The message from the multidimensional Lightworker Guides Group on 22 June 2019
As the level of the existent vibrations rises in the moments of now, the positivity is then more attracted on all possible levels. Keep this in mind. Don't be stuck with negativity into your hearts, but focus only on a positive kind of things. Allow your overall vibrations come from low to a higher levels. Enjoy purely the high vibrations as these are beneficial to you in a real manner. Let go the state of negativism, as being in true reality perfectly unnecessary in all of its ways, but takes away a lot of energy from you by making you spend it for nourishing your negative state of mind which is in effect supported by that and is built totally from your own energy. The negative polarity of the mode of thinking is something to be truly avoided, because it limitates your life stream with barriers which are set by your actual inherent personal negativity which is thus the existant basis for such a pernicious polarity. The reason for this is that it makes you stay in kinds of adverse energies of low vibrations, being too heavy in their full matter as being beared because of their total anchoring state in the all of a not positive, and the deep resonating with the bad energies. But you also need to learn that the positive high vibrations are in reality as listed: something absolutely harmonious, occurring to be in much ways healing, being actually reparative, good to be perceived, ameliorative, structured to never be negative in their pure core, bringing quietness, appeasing all types of a bad feelings, being satisfactory and being very fine, also ever being a vehicle for the positivity in its most sheer substance what is thereby their a most important property. The immersion in the high vibrations offers to your conciousness the feeling of serenity, as well as of joy and ever of happiness. This is so true and there is such a fact that you need to realize fully that the high vibrations are bringing you to only a positive way of living your reality, replacing delicately kinds of negativity, so thus make enlighten your inner world of yourself and permit to the happy changes to arrive, as you make choice to get them into your life, while aiming to reach the positiveness which totally corresponds with a high vibrational state of existence.Do ever search for only the positive, not its inverse, so then to get the real ability to set yourself on the pristine positivity. You are thereafter mastering your proper life and enjoy it in a state of positiveness what is a great challenge to take and win. There should be a remark that all kinds of pessimism are only destructive, so you should move to a consolidating, not negativist viewpoint towards your life and the surrounding of you world, as knowing that you are really the actual builder of your own life and its first director indeed. So prepare yourself to the best possible variant of changes. Losing hope is to be completely evited, so be always hopeful. The unfabled positivity can be accessed in a lot of ways, it is upon you to select the road to its abundance and installation of it within your entire life. That will come with some patience what is being someway needed, but don't give up, still prepare yourself in full to its arrival as for a tangible fact what has to happen, resulting from a little bit of efforts from you to get it, however be absolutely sure of you, as you are indeed able of totally succeed with that!
You must know that you are not at all alone being dealing with such a quest, so much of positive souls are here with you and you are loved from beyond in several varieties of manners, even looking as improbably. Your Galactic Family is presently here with you, currently sharing its loving energies and the Light of the rich wisdom, likewise of the deep spiritual enlightenment and either of the Positive Creation with you. Be in Joy, be in Love, be in Light and be in Oneness, what is something to be remembered forever!
The Love is sent upon you, so stay in its energies, in no ways discard them and don't let them fall away from your life, but keep them and let them strengthen and support you, what is a wise advice done to you. These energies of Love are destined to transmute your whole existence to the better. Believe this and be tuned in to them! That will be a beautiful change to do. The more clear and more perfect vision of life will be revealed to you in that way and so the source of positivity will be shown to you then. This will allow in right way to enjoy your live so much more and be connected with the pure energies of the Light in harmonious and solid way in order to evolve more and advance safely further in your conciousness growth on the individual as well as on collective, joined whole Humanity's level, what is made with the gentle supporting participation of the numerous highly advanced, aware and experienced Masters and Guides who are for now guiding you carefully through the remaining steps to do and make your progression be real and positively oriented what is a really happy task. Much of Ones are now involed in this. You are being blessed by many in this purpose, so rejoice! So let your life path be solidely blessed at any time in it! Best things have to come, while getting provenance from a much of beautiful expectancies and applied efforts of working for the best. That is a particularly pretty thing to know. May the Light shine bright on your way, the Love kindly guard you and too make you stronger. May you attract all the best to you, dear Ones and may you see your best hopes be realized fully! So be blessed!
Multidimensional Lightworker Guides Group and NaNiYa
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