Message from the Sirian embassy co-workers on 8 June 2019
Many years and ages ago the Humanity on Earth started its journey to complete a full growth quest to attain the level to be able to upgrade finally to having a capacity to see and embrace the multidimensional reality from which we come from genuinely and thus, we look in this time with joy at you, as now you attain the higher degree of awareness what speaks about the understanding of the utterly real nature of this universe in which we all live and develop, so in that time, we view your own progresses.The Ascension is involved to make the individuals concerned by it pass on the next level of consciousness and thereafter getting possession of interdimensional subsequent life realizing integral ability and extended creative power in beyond of your actual tridimensional mental metaphysical state which is estmated as being a preparative to the process of Ascension in its real definitive essence. The approachment to the ascensional step of life for each of you is however built by your firm entire integrate will to personally participate to a collective outwork being done to start it, what is having a variant to be precisely a personal date, with some derivatives in time for every of individuals, but have in mind that this can never get a beginning produced by the choice of remaining in the energies of lowest types, which cannot be higher than third dimension's ones or ever from inferior dimension states which are staying in below. That means that this stage is linked tightly to all species of the superior energies coming from beyond, as respectively. Our loving assistance is meanwhile truly present to offer you a handsome amount of help in this special and big task of great importance which comes to be made by your own proper choice, what says to personally accept it. This has to be such a selection for your real incarnation of the now moment, while letting us work on what we explain as to gently guide you through the necessary progression step by step, while your spirit grows as advancing in a much of possible ways and you reach the Ascensional Path, with a part of assistance from us, as being ever remaining as your protecting and leading collective, acting benevolently for all of you to allow you to advance further, because we care a lot about that. Our support for you persists, even if you aren't seeing it. Much of us are happy to bring you advices and show you ways to proceed in the best kinds of manners. The Love which is sent for every of you is being of a considerable size, without forgetting, by the same time, the adding of the strong energies of Light. These both are being taken together and are then being directed addressedly towards you and your hosting blue planet Earth, which we also call Gaia. That is done by our united galactic interdimensional Command, related to the entirety of ascensional tasks and particularly charged with a precise one, what we name as the Cosmic growth orientation for Positive civilizational polarity alignment. Such a task performing assurance comes from all of us, staying assembled as One and as a joined coalition, so this kinds of shareable expanding beneficent energies are coming unstoppably without any interruptions to touch all of you which are now living on this planet. Allow yourself to be showered by a wonderful energetic substance of the Love and Light, welded as an united sum, without making use by you of any kinds of repelling it what should be really wrong, but as contrary stay very confidently, to just let envelop entirely your whole Being by these ethereal elevated energies. That permits you to switch thereafter to a more light types of energies inside the fullness of your core as of an alive soul, what you truly are. Don't forget about this in any of moments and times of after. These interspatial shiny energies of a spiritual and also of a physical value are exemplary bright and high-powered, so on you can embed them into your soul emanation which is your current integrating existing body naturally corresponding to the 3D physical state of reality and is greatly and even more valid for all of your upper, less dense vehicles or embodiments of conscious mind of yourself belonging to a more higher realms of existence situated in beyond the basic sphere of 3rd dimension world. The positive energies are continuously supplied by us to assure their consistent flow running inside of your whole composite planetary living space. We are very occupied with that. We share our energies with you in a much positive way and we have a beautiful lovingly made planning concerning our offerings of help and guidance to you, dear Humankind of Earth, as for all of Ones which constitute it, so never feel alone any more. Much of realms are connected with you for now and much of living souls are in these moments coming from various locations, as they are thinking to find a way to be helpful and bring much examples of creativeness, meanwhile presenting a purely good aims and a desire to give different sorts of assistance.
Our contact with you increases quite rapidly, what is being a totally great thing for you, as like it is for us and so, more of us are now being manifesting our attention in your earthly lives of a present day. A so much exciting moments are being approaching, to be revealed as a so intensely waited final reunion of you and of us which is indeed getting more near. Enjoy any of your days and celebrate all of the good moments, with remembering that you are here not to be like a passive, only perceptive subject simply looking at own ones life as it is being passing, but are the principal person to build as oneself on your own or co-create your personal lifeway of happiness and possibly further expand this state to your star family, as a fully aware part of it. You must become in that way the main direant of your life stream, as an awakened conscious soul moving progressively on a level of cosmic awareness, likewise as we did, so now we are being your Guides, our friends! Taking the conscient responsibility and the necessity of feeling this as need in an individual way, are a valued keywords in your life and in any of paths of development for you, as a beloved collective of permanently growing and learning souls.
The days of a special kind have in a real way to arrive and they will be of course very numerous, proceeding to bring you to the new advanced kind of reality of the life, as a whole immense space to discover, the borders of which are enlarging fastly when and while your degree of awareness grows and it is being unveiling itself even more to your eyes and senses, what is in a true way upcoming and has to become a real future for you in its multiplicity of forms, looking almost fantastical compared to your present viewpoint. This should be exceeding ever a more audacious of all imagined by you scenarios, but be really the result of a profound and important applied work of a large size which involves much of living determined and competent Beings. We honor such a kind of working a lot for its whole greatness. At the same time, the arriving moments what come after today, which are placed temporarily very close to this present moment, are overall related as to be the perfect time to put a solid basis for build-up of a nice and assuredly not negative future concerning in a whole manner the inhabited world of this planet Earth and her dwellers.
As most of all, the specific required multidimensional and cosmic realms initiation learning or a first and primary spatial education of Humanity, is to be done to show therefore the other variants of reality, what is surpassing greatly in the whole nature your overall obtained universal knowledge from today's time, but while is remaining as a simple and a not surprising kind of truth for us, who are inspiredly cheering you. That process had started an amount of time ago and is being proceeded within the Humanity's continuing development, while its errors likely as mistakes have to accurately pass through ways of permitted and correspondent correction, inclusive spotting of their popping up in a good time, to also minimize the repetition of them and doing a complete and progressive instructive work with the Humankind to make the avoidance of that things be real. We and you are also faced presently to the big need of effectively procure the planet Earth's fast healing what is being a high necessity because of the gravity of this problem having to be solved in a sufficiently and possibly short time as your mother planet is being ill.
There on, our full common work has to be done to construct the consistent foundation to give a real place to the pure Joy, Prosperity, Peace, mutual Happiness and conscious Oneness to reign within the planetary world of Gaia. We say proudly that it is such a wonderful and collective job about the establishment of tomorrow state of thriving for you all, our much dear friends, which is in a right way deeply based on bringing positiviness and shifting on a multidimensional intercrossed state of living, spiritual advancement and expansion from a now someway poorly set, determined limit of your perception, to a progressively growing level of your encompassing consciousness. That is a way of the exploration of a larger quantity of space of life to get fascinated by its immensity and so numerous wonders. There are such a stunning discoveries to make, concerning the surprisingly incredible vastness of the universe and venerable beauty in all of ways to feel it and in a manners to watch it.
So ever be happy! Stay ever as being loved and search your Light source to pick it right, so after embody, carry and expand it in a lot of existing ways! Our Love and Light are sent to you!
Channeled by: NaNiYa
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