Message from the Sirian embassy co-workers on 19 October 2019
We know that you have waited so long to see us and listen to us. But as this discovery is progressive, so well our Love remains strong with all of you, that turned ourselves today to search us. This culminant moment is now being approaching in your linear planetary time. Some of our allied and tightly united community are already in contact with certain of between you. They know and understand that we are being right now here and look on you kindly. However, a part of people is not today ready as absolutely to see us, so a completing preparation is done as being prevalently necessary. Many fears concerned the existence of extraterrestrials, but we are a benevolent community occupied by working about the time of approaching for a full contact with you, as a community of earthly living Souls, who need to make yourself steadily prepared for getting that final encounter with our large Galactic family of purely friendly and deeply evolved Souls.This will sound as an awaited reunion for us, what will also resonate with the hearts of your own. See it all, by your eyes and also, feel that by your heart as the precisely one of a kind and fondamental event occurs. Its arrival is bringing evident by many hearty searchers of Light and actual space dreamers to only be true, as they find us, as while being seeking and discovering the uncovered reality, what as action got solicited from the both sides, but gets the unweiling gently due to not to destabilize too boldly the residual current vision of a limited conception of the living world, which was imagined and kept in mind before, by an ever very large part of you, like as being never knowing us, as we are alive as you are and our existence is total truth, but in a such times, you were staying unable from find it out, because of stagnant phase of separation which vanishes slowly today. As so, this discovery needs to pass in a mostly gradual way, dear earthly Humankind. We say that this will be maybe bringing a bunch of good varieties of changes to your lives and in a quantity of cases for your society on Earth. But that will be something to enjoy indeed. As your whole society evolves what is facticaly progressive, the wind of changement will touch you profoundly, but you will need to release all of your fears, as you need to advance, so the step to reaching the future as a new and much waste universe to be seen open is already engaged, flowing within this times of now. All of your positive hopes, choices and efforts are for real praised by us, your interdimensional Keepers and your true Protectors, which do exist in a very real way, so you have more a more of veritable explanations and revealed truth of what we really are. Your sense of freedom is gifted by our careful composite large command of cosmic and interplanetary Creators, so you can experience it samely in your lives, as well like as we all can. The perfect times are on the way to get much more closer, but samely our land assistant collective is bringing a precious kind of help for us and for much of our enlightened earthly allies, so well it is a deed of a great responsibility and also, high importance, but we are looking from there to view that nothing goes wrongly. Your level of conciousness rises, so then you come aware and get resoluted to feel that you are at a final point to get prepared to meet with us. So we are gladly seeing that a such wonderful instant will come and it inspires a lot of Joy for all, who wait it to arrive.
We send you a lot of Love and wishes for positive to come very strong within your hearts and minds, so a fully positive tide comes upon each of you. So many amidst you, thus need to feel it truly intense. We work to make it more and more enlarged, so it touches progressively more and more of you. Stay then assured about the kind of this event, as we exclude all parts of negativity to come interior between the integral lapse of this full process. Be reassured, your quest for discovering the presence of us was never being vain and a most attended discovery about our existence and a start for the present contact with our respectuous cosmic community of benevolent and caring Beings who have chosen the Light selected, coming from many places of the galaxy and who get here to make the previously fondational and also achieving movements to the first contact of a kind, what is today near. Much from us arrived here to give you a needed assistance. As the time progresses, this will be a last chord to be done before our real meeting, as your own ways intertwine presently so much with ours and this is just a good new, as a such changeant moments get closer. So the next stages of reality get straightly to you, being setting softly accessible to see, as your readiness is growing to be completed as well, to open widely your eyes to look.
So your Love, may it shine bright upon each of you together with the Light, being the greatly strong energies transforming the dark to a Light as a pure form. All your continuous hopes and actions for bringing the positive are entirely blessed in a many of times by us, as our presence increases, so by that, our healing assistance grows a lot. The Love always shows the way rightly. But know well that the dissmission of hope is deceiving in its totality, so think of this. Our presence, our Light and our Loving energies are guiding for you, so stay ever confident. You are loved from the beyond. Remember this and be totally blessed! We are the Sirian embassy co-workers greeting you today.
Channeled by: NaNiYa
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