Message from the Sirian embassy co-workers on 14 April 2019
Our desire is to say you that we are all family dear Humans of Earth, so know that we are closer to contact you and bring the truth about you and us as a parent civilization and its siblings. We are so much happy to interact with you and keep making your knowledge grow and expand, because of what you will become able to communicate with us. The reunion is upcoming, so we can tell you that we are loving friends who will love to open a real contact with you and also to be very rejoicing to assist our earthly children through all of great changes that you and the planet Earth are running into. Your society is today going throughout many modifications and is evolving, also we are happy when you have some positive progress done. This is much celebrated by your friends from beyond your earthly world in which you are now incarnated. Our Sirian civilization cares about all of you, so then understand your innate intuitional wish for retrieving your true origins. Your divine Creators hope for the best for you, so keep being strong, but don't forget about the positive way of evolution, that we advise you to take. All your trials towards the Light of knowledge and spirituality are blessed by us, so know we appreciate much your efforts to become better and do the best of what you can. Our assistance will increase as you advance further in your development, therefore know that all of your wills to make this world be positive, as well as changing yourself to be better make us very glad. But remind that your life and destiny all remain on the firm decision from you to find the harmony within your proper life and to advance more and further. The One who can start your personal evolution is not someone else, but you. However, some of us will enjoy to show you the road to take and the ways to choose to get more of advancement within your own path of living. So keep aware of the signs and hints that are given from above by many positive and protective Beings that are helping a lot of you in much of occasions and are genuinely pleased about that their kind work is done. Although your heart is your Guide, so spend some time to listen to it. This is the reasonable source of your inner knowledge of wisdom with which you are gifted in this life of now.Remember that Love and Light are a much powerful conception of what that is meant to dwell into your heart and mind. The positivity that they care in within is amazing and helpful. All of you should make benefits from these. There is not inner badness inside of both of them. The Love and Light should just spread into your whole earthly society, so then a really wonderful changes are becoming possible. They are keys for you all in order to build your beautiful future on Gaia, but remember that the planet is very needy of your Love today. The real aim for us and for you is to finally get to that what is being the magnificent and enjoyable future in which we all will be reunited. The way to it has been already taken, but you should make your own steps into and through its realization. The times of the Light are taking their beginning, but this will be the collective work for both you and us, your cosmic parents and Guides. All of your kind participation is now registered as a great contribution in our mutual task to progression in the shift of the Humanity, in it wholeness, from the painful dark Ages to living in the enlightened Age of Novelty, getting fully awakened to its true divine origins and much thriving with the raising of vibrations settling on the whole planet's surface. Your future start from now, so be aware and stand tall!
We are sending now our very strong energies of Love and Light to cover with them all of the Beings of Earth. All of you are the keepers for the Light on this planet, so don't let disappear such a gift. You can hold high vibrations in you and also beaming them around you, knowing meanwhile they are indeed powerful, so everyone can join the task of vibrations' elevating on the whole body of the Earth. So we are warmly blessing you. Therefore, catch the Love and the Light pouring on you, all being continuously raining specially for you. And talking so, we just want to make you know that we are really loving you, our dears!
Channeled by: NaNiYa
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