4 February 2020

Message from the Ascended Master Sanat Kumara on 14 July 2019

All the Beings of the whole Humanity on this Earth are now feeling that the changes come and they are globally concerning each from between you which has to listen to me through this message. So you can see the new dawn for all of you who are currently reaching a totally different level of development as it comes, as well as for any precise individuals so well as for your whole Humankind. This is a very important time for you all and we are excited to bring you help and enlightenment with the aim to make you succeed on getting this step being done properly and also, to absolutely attain its term without any fails. We are your Teachers and also your Guides and we wish assuredly to allow you to advance further and so, we are gently leading you to the following stages of upcoming growth and of the realization of all of your assembled achievements to do without permitting the attitudes of degradation and kinds of regression for the entire planetary collective of the being brought together souls and cosmic Helpers who are now assisting you to make your personal and common development be well done in all positive ways. Our strong will is to achieve all of your and our necessary accomplishments to be done to make your shared evolution to run fast and to not be spoiled with states of retrogradation and of loosing while moving more far.
The global Enlightenment has to be done by our collective work towards so much of you who listen for now to our involved hearty senders of the spark of pristine crystal Light given to touch the hearts of every of which who are today ready to get it and so illuminate the world consequently with the brilliant inner fire of such of you, as being set by us to radiate its powerful Light all around you and also all of the inside of you. That is also something mostly important for the Ones who are now just only being starting to wake up and right beginning their very own ways towards the divine Light, so then we are waiting patiently to let them find the path what leads towards the Enlightenment working closely with your personal soul Guardians and Protectors in numerous manners to prevent you from bad failure and make you rise fully to attain the Light in its purest form and permit you then to obtain the genuine state of Enlightenment. Thus, in that perfect moment, you will experience the great consciousness expansion, as like as that having been never known before, what speaks about all of you who have chosen to accept that and so this means to perfectly closely come to a wonderful time of your start of your constant growth as a spiritual and conscious living Beings, discovering the new aspects and embodiments of life, as well as getting sample of the incredible wastness of the pure reality which is a perceptible truth, dwelling in this large universe and which is based on a number of intertwined multidimensional worlds or realms. There gets a time of a totally new phasis in your whole development and we are deeply joyful to bring you assistance, protectively leading you through it, as it goes on. A lot of people are now awakening to the enlarged state of consciousness which then expands progressively what is ever a perfect decision to take. The fusion of the Third dimension's level of the mind existence and its concious perception with its higher dimension's embodiments is done in that times of today. This means that your total present, full conciousness of now joins willingly its more higher states of being which are placed in beyond of the Third dimension what are the Fourth and Fifth or even higher existent dimensions of life, so an Ascension occurs, being necessarily involved, offering you a real access to the dimensions in beyond, as placed above of the 3rd dimension's universe in which you stay for this precise and very much important moment which has to be named as capital.
This life, as being a present incarnation for each of you as growing souls is for sure of a huge importance because it corresponds to the times of the transition of the whole Humanity to the unprecedentedly crucial step to make, but to make it for true safely, doing it wholely without any fails. That is a complete challenge to realize, but you should be sure that you aren't left without any kinds of help. We look at you with care, while being prepared to bring you an accurate help for a number of special and particular moments when it is the most needed, assisting you on your path of life, at the time when you are being coming through varieties of choices to do and a number lessons to assume. So we work closely with many other Beings which choosed to bring assistance to other souls and make that work indeed very carefully with a lot of application and with big Love. So on we collaborate with many of Beings from various dimensions and worlds, so then our effects serve in a real way to make advance the progression of the Light and its forces upon this world in which you live, to make it win progressively, what is for a real reason an amazing task to complete and so to transmute any of the amounts of the resident darkness into the pure Light with a full desire to let it shine as bright as possible and offer you a true Enlightenment to allow you to pass on the positive and high vibrational state of life with joining our large assembled community of luminous Ones, all participating to the task of increasing of the power of the Light while pertaining to our United Family of Light and heartfully making it thrive for real. The strong Love that we feel for each of its members and for all of you who listen is truly of a great size, so our respect and consideration for each of living Ones is being huge without any doubts, so know it. We value your Love purely as it is, after the time when you select to endow it and we are glad when you start your own journey following a way towards gaining a purest state of Love, which has its place within each of your own hearts of you, enabling the most beautiful state of mind what is the Love which has to have an unconditional basement as that it is very required to gain the access to its superior states. It is upon to you to invite it into your life and let it stay forever into its infinite wholeness, to powerfully transmute all of your energies from low and negative to high and fully positive based deeply on Love and so comes from the conscious and true Enlightenment which is being a must and a necessity in order to change all kinds of existing inner darkness to a pure substance of Light deep inside of your heart and to shift afterwards to a highest levels of vibrations of your very core. This is a great work to do, but don't think it is impossible, all the required achievements are always known to be realizable, so never have a thought that you won't succeed with them. Your efforts and trials are being blessed, so never loose assurance. That is a good advice that I give you thus, so remember it. The Love from above, directed by many benevolent Beings comes onto you, so approve all of it and tune on it gently. Your progresses make us be happy and we are really prepared to make you see the way to move which is just right.
Many happenings are going to occur steadily from now and your world will change for sure. Stay confident that this is for the better and don't be afraid of your future. The Light oriented allied forces are currently working about to make lighten up your world and lead you through the many processes what are the Ascension, the shift of conciousness into positive orientation, the global rise of vibrations and the enlargement of your perceptible world through space and levels of dimensions, what is finally allowing your connection to the various realms whatever existed, but so much of you haven't known about as yet or you knew just a little thing about, so you, like each of the others are on the point to do a great discovery that will amaze you much. You are for this time carefully assisted by our loving collective of the Ascended Ones and too, of the working for the Light sentient Beings that are ready to offer you much of their help. Just do accept it. Everywhere, you must know that we are keeping you as possibly safe and protecting you in many of different ways and we say also that we watch you with Love and with a lot of profound respect.
This is the most important time in your lives which has come in this precise instants because of the total and profound Awakening of your souls what is going on for the now moment. Many of souls are incarnated here with the high purposes. They are your Guides and Assistants who have the bright aim to give you much of help. It is a wonderful and honorable task that is done for today by many of us, who are all your kind friends. That is a very exciting job and we are enjoying to perform it.
The new perspectives are uncovered before you as getting the beginning from now or in a recent time, so be ready to make the new steps ahead and get prepared to advance in many of matters as in the spiritual as well in a lot of kinds of other developmental ways. Don't be stuck on any levels of your progression, because we are giving you help right now, so then don't hesitate to redeem it. We are here to help! We Love you for real and also unconditionally what is real. We offer you a beautiful examples to follow which are shown by some advanced souls who are here now, meanwhile wishing to provide the right types of aid and give you a concise and complete ideas of a correct and a not destructive paths to take. Your happiness is a true goal for us, so remain quiet and stay sure because of a good progresses to do.
May our brilliant Light and strong Love remain always with you, ever remind about that we are assembling ourselves there to keep you right and help you to evolve for the better! I was the Ascended Master Sanat Kumara and I bring you my Light for you all, wishing everytime your purest good!
Channeled by: NaNiYa

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