4 June 2016

Message from SaLuSa from Sirius - 01/06/2015

 Life on the Earth today flows in a different way. The world has changed. Humanity is evolving. There appear a new technologies that change the people's lives. People must know, that they should love and respect this planet, which is the Mother Gaia. Their task - to keep her. Life on the Earth is very precious and this world lives for that you love it.
 Light from the higher realms falls on this Earth and makes people lighter and more joyful, you must be aware about it and about how it affects you. Let it enter inside yourself. He gives strength and sturdiness of spirit and also fills with itself your soul.
 Love is the highest of all the senses and you need to fill your heart with it, which will lead you on your life path.
 Love connects with it a different entities, having possibility of loving. This is - a divine gift from the Great Lord and you need to cherish it. "To love" opens your heart to all the world and it gives the opportunity to your soul to become lighter. The people are created to love. But the dark Ones have concealed from you the ability to true love. Nevertheless, now you can discover in yourselves that opportunity, in what the life-giving Light will help you. You were kept for thousands of years in a state of spiritual sleep. Now you can open your eyes and to see the new world, full of beauty and light, which will give you the opportunity to become the light souls and open yourself to the Light.
 We know that you, the people of Earth, have a need for the new knowledge. The contact of your civilization and the Galactic Federation of Light has a smooth beginning. We have many different technologies, that will help you to develop even further. But you must understand, that we are not yet ready to reveal them to you, because the terrestrial civilization does not understand that they should not be revealed to those, for which the world is the place for conflicts, hatred and evil. Such individuals are quite numerous on this Earth globe.
 We cultivate in your hearts  the love and kindness through our messages. You should begin to see clearly and see that the world is wonderful and great. Love - it is that which should rule this world.  The evil, this is something that makes the world dark and bad. But you have to find your way into the Light.
 Your souls are evolving and becoming more intelligent and strong. The love lifts them up over the spiritual ladder. I do not mean the love in its romantic sense, however such a love can help you to find the joy and happiness. The world around you should be loved by you, as well as yourselves.
 The happiness consists in that having a heart, full of love for the world, existing around you,
you will find peace and rest to your souls. You have to become kinder, lighter with your soul, be friendly to other Beings, have compassion and grow spiritually. The Light and Love will help you in this. You must have a strong belief in yourself and the truths, mentioned herein.
 With this, I - SaLuSa from Sirius, say goodbye to you and I wish you the best. As usually, I send you my Light and Love.
 Thank you, SaLuSa!
 Channeled by: NaNiYa

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