Message from the Ascended Master Sanat Kumara on 9 April 2019
At this time, I come forth to tell you that you are all here to see a new dawn of the earthly Beings collective rise through the spiritual and civilizational advancement, so many of us, your Ascended Guides are now happy to visualize your progression. The Light vibrations on the Earth have augmented, so we are glad of the work that our huge light community of the positive and friendly Ones has done. That is not to deny that your efforts had been a great help to us to do our collective work to bring the Light to you, the awakening Humanity of Earth. So, know that your tries won't led to nothing, but they are your acknowledgement to gain while you progress on your developmental path to upgrade yourself to next levels of your Souls evolution to attain the highest forms of existing.
The happiness is very delicate to obtain, but you must know that is the right state of Being. Your consciousness may touch the true purpose of living what is doing while you search to be more and more happy. Such a state is very special because the joy of living and rejoice wit
h what you already have, once throwing away all that blocks you out from getting really happy. So try on to obtain the happiness. For this, give up with negativity, at the same time search positivity in all circumstances of your life, ever the worst moments are giving you wisdom, just accept this. But meanwhile, look for everything what is giving you happy moments. Let go all bad thoughts. Think positively. Find all things which are bringing you real joy and gratitude to you and keep so on. Ban all kinds of toxic and nasty stuff out of your life. Search for only deeds and occupations which will positively fullfill your life purpose and bring you genuine happiness.
You exist to enjoy your life. All of you must know that truth. Know that you should not think that being unhappy is your doom and fate, but know that you must retrieve the positive state of view upon your life, thereafter understanding that your life as well as the life of everyone else on Earth worths to be beautiful, remaining with positivity, full of rejoice and always endowed with hope. This is about the truth of your incarnation purpose to bring the best of you to this world and also to fill up your hearts with very true feelings of Love and Joy, both constituting the necessities for the most wonderful state of living.
Be happy yourself and expand your happiness on others, just in order to make them enjoy the moments of the life too. Your good view of your future is crucial for you, so really avoid worrying, live the best of your life and know that we are all here, the united Ones from the Galactic Federation of Light, all happy to see you evolve and advance further as a positive Ones, who we cherish to come closer to see and understand our large benevolent community which is much glad to interact with you now.
We are now assisting you and the planet Earth on which you live through all of changes in your society, dear listeners, also in the changes to accomplish to save that beautiful planet and being here to help you to develop further.
May the Love and Light lay on you in every moment of your life. That was the Ascended Master Sanat Kumara, wishing you the unity and compassion for all of you, each beautiful soul that is here on Earth living the life of a kindly purposes. Remind that is so much appreciable. All your positive intentions and actions are highly appreciated by all of our enlightened collective from the various dimensions and space locations, originating from the different star systems, coming here to offer you our assistance and celebrating all of your positive shifts and advancements!
Channeled by: NaNiYa
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