. Your journey in the darkness is finished what concerns all the Humanity of Gaia.
These of you who are feeling their extraterrestrial nature are now near to meet their Galactic relatives. You have been much loved for all those times that you have existed in this Gaia's living plan. Be sure of that. Our heavenly angels from the Galactic Federation of Light have ever assisted your Souls through your incarnations on this Earth. So keep strong and always remind that the Light from you is seen by all of us. The new times are ahead and they will be great for you and us! Our Love won't fade away from you, but it will always remain with you. All your trials to get to the Light side are sighted by us. You are worthy and truly loved! Many of our souls are now working to make a positive shift through all the Humankind, so the dark times are now shedding away to make you feel the Light which is now increasingly fulfilling the planet living spheres to make the darkness vanish from your lives, to bring you a more enlightened beautiful existence in which the Love and Light celebrate the victory against the darkness and pain, what is so much cheered and so strongly awaited.
Make room for happiness in your lives, get rid of worrying, chase away the hatred, make the Love be your priority, enlighten your soul, go positive, do what you love to do, be creative, be more kind with others as well as with yourself. Let the Light of your very inner side shine bright. We are all here to help you through your discoveries of a new features of this universe, great and amazing trip to the new dimensional reality from which we come to assist you in this times of big changes. So be confident. Our caring forces are your best allies, thus being here to make the Love and Light be a whole part of your modern Humanity and trigger its leap to the new levels of its development. We are your friends that are here to achieve your spiritual goals with you and offer you kindly assistance to let you fully prosper and planetary awake to find your cosmic family right in these times. Let the Joy remain with you and the sense of Unity stay profoundly into your hearts!
Channeled by: NaNiYa
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