Message from the Ascended Master Sanat Kumara and Lady Master Venus on 11 August 2019
Your hearts are now being opened for the new and expand more and more as your conciousness rises, so you feel that your heart is now guiding you. That is a great deal for you to assume, but we are here in these times coming to show you the right and the best ways to take, so don't fear us as we are gently working about to help you through these precise instants to provide you a needed help and attunement on the right energies. For all of us, this Age is a perfect time lap and from that, the chosen one to start a progressive shift of a global conciousness of the Humankind to a higher levels of existence what are correspondent with the vibrational increasing what does come inside the whole earthly living space. The Love we bring with us, willing to make it manifest through your entire society is of a really great size, so then we make it shine a lot more bright than ever and make it grow even more. The force of Enlightenment that we expand within our Love is meant to awake you to a fuller conciousness and to the ongoing perceivable world discoveries, as well as merging of your innate world image with other realms and allowance of the contact with your higher dimension Guides and Masters whose presence is being unveiled to you now, so you are finally able to see them get in the reality of your now lives and it shouldn't be absolutely unbelievable. This happy encounter is now taking place and its effecience becomes more and more rich, so you meet nowadays much more of us, as a lot of us choose and get the ability to communicate with you what is a truly good thing. Also we are here to act as your dear protectors and teachers as a true and large mission that we have selected to do.Our Galactic allies are united through the galaxy to ensure the better worlds evolution and formed the whole Galactic Federation of Light as a protective union intended to thrive through the cosmic space bringing wisely the Peace and Love, what comes because of the high determination of all of us to give a balance, harmony and acknowledgeable progress with a quest of profound full relationship based on friendliness, sense of coexistence and of help, with anchoring on the higher energies what we master everytime to make all of our work more fruitful. Be ready for a positive knowledge go upon you and just be fully prepared to receive it. The strong energies of Love come to this planet, deeply aimed to heal this planet and the population of her whole alive world, giving you a benevolent service what is done with our loving blessings. The Light which is ever perfectly harmonizing with the positive polarity of being is expanding now through all of awakened hearts which participation is of a much of honor and of respect considered by all of our united community of Beings belonging to the Light who transmute the darkness into the absolute Light with healing and repairing all that we get to the best condition of its existence, so all living souls are then valued while being treated with deep and attentive care.
As your conciousness grows and your mind expands we are here to guide you through the full process of what it is definitely. I will say you about that we got a much of experience from our rich past, as we are indeed the spiritually old and highly sentient living Beings who had overcome much of the Life and Ascension stages, while passing through a lot of different lives or incarnations, so then we are able to lead you now towards the various steps to take and help you to evolve within in the truly possible best ways, allowing with that the precious and harmonious task of full planetary Ascension be concretely done and be integrally accomplished with a lot of heart from our part, while working closely in that way to permit the totality of the necessed positive changes occur in the best manners. Our firm will is all about to get the best come real.
Importantly, at this moment, we need to say you that your very own personal Love, as it awakes counts for us strongly much, what is truth. So we are happy when each of you gets, even like as an individual, into our global work what is the task of expanding the presence of Love, as it is the divine force which is destined to spread cosmically, always being solidely based on the perfectly unconditional substance in its absolute core essence what is being forever its pristine root and what is being the most superior state of it that can possibly be and therefore, we make rise its powerful and pure energies, as like on this planet, as well in the large space through the stars and planets what is coming on interdimensional level done together with our big collective of sentient Beings who are remaining everytime associated in the deal of great assistance and ever pacifically aligned to provide kinds of help. In this way, we particularly offer guidance, thus giving help for development to all the Beings who are just ready to accept our generous assistance, as taking it intentionally, letting us then make you progress further by showing you very precisely the best of all ways to advance on, as well as open your eyes to other sides of the way and so, to correlate them jointly what will make you let finally view much more completely and accurately the reality of now as it is and as it uncovers its undiscovered parts before your present sight. By the same time and correspondingly, we are being giving to you the pure right to discover the ways of progression in the whole polarity of the not negative, thereafter positive, remaining to the Light which is universal, clearing all of the darkness, but also accordingly, on the fine ethereal energetic level, as well as on its denser physical substance level of tridimensional correspondence, it necessary has to be set like tightly coupled with the Love and its full transcendental energies, what all is fondamental, all encompassing, transformational, ever healing. From this, they are both caring the force of reparation, consolidation, pure creativity, to be understood as a constructive power of changing the dark to the absolute Light, bringing the force of Enlightenment for all of the Souls who are being today ready to receive it. That all, taken as a whole, is of a cosmic importance. But these precise instants in your life of now are totally decisive and bring to you the right choice to do, as they will show an enormously crucial choice to do, so we are here to show you kindly the right direction, allowing thereafter the capital step for the whole Humanity to be done, as the time has come.
This determined time is coming right now to expand your world, discover your real allies with such a many various origins and so incorporate the progress of your advancement more on the existential way which brings you to a new stages of your life, what now concerns the Humanity taken as a whole, getting defined as new civilization shifting away from the negative state of existence to its opposite polarity. From that, the full dissolution of that state has to be done by the energies of Light to acquire the total ability to move further to a higher states of being through the Enlightenment and the life polarity improvement consecutive shifts, meanwhile moving to the increasing proportion of Light and of its positive, while passing in that way from the low to the more high in the emotional, physical and spiritual conditions for every of you, as Ones from the Ascendant Humanity, what stands by leveling into uplift the permanent residual energies in the living sphere on that Earth, inside of which you dwell and too, making rise its respective vibrational frequencies to a new and greater than before height, what is realizing delicately to make its growth be pertained in the best terms and occurrences, with what our work will be finely done.
I wish you much of Love as well as of Light and also the accomplishment of your best wishes and success in your all positive and good deeds. We were the Ascended Masters Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus speaking through our friend NaNiYa and we hope you will get the best of all of your achievements while helping our forces of the Light in our creative and collective work to provide sentient Enlightenment and give you the best possibilities to develop and be united in Love and in Light!
Channeled by: NaNiYa
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