Message from the Sirian embassy co-workers on 26 May 2019
The changes are indeed occurring in your modern society, so you should see that you live in a very special and great moment which is coming to be a capital instant for your whole earthly Human collective of living souls and its sufficiently old history. Our efforts is now being much present to offer you more of Love and Light, meaning to awake you completely to a positive state of existence and show you its fine beauty and also its whole kind of being not negative, not destructive but fully gentle, good aimed, rich in its enormous size possibilities, without including harming and damaging sorts of intentions and remains to be only consolidating in its ways of process which is leaded. Our positive manners of the construction of reality are being accomplished much carefully while allowing for every part of us to be sure about to keep these remain as purely free of hurting and ruining in their inner nature, so then always avoiding to be sliding into the negative and its derivatives. We are working today to direct you rightly to dismiss more of the negativity and allow all positive types of choice to make, while we are kindly showing you the best ways to help you to truly succeed in it. These precise times which are coming today signify a lot for you, because this is a leap to a new different future, an amazing start to a new level stage for the whole Humanity as the shift to a new reality and ability of understanding the truth that concerns the universe what is ongoing right now. All of you are a participants of it, so we try to make you basically know that you need to move to a new polarity of living as entire Humankind's civilizational community on the Earth, what means to quit any ways of being a destructive civilization, but pass to the being state of a positive and conscious, responsible civilization, denying totally all forms of destructive existence. Retain that this is not too much difficult to be attained, but stays as a realizable task. Our guiding help should be offered to you, thus your incoming demands are listened when you ask it and has to be fulfilled after that the time comes when you become ready to the obtention of what you truly desire. We are happy by assisting you in this important time. Our strong Love has to guide you in this real seconds while you are thinking of us. Let you feel it and permit its flux to surround your heart, letting that precious tool of your body softly integrate such a powerful energy what is Love in the most pure condition.We are your reality which you will need to finally find in the future time as your consciousness grows and upgrades, to make you get to a new future step to discover the worlds in beyond your habitual planetary closedly located point of viewing the living space passing to a much more advanced modes of seeing the existential world in beyond the precedent limits. That would be an totally great changement to realize and to manifest, but this is also a reunion with your Guides and assistants from the cosmic space and from the multidimensional realities which is upcoming and which we all joyfully wait. You need much to get rid of all of your fears, because that will be an absolutely positive encounter as the approaching time of a so profound and infinite happiness! We will be permanently remaining as your needed but well-wishing helpers to make this so truly important event come real.
The vastness of our universe has being hidden from you for a very long period time, but today you are progressively going to recover access to it, what is been spoken about a prettily big quantity of you who were incarnated with a special, but all positive purposes commonly as a guiding souls originated from higher dimensions and also being born to participate to the definite work mostly consisting to stimulate the positive advancement of Humanity and helping other Ones to reach straight such a huge amount of discoveries of a high importance what comes as a very honorable, as well as valuable action to give aid to all of the growing up novice souls that we watch rising and progress with a real hearty gladness.
Our galactic and multidimensional structure of inhabited realms and corresponding fascinating states of life, being unknown to you before these days will be opened to your own vision to make you afterwards pass through a full transmutation as a presently living Human Being, while offering you the possibility to view and interact with the dimensional realms existing higher in a respective and hierarchical growing level graduation manner than this 3rd dimension's space keeps its precise place inside the wholeness of the universe in which you evolve at present. All of our protective staff as well as our guiding and teacher members are presently giving you a wise assistance and looking after the terrestrial Humankind to safely make its necessary developmental steps to be rightly done. We are bearing much of care for you as for our cosmic children with which we are in a real way related in a matter of being not only like as your living Creators, but also like as Ones wishing to show yourselves similarly to the image of the loving parents because we made you come alive and show you paths to develop. This is meaning a lot for us. We share the Light of our knowledge, our genuine benevolence, the bright Light of our united spirits, its full energies combined with our Love which is so much influential and has to be felt deeply, having a great transformational capacity, unharmfully persists in a real manner, remaining of an unconditional kind, also being much frequently merged with an added healing potential and which is coming from our large community of a many enlightened Beings who form our Creative and very spiritual various affiliates of the Galactic Federation of Light working together with you in a positive constructional way, with full of rejoice concerning your good achievements, helping you to get improvement in many various subjects approved to be in a not destructive way, educating you as the developing and growing up galactic children, quietly guarding you to prevent you from different varieties of dangers which could be menacing you, even being likely to happen on a cosmical scale, giving you a beautiful gift of our helpful guidance. Our puissant protecting forces are watching over you delicately with a lot of kindness. Our Light and our Love have to stay with all of you, remember that. Wonderful things are about to happen ahead, so keep hoping and always stand tall! We love you, dears!
Channeled by: NaNiYa
Thank you for this wonderful message. The Sirians have been very strongly coming into my consciousness just over the last several months, but even more strongly in the last several days. I've done illustrations of them before I even knew of them. Blue light beings have come into my heart and mind's eye during meditation and stillness of mind. I have had dreams of the She-Wolf, Dog Mother, which is the constellation of Sirius, the Dog Star. I definitely feel in tune with Something very Intelligent and I am listening and receiving and emitting through my writing. It's all I know to do right now and I feel I will continue to know more as I am given it. I want to know more about you, NaNiYa. When did your awakening happen? Mine was in 2006. Did you experience an awakening, or did you come into this life remembering who you Are?