28 April 2019

Message from the Sirian embassy co-workers on 27 April 2019

We have talked to you several times through our messages and we are now searching to make you know that the moment had come, so nowadays we are on the way to build a more deeper contact with you to make you understand that we are your true Protectors and the Holders of your direction through the necessary steps which are required to whole Humankind civilizational advancement like of a child star nation. As a rising community of the today assembled various souls you are now struggling with a range of problems what concerns your planet ecological state, spiritual advancement and quest for discovering of the sustainable energies and technologies. As why a technical progression needs much of responsibilities to assume, the Humanity is granted to have our assistance to be guided in an evolutive search for obtention of a positive and not harmful kinds of technologies while always looking for conformity of technologies by having ever be assured that these technologies are not destroying the planet Earth, are not dangerous to other living Beings and are following the annotated by us primary rule to be safe in the space and time without causing any possible damages. Such types of a fully positive technologies have to be used by the Galactic Federation of Light member civilizations, as have been approved and checked for not being a treat to the space and to the living Beings on a multidimensional level scale. Therefore there is a positive mutual aid within our entire galactic union of sentient Beings worlds. So thus there is much of civilizations that are being raised to become a real young members of our cosmic Federation.
The multiple shifts of consciousness known as being named Ascension are leaded by the galactic educative collective made of highly advanced in matter of knowledge teachers and instructors to make each of eartly pupils wholly embrace the interdimensional truth reality to open to your minds the new extensive explanation to go through what concerns the existing dimensions and realms to the individuals currently progressing in their soul journey as well as in the constant spiritual advancement what we fully consider as being a really positive road to take. Such Ones can have a rich variety of opportunities to get and have a possibility to give some help to other souls which are being likewise in a personal or collective growth progression, so a diversity of guided developmental boosts are really possible.
All of your own demands for assistance are taken seriously in account while your definite will to obtain guiding and get much kinds of help is sure to be gracefully offered to you in much of manners. Your tries to evolve further are every time noted by our wise community of competent Light Ones oriented in checking of positivity of your wishes to pursue and are kindly, sometimes slightly, giving you advices or support you in any other ways. These all are currently your Guides and Protectors, which also may be known as the Guardian Angels or helpful Ascended Masters, coming from different worlds and dimensions. That is for real a very blessed task of a big importance. So know you are not alone within your search for approval and each of you are gifted by mutual collaboration with much of different spiritual seekers being there for much similar purposes, so all of you are now arriving in this real moment, a very special planetary instant while the Humanity is coming awaken to an abundant income of intense and strong galactic Light surrounding this whole planet, so the enlightenment occurs on your soul level pertaining to your physical body structure, but also concerning all your superior bodies of a lower densities. The energetical upgrades come with constance, continously being held by all of awaken souls on this planet getting to a higher amplitude and multiplied by the efforts of our collective of aligned for Light star and earth Beings, so that more of persons could get in touch with the substance of pure transforming Light, accept it and allow oneself to start the way to enlightenment and to the discovery of a full multidimensional nature of each of the living incarnated consciousnesses from whom you are for sure the Ones, dears.
So may each from you gather much of Love as well as of Light on your very special way that you actually lead by living here and now and may you have many beautiful discoveries on your unique pathes of life, so may you be amazed by the numerous occurrences in this one of a kind world keeping moving onwards, but never fall apart from your progressive road to the enlightenment and to the full state of Ascension which is gained step by step as the next horizons arise in front of you. Never lose the faith from inside of you! We share our Love with you and much from us are here for the each between you. Think about this. Just accept to step forward with us side by side as we are ongoing to be more present for you, so many of you will get shown the truth about our existence revealed what will increase furthermore as the whole globe people awareness what means for us to be even more visible and soon the wholeness of knowledge about us will become a public discovery! This will be surely a lovely novelty and it is upcoming as a great instant of gladness for you as well for us!
Channeled by: NaNiYa

25 April 2019

Message from the Arcturian Council of Earth Ascensional assistance on 24 April 2019

We are here to greet all of you, dear helpers of the Light. Our mission is to help you with your common planetary and Ascension tasks. So now we look at you and now we see your progression in that big and beautiful road to the Light of all Creation and your advancement as a civilization which is now in full growth. So on this date we will remark a happy novelty in our Lightworkers community what is meaning that it expands and more of people are interested by the Light polarity of being, so the Ascension concerns more and more of Beings, what are a quite rejoicing news. From this point we will talk to you that this is a moment when much of people will do a shift to the Light side of living Beings and also we will appreciate and cheer all that persons who are now becoming the Light Ones. Therefore we will offer you some assistance with this task and we are involved in your progression as a whole star nation like much of other Beings' nations in the Galactic Federation of Light which are for now getting the state of the Cosmic civilization after having passed their stages of development from the lowest ages to a paradise like state of welfare and having a Cosmic Acknowledge. The Law of Love and Light is a special law which concerns all of your Human society and wholly sets bounds which are of a positive kind, to allow you listen to a meaningful nature of life which is directed by these two conceptions what build up a positive establishment of the way of living. Though this unique road to take is not really difficult to follow, so then you must only understand that Love are a beautiful existential mode of being of the consciousness for each of you to take personally, thus your feelings are becoming transmuted to this universal emotional template, so then you will realize that you are taking the pathway which is conducted by the positive and elevated emotional guideline which is purely directed by Love in its whole greatness and kindness. Even more, the feeling of Love will bring you to a permanent state of genuine positively aimed mode of life what we explain as giving up on hatred and all of negativity, meanwhile by emptying the negative types of feelings by your inner will and tuning your heart on the positive waves of feeling such like is Love. But you only should admit that the real Love must be founded on the bases of unconditional motives, launched by your inner heartfelt manner of the ability to Love without the need of earning advantages from this feeling. That is clearly the most powerful of all feelings that a Human Being can have, also the more perfect and undeniably positive. The Love will make you be connected with the strong energies that dissolve all kinds of negativity in you, make you rise from a low and dark energies to the much superior energy flow which remains on all positive vibrations. We are talking so much of positivity, because that is a real choice for you to make a willing to go further in the Light of all Being which is built from only positive types of energies, rejecting all what is bad, negative, nasty and evil from your increasing level of consciousness.
The discovering of levels of life or existence much higher than yours will lead you to view another dimensions. Your look up will concern then the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and even more higher levels of dimensions that exist. We come to look after you from the higher dimensions and we want to make you access to the dimensions in beyond of your 3rd dimensional world, allowing you to get into the higher dimensions in the future. Then many other discoveries will be made by you, meanwhile and however our assistance will be available to you with your interdimensional growth needs.
There will ever be a Light of hope for each of Humans of Earth, so turn on to the Light in which the presently ongoing Ascension will fully immerse you. The Ascension is an interdimensional shift which occurs in today's moment, so then the absolutely new existential realm will be brought to you, as while you will ascend to the much more higher level of existing. Further more, you will gain the capacity to connect with Beings looking up on you from higher dimensions placed in beyond of yours. Also much of incarnated Beings are living now on this planet Gaia to assist the Humanity to make its fearful steps to the high dimensional truth. These levels of being what we call dimensions are all existing simultaneously, therefore you have to understand that there is a big difference in densities of the worlds for existence for us and for you, we will make you know that the worlds in beyond of the 3D world are less denser that this tridimensional universe in which you stay. Note that the levels in beyond of an actual fixed level, like by example the 5D level of dimension has a lower density than the world of 4D. Thus the 3D dimension is far denser than each of the levels in beyond respectively placed in increasing numbered order featuring less and less of density. The percentage of negativity is gradually lowering through the increasing height of vibrations, so the more highest possible remaining of vibrations are actually ever repulsing the low vibrational kinds of energies and also their sources. But in reverse, all the high positive vibrational energical substances are truly attracting the same pitch of vibrations. So your positivity is helpful to find and anchor all of positive vibrations within your existence. We are like that explaining why the people caring the high kinds of vibration with them attract much people in quest of positive energies, but there is too a negative resonance what make uncomfortable the persons bearing the highest vibrations by facing a negative kind of Beings who stay anchored in exceptionally dark, lowest energies which are interiorly full of negativity. The places where dwell the dark energies cary a particular imprint which can be perceived by much of less or more sensitive Beings. The kind of feelings what each of these involved discoverers find there is much bad and unpleasant, it is like a chilling feeling of a negative aura of a such place, which can be rapidly removed by leaving this precise emplacement. Cleansing of resident energies may be a solution in there, in some cases, to raise a positive energetic impact of the location.
Our collective beautiful hope is to see you thrive and Love each other to build a solid and helpful social structure beneath your earthly race of Beings. We should ask you to try to go positive yourself and then help the others with the same task, but memorize that before doing that you have to be aware that the precise moment had come for every of persons which gets concerned by you to be invited to pass on the positive living mode, so these Ones must be indeed ready to make the capital changes which that requires. Thereafter all of enlightened persons that had made their steps towards the Light, are then becoming a keepers of Light and also the alive beacons of Light. This honorable position will make you be then an example to follow and will give you a chance to light up the various parts inside the terrestrial Humanity, giving a fruit from all of our hard work to make the positive changes all through the wholeness of your earthly concise social structure of the entire Humankind and constating some good modifications to make our work to pay even more.
Each Soul on the Earth had a specific role concerning its existence, therefore, for much of you that is a task to bring Light to your society, helping to enlighten a really bigger number of the Humans on the planet and to remind that you can correspond in such a job with other Ones to bringing even more of amount of Light if getting united. The Light is a compositional kind of energy and of specific vibration being very high. Also the Light can nourish the souls to make them even stronger and make rise the vibrations of each Being concerned to a very high level. The Light removes the darkness within everyone who is accepting it, so much of Lightworkers are here to help others to make happen such a change with gently assisting the persons in search of Light and enlightenment.
We are here to offer you help in a such transitional period and we are glad for each One who finally joins our large enlightened collective of the different positive minded cosmic and multidimensional Beings who have chosen the Light to direct all of our lives. We are happily salutating everyone who gets to the path of Light which one we all benevolently share with you.
We are a part of the Galactic Federation of Light and the Arcturian Council with its part reserved to offer help on this planet being respectful for all of you, making a wish to make you more happy, give you some kinds of assistance in much of different ways, so ever keep on dreaming and follow, then reach your best goals. May the Light shine upon of you all, dears. May the Love guide you to the best achievements and may it lead the whole Humanity to the best kinds of changes. All of the Arcturian people bless you for the best of chances to modify and improve all of the Humanity to make it exit from the ties of darkness and transmute these to a pure Light with objective to being reborning then in its brilliant clearty as a new reunited Humanity flourishing into the positive kind of development and closely tuned on Love and Light. Our help should be offered also to release all of bad as well as negative energies, what is predefined to be done on the entire planet surface, to clear the energies of dark profoundly and help you to retrieve your true existential sense to show you a bright path to take and arise high from the ages of darkness to the Age of Light, accepting all of the life's positivity and transforming much kinds of darkness to Light, purely and simply. Be blissful and live always in Light! Keep Love forever with you and let it be in your hearts! The parently civilizations are today here with you to assist you to go further! We, the Arcturians are your star family of Light too, so we are affectionately sharing with you our potent and positive vibes!
Channeled by: NaNiYa

21 April 2019

Message from the Sirian embassy co-workers on 20 April 2019

This times, we are brought together to assist the great planetary development leap and celebrate the progressive cleansing of the Earth from the dark energies who dominated upon her so much of time. These energies existed for a while on this planet and that was a much painful and negative period for the Humanity and for Ones who lived in that dark epoch. But now, the releasing is coming, so the Humans of this living planet have to discover the Light in its full magnificence, which comes to enlighten all of the people on the planet, so today each of you have the right to reach this Light and make it get into your heart, so allow you to open your eyes to a new world which remains in beyond of the dark realms in which so much Humans lived. Now is the precise moment to find the new states of living what means to take the whole advantage of the earthly Souls collective advancement in its development. Now you are near to find the responses to much of your important questions. The knowledge about this universe and about the essence of you is slightly becoming more and more evident to gather for all of you, dear siblings of us, your star parents. The prime Light of the Creation is carried to all places of this beautiful planet, so you are kindly invited to gather that divine Light and make you be filled by that positive and repairing energy as well as permit it to do changes into yourselves, transmuting the whole of Being from each of you. There is nothing to fear with this evolution of the modern Human Being, because that is bringing the positive kind of changes. Ever secretely, you were assisted by much of us. This positive help was offered to you because of our Love and Care for you, beloveds! We are protective upon you, so remind there will be more and more of Guidance coming from much of various realms and also from distant planets. Our Love is gently embracing you all and leads to rise of your consciousness, uplifting much your levels of vibrations. That is an example for you to follow, we are showing you a beautiful path of genuine Love to accept and make you rise much from the point of start which is begun with the contact offered to our first channelers and the discovering of our alien sentient life by some of you. The contact with us should increase through all of earthly Humanity and afterwards much from us will show up to you. We know that the contact with us is of great importance for much of you, but it's upon you to bring the efforts to make it be more nearby. We must say to you that our official landing can be done more early by your collective work of raising awareness and positive educating of the Human Beings to make everyone acknowledge of our friendly, attentive, protecting and caring attitude. We, Sirians, as much as other Beings of our Galactic Federation of Light are your mentors through your present lives and the wishers of the positive evolution of your whole society. Our role in the today's development of the Humanity may become more important with what that much from you are coming to find contact with us which will be granted for many terrestrial souls, but with the coming of a perfect time for each demand.
All from our friends are truly much respected and their valor is priceless. This world is going through some big changes, so we are here to help your Humanity make its correct steps to a beauteous likelihood of future what means to become a cosmic civilization just like us, the Sirians and much other galactic civilizations.
The negativity of the past Ages is now being continously in dissolution, this is coming possible because of the work done by much of kind hearted Beings who love their tasks being accomplished and make the Humanity rise much above its negative past energical patterns meant to be released from its core. Thereafter the new patterns bearing positivity are being inserted into your planetary crystalline grid of whole earth recorded shareable consciousness and common knowledge matrix to replace progressively all of the dark low and negative energical patterns, so therefore we have to remember that such a job is performed by much of our dear Lightworkers, which consists to bring the Human consciousness to a more positive energies and make it arise from darkness to the Light in much of different ways. Thus, the negative energies need to be dissolved and it's also a necessity to finally allow you to switch to more and more positive energies and correspond to the higher states of being or existence. This true rise of your consciousness is the Ascension, remaining of full planetary importance and this is done to make as much of you as it is possible to step into the higher level vibrational world which is permanently cleansed of the negativity to let the positive energies multiply freely, so then you may experience a totally positive oriented modes of existing which are a common reality for a great number of us, your Guides and your kind helpers.
What is happiness? That is a state of your consciousness exaltation to the more positive kind of accomplishments and it is incomplete without your spiritual needs fulfillment, spiritual satisfaction and vibration onto positive frequencies. None of genuine happiness is possible without real positive causing and the happiness made of negative consequences is fully a narrow surrogate referring to the real state of happiness. We tell you to always privilege a positive sources for the flow of personal and mutual energies to build your very spiritual and physical ways to gain the happiness. This is a great work to do, but you have not to forget that it will just really attract to you the good rewards to enjoy.
Because the times of now are however not so easy, be sure to stay positive what is fundamental in all of your lives for today. Then let allow for all of you to recognize and manifest the truth about that everyone from you have the gift consisting to live with a positively oriented mind, as well as having the ability to expand the positiveness all around you and ever know that is valid for each of you. It is not a really hard deal for much of you, but you will accomplish such a great account for your Humanity. More of you should unite for such a beautiful task, just to know that this will make raise the positivity all over your lives and to facilitate this noble mission to other patient and resilient workers.
Our presence with you will help you to perform these upgrades through the Human knowledge gaining and positivity awareness. We praise the peace to come upon you and wish you much of Love and Light, and talking so we willingly send you our Love and Light.
Channeled by: NaNiYa

Message from the Sirian embassy co-workers on 14 April 2019

Our desire is to say you that we are all family dear Humans of Earth, so know that we are closer to contact you and bring the truth about you and us as a parent civilization and its siblings. We are so much happy to interact with you and keep making your knowledge grow and expand, because of what you will become able to communicate with us. The reunion is upcoming, so we can tell you that we are loving friends who will love to open a real contact with you and also to be very rejoicing to assist our earthly children through all of great changes that you and the planet Earth are running into. Your society is today going throughout many modifications and is evolving, also we are happy when you have some positive progress done. This is much celebrated by your friends from beyond your earthly world in which you are now incarnated. Our Sirian civilization cares about all of you, so then understand your innate intuitional wish for retrieving your true origins. Your divine Creators hope for the best for you, so keep being strong, but don't forget about the positive way of evolution, that we advise you to take. All your trials towards the Light of knowledge and spirituality are blessed by us, so know we appreciate much your efforts to become better and do the best of what you can. Our assistance will increase as you advance further in your development, therefore know that all of your wills to make this world be positive, as well as changing yourself to be better make us very glad. But remind that your life and destiny all remain on the firm decision from you to find the harmony within your proper life and to advance more and further. The One who can start your personal evolution is not someone else, but you. However, some of us will enjoy to show you the road to take and the ways to choose to get more of advancement within your own path of living. So keep aware of the signs and hints that are given from above by many positive and protective Beings that are helping a lot of you in much of occasions and are genuinely pleased about that their kind work is done. Although your heart is your Guide, so spend some time to listen to it. This is the reasonable source of your inner knowledge of wisdom with which you are gifted in this life of now.
Remember that Love and Light are a much powerful conception of what that is meant to dwell into your heart and mind. The positivity that they care in within is amazing and helpful. All of you should make benefits from these. There is not inner badness inside of both of them. The Love and Light should just spread into your whole earthly society, so then a really wonderful changes are becoming possible. They are keys for you all in order to build your beautiful future on Gaia, but remember that the planet is very needy of your Love today. The real aim for us and for you is to finally get to that what is being the magnificent and enjoyable future in which we all will be reunited. The way to it has been already taken, but you should make your own steps into and through its realization. The times of the Light are taking their beginning, but this will be the collective work for both you and us, your cosmic parents and Guides. All of your kind participation is now registered as a great contribution in our mutual task to progression in the shift of the Humanity, in it wholeness, from the painful dark Ages to living in the enlightened Age of Novelty, getting fully awakened to its true divine origins and much thriving with the raising of vibrations settling on the whole planet's surface. Your future start from now, so be aware and stand tall!
We are sending now our very strong energies of Love and Light to cover with them all of the Beings of Earth. All of you are the keepers for the Light on this planet, so don't let disappear such a gift. You can hold high vibrations in you and also beaming them around you, knowing meanwhile they are indeed powerful, so everyone can join the task of vibrations' elevating on the whole body of the Earth. So we are warmly blessing you. Therefore, catch the Love and the Light pouring on you, all being continuously raining specially for you. And talking so, we just want to make you know that we are really loving you, our dears!
Channeled by: NaNiYa

Message from the Ascended Master Sanat Kumara on 9 April 2019

At this time, I come forth to tell you that you are all here to see a new dawn of the earthly Beings collective rise through the spiritual and civilizational advancement, so many of us, your Ascended Guides are now happy to visualize your progression. The Light vibrations on the Earth have augmented, so we are glad of the work that our huge light community of the positive and friendly Ones has done. That is not to deny that your efforts had been a great help to us to do our collective work to bring the Light to you, the awakening Humanity of Earth. So, know that your tries won't led to nothing, but they are your acknowledgement to gain while you progress on your developmental path to upgrade yourself to next levels of your Souls evolution to attain the highest forms of existing.
The happiness is very delicate to obtain, but you must know that is the right state of Being. Your consciousness may touch the true purpose of living what is doing while you search to be more and more happy. Such a state is very special because the joy of living and rejoice wit
h what you already have, once throwing away all that blocks you out from getting really happy. So try on to obtain the happiness. For this, give up with negativity, at the same time search positivity in all circumstances of your life, ever the worst moments are giving you wisdom, just accept this. But meanwhile, look for everything what is giving you happy moments. Let go all bad thoughts. Think positively. Find all things which are bringing you real joy and gratitude to you and keep so on. Ban all kinds of toxic and nasty stuff out of your life. Search for only deeds and occupations which will positively fullfill your life purpose and bring you genuine happiness.
You exist to enjoy your life. All of you must know that truth. Know that you should not think that being unhappy is your doom and fate, but know that you must retrieve the positive state of view upon your life, thereafter understanding that your life as well as the life of everyone else on Earth worths to be beautiful, remaining with positivity, full of rejoice and always endowed with hope. This is about the truth of your incarnation purpose to bring the best of you to this world and also to fill up your hearts with very true feelings of Love and Joy, both constituting the necessities for the most wonderful state of living.
Be happy yourself and expand your happiness on others, just in order to make them enjoy the moments of the life too. Your good view of your future is crucial for you, so really avoid worrying, live the best of your life and know that we are all here, the united Ones from the Galactic Federation of Light, all happy to see you evolve and advance further as a positive Ones, who we cherish to come closer to see and understand our large benevolent community which is much glad to interact with you now.
We are now assisting you and the planet Earth on which you live through all of changes in your society, dear listeners, also in the changes to accomplish to save that beautiful planet and being here to help you to develop further.
May the Love and Light lay on you in every moment of your life. That was the Ascended Master Sanat Kumara, wishing you the unity and compassion for all of you, each beautiful soul that is here on Earth living the life of a kindly purposes. Remind that is so much appreciable. All your positive intentions and actions are highly appreciated by all of our enlightened collective from the various dimensions and space locations, originating from the different star systems, coming here to offer you our assistance and celebrating all of your positive shifts and advancements!
Channeled by: NaNiYa

7 April 2019

Message from the Sirian embassy co-workers on 6 April 2019

There was so much time ago that you started this jorney in the low energies of the third dimensional world, so now the restrictions of this world are falling apart and you discover the huge new world of the newest opportunities and the space to explore. Your friends from the beside of the veil of the tridimensional life are now manifesting into your very real existence and the levels of the Fourth and Fifth dimensions and ever higher are showing up to you. These discoveries are in your destiny from ahead, so now you will see the world from the spot in beyond of the understanding of a 3rd dimension's level of knowledge and consciousness. Meanwhile the stages of existence in beyond the Third dimension have already existed before you started your journey to this 3D world. Many of us had the will to incarnate here with you to help you to advance further and were your Guides and Teachers what meant to give you the knowledge about the way of your own development, to progress in it more and more. Our united Galactic forces were your benevolent assistants, so you will be able to make a leaps to access to the more highest levels of being and open to you the portals connecting your 3D world to the higher dimensions. The worlds in beyond are now linked with your Earth 3rd dimension and the spiritual realms are now becoming visible to you, so much of positive living Beings are now watching you from the beyond to view your planetary evolution and directing you to the right steps to take. Your previous evolution was however not forgotten, so now your evolutional luggage is full enough to let you move forward through the multidimensional reality from which we, your Creators, are a part.
So now the time had come to allow you to met your star parents and this is a very happy retrieval. Our presence on Gaia is more and more unhidden to you and now you are able to finally understand that you are not alone on this planet and in the space. Your Galactic friends are now connecting with your earthly collective and the secrets of the universe are now revealing to you at once you do advance straight in both your material and spiritual growth. The Love from the distant points of the galaxy is sent to your planet Earth to make you know that you are important as living Beings and also that you are loved truly and genuinely. Also the Light which is sent from all the corners of the galaxy is arriving to this planet to be anchored in, just to make it reach your souls.
The wonderful times of our meeting is really near. Much of Ones will avait this patiently, so the Joy of our civilizational encounter day will be truly great. Some of you are already in contact with us and the number of terrestrial people who make the contact with our Galactic Federation of Light will grow and that is a very good progression that we will announce to you. So now we are glad to offer you assistance in the civilizational growth of the entire Humanity as our earthly childrens. Your Galactic parents are now here, being watching upon you, so be very confident. Our Love is now here with you and we are very pleased to share it with all of you.
So much of Beings are now working together on the increasing of the energies of Light on this planet Gaia, this a noble and precious work that we respect a lot, so any participation in this task is so highly appreciated, therefore we will be enormously happy to greet each of the Ones who will add oneself to this amazing work.
So now we will give you a blessing from our loving hearts to each of you who reads this message. So from now our friendly participation in your development is more evident than by the past times, that's a truly good news for all of you. The Love and Light of your cosmic parents are a pouring rain on all of your hearts, to enlighten you more and make you feel loved. Today we have a tender wish to be sure that you listen to us through our kind messages and our message of Love and Light is delivered to light a spark in your souls, so you should for real accept the Love and Light to be raising in you and make you a One who endows the Love and Light to make it shine bright, so the others will be able to see it likewise. That the thing which will make us, your Creators infinitely happy!
Channeled by: NaNiYa

Message from the Sirian embassy co-workers on 30 March 2019

The Light in the energies on the planet Earth is slowly, but constantly and truly increasing. That is a good sign for you, the earthly Humanity. We are here to assist you and to guide you forth in this New Times where the reality meets the wonders and fairy tale like living. So stay tuned for the new energies that are ready to be perceived by you and will open to you the superior realms of the higher dimensions that are beyond of your previous state of living which all remained in the 3rd dimension. So now you have evolved enough to touch the more high dimensional reality and also be stunned of its magnificence. There is a huge world highly out of your tridimensional perception. Your Guides are here to help you to awake to the new stage of reality.
So now we are telling you that we waited so long to be reunited with you. Through the dark ages you evolved alone without knowing who we are, but you have dreamed of our divine presence as angels and guardians of your souls. And from now it is a happy moment for us to retrieve our siblings which are you. Our Love is much strong and you might feel it because you are much loved by us. From the moment of the Creation of you as our children there was a plan to make you reach to the Light of your Creators in which we live in the present moment and nowadays, we come to start to show to you all the space parents of yours from which we are a part. So now we get to be reunited with you what comes more and more evident, so our presence is not hidden from you any more like it was in the precedent centuries. The dark ages had passed and your experience from it is now recolted by yourselves within your souls, so you reach the new time of your development. Your journey in the darkness is finished what concerns all the Humanity of Gaia.
These of you who are feeling their extraterrestrial nature are now near to meet their Galactic relatives. You have been much loved for all those times that you have existed in this Gaia's living plan. Be sure of that. Our heavenly angels from the Galactic Federation of Light have ever assisted your Souls through your incarnations on this Earth. So keep strong and always remind that the Light from you is seen by all of us. The new times are ahead and they will be great for you and us! Our Love won't fade away from you, but it will always remain with you. All your trials to get to the Light side are sighted by us. You are worthy and truly loved! Many of our souls are now working to make a positive shift through all the Humankind, so the dark times are now shedding away to make you feel the Light which is now increasingly fulfilling the planet living spheres to make the darkness vanish from your lives, to bring you a more enlightened beautiful existence in which the Love and Light celebrate the victory against the darkness and pain, what is so much cheered and so strongly awaited.
Make room for happiness in your lives, get rid of worrying, chase away the hatred, make the Love be your priority, enlighten your soul, go positive, do what you love to do, be creative, be more kind with others as well as with yourself. Let the Light of your very inner side shine bright. We are all here to help you through your discoveries of a new features of this universe, great and amazing trip to the new dimensional reality from which we come to assist you in this times of big changes. So be confident. Our caring forces are your best allies, thus being here to make the Love and Light be a whole part of your modern Humanity and trigger its leap to the new levels of its development. We are your friends that are here to achieve your spiritual goals with you and offer you kindly assistance to let you fully prosper and planetary awake to find your cosmic family right in these times. Let the Joy remain with you and the sense of Unity stay profoundly into your hearts!
Channeled by: NaNiYa

Message from the Pleiadian High Council representative Mira on 23 March 2019

All the times that we were looking at you, we felt happy because you were thinking about the Ones that were your Creators, so we were glad to show you that we were here at the moment of your creation as a Human race on this planet Earth. So now we want to present ourselves to you, as the Ones who have created you, but thus not without the help of the other star civilizations that had made a great work with us. So now you are living in this period where you will discover your true origins that are the ones of the star aliens, but don't turn afraid because we care for you as of our dear children. So now we are happy to cherish you like the newborn civilization of stars due to your progressive civilization growth and your desire to discover the nature of this universe as your gigantic home.
Now we will say to you that we are guides and helpers, so you can relay your need of help to us, as we are your teachers' community and we will give you help to evolve further. Now is the instant where we will send you a message about your new start as a growing earthly civilization which makes its first steps in the space.
Your life is now filled by the news about the discoveries that speak of the multidimensional realities and the huge leap that the Human of Gaia is doing now to reach the parallel worlds and distant planets. So today you will find the new ways of living like an evolving Human Being that lives a splendid unveiling of the world concerning a pluridimensional state of being and new levels of life that the each of One's soul lives through. So now you will discover your Oversoul and the new crescent level of existence from which your Higher Self may teach you to make you know how to advance further. Therefore this is an Ascent from the lower levels of Being to the higher ones, which means that you move further from the darkest vibrations to the more and more high, to attain the degree of an ascended Being and more to access to the highest realms which contain the worlds of the highest vibrations. So far, you can understand it like an evolution that you as a Soul meant to make, thereafter, you can discover the Truth about your divine nature and thrive both spiritually and physically. So now you were placed on the path of evolution and can join your multidimensional parents and Guides who came from the Galactic Federation of Light and are currently watching you from behind the other worlds, just to show that you are much important for us, your gently Creators and helpers. So keep serenity, because our Light Forces are involved in the great plan to offer you help. We love you! Our kindly hearts are feeling much Love for you, so our giant collective of Lightworkers are now occupied by bringing you help and assistance. Just be happy! We love you truly and the Light coming from the inside of you is really much important for us. So we share the Light that we carry with all of you. Listen to our friendly message that we bring to you. Be in Light and in Love!
Channeled by: NaNiYa