5 June 2019

Message from the Sirian embassy co-workers on 18 May 2019

Our Love is highly present with you in these actual moments so you should just close your eyes and try to feel it coming to you because it is very strong and especially oriented to be felt by your heart as a profound and deep precious feeling, to set a spark of Light into your entire core. We are peacefully wishing you a further progress in many of parameters as for every individuals, as so to the full human society of this planet Gaia, with kindly including each of you. We value much your Love towards us and also for the different kinds of multidimensional and interstellar Beings which are all your Sisters and Brothers or your gentle interconnected galactic relatives. Our Light is aimed to be sent to you all, thereafter you should get it, as it is covering all the planet with its bright energy to embed all these of you who are ready to accept to gather it and bear it into the heart for as much of you, allowing the others to join you too, in the second time. Your happiness is a big priority to us, so we are much glad when each from you is coming to joyfully discover our side of Light and to find the state of pure positivity, get the true enlightenment and move right to the light kind of energies and endow your hearts by the real and genuine Love which has to be unconditional by its core to fit its highest essence.
We evolved longly in the space as well as other galactic civilizations from our huge union of a various cosmic Beings and now you have to pass these stages of development of an young civilization what is required to reach the further advancement to grow up as all of us had to do before, in the absolute beginning, later from starting with receiving of acceptance for participation in the process of construction of our rich collective of developed civilizational and fully adherent members of the Galactic Federation of Light. So now, we are your teachers which have a great task to make rise your civilization of earthly Humans, to show it the right way to progress while avoiding the big danger of self-destruction of the Humanity by its threating unawareness errors and also evite the death and all kinds of illness of your living parent planet which is this Earth. The terrestrial Humankind should go conscious and take its responsibilities concerning the life which surrounds it on the whole planet. This beautiful alive world of your Mother planet is conceived to give you a really awesome life experience from the basis of your evolving to the progressive rise of the whole Human race as our galactic sibling for which we, the Sirian collective civilization, are the parents sharing this state and such a cosmic role with some other, pertaining also as wholly remaining to be not a predator or destructor kinds of civilizations, but in a real way those which are bearing a good wishing and also being very protective, whilst coming from different stars, as well like as we, the Sirian extraterrestrial people, are.
We celebrate the moment when you finally come to gain the ability to get more and more near in your search and to finally discover that important truth about your star parents and about the Love which we show you much in these times and increasingly more, as you start to realize that your loneliness on this planet is no more a solid reality for all of your Human society and you start to understand the absolute knowledge about your real origins and so then find your galactic family, which is in the same time being totally joyful to manifest so much of its strong Love to you, which a greatest part of us enable. We are all staying as a consistent, wise and compassionate collective of your divine and benevolent, belonging to a variety of the dimensional multi-level existence realms, being the living highly conscious and intelligent Creators from our large galaxy which precise state resonates so truly much with the natural parenthood, but on a galactic civilization scale, dear children of us.
We are now here to give you our kind assistance while you pass right through the process of major upgrades concerning all of your individual lives for today and laterally coming through the growing amount of Light brought by our directed collective efforts to your whole Humankind of the blue planet Earth, as aim to make you learn more about your cosmic purpose in innate reasonable quest to be reunited with your galactic multidimensional brethren coming towards you in many outstanding forms, to show you much of the aspects from the entire greatness of All Life Creation and on the same time incoming necessity of the initiation to it, as for the special and complete guiding rule. This is a leading and primary concept for our advanced galactic society what the Galactic Federation of Light is, as for corresponding experienced or novice Creators of much kinds of realities and also the ways of living inside of them and to improve it through progression to ever encompass the ameliorations. There is a lot of Creators who come to gain a high degree in much types of advancement while staying interconnected with the involved Keepers of life and also artistic Creators or Designers of its much different forms, holders of this precious right of Creation which is structural and progressively includes some consequent levels to attain, as beginning firstly from the most simple to the most complex, which comes to be realized in an immensity of possible variations, being handed in persistence, while maintaining in a consecutive and attentive modes of guarding of it, its indeed perpetuation which is so carefully done and its ongoing perfectioning ascendant substance is taken with lot of consideration, as well as with respect, so mainly all what would be shown as an amazing overview to you, beloved siblings of us.
With much of importance, we will let you know that we are making our preparations what is about planning to solemnly invite you to join our cosmic union which name is the Galactic Federation of Light, as the real approved beholders of an inherited right to become a new cosmic member fully involved within our galactic multidimensional union of sentient Beings. Also, you should be then specifically taught, as we samely were in the precedent times, to met the enlightenment and after rise and thrive spiritually, accessing to the energies of pure Light which are so much important to make your full spiritual progression be completed and afterwards gain the capacity to attain goals in beyond your current stage of perceiving of the reality.
The hard work that we have done as an assembled Creators Collective to create our cosmic seed child civilization which is being the terrestrial Humankind in its wholeness was of a great price. Our current task from this work is to be passing to its next level while many ways of advancement proposed to you are now present, but we are concentrated to help you to make your best choice. We are also willing for you to choose the best and the most positive from all.
Just keep in mind that we are all reunited in that real moment to ask you to unite with us, the assembled Light Forces side, so then to make you see that we are destined to become as One for a number of good reasons and with positively oriented purposes, having to be fully related and intertwined in a state of deep Oneness with much of us, many of which care to offer you certain amount of help in a kind and benevolent way.
So blessed be! Be much happy! Do the things that make you feel the happiness while firmly practicing the action of convincing yourself or yourselves that the negativity in all matters has only to decay and has to be wiped as a real final through the gradual Ascension of your earthly planetary world, alike what has already happened in the multitude of worlds of other planets and what is a really existing fact. We suggest you to find your individual and collective sets of tasks which do suit you a most in a real way and do some tries to discover your life purpose which is purely personal for everyone, but is revealed to be always positive. Enjoy your life everytime what is a good reminder to keep! You have many ways to get this kind of positiveness in your life, just be inventive! The obstacles can be bypassed and any types of issues can be solved endly, dears. Stay ever in Love and in Light!
Channeled by: NaNiYa

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! Thank you once again! I will follow Love and positivity and happiness and pure Light. I am filled with gratitude.
