Message from the Sirian embassy co-workers on 28 December 2019
As the Humanity moves in its development, the changes steadily go on. So this brings on a great number of changes concerning widely everyone from you, as taken within all degrees of life on this planet. By that, we need to say that we come progressively closer as existentially to you in these instants, so well more and more of knowledge about us is given to you, while the time passes in continuing mode for you, maining to let you understand the truth about our real existence, as in a final result. This is an exciting moment and the gladness felt about going to meet you grows a lot in our hearts. The preparation to make this moment happen is done in a gradual way, but that instant approaches without any kinds of stops which can ruin it. The positive energies are given into the realm of your living world, so you must know that they are sent from many varieties of places and also, ever from other dimensions, as there is a very large number of active, but compassionate Beings, coming in teams of many sorts, which are caring for you and are respecting you totally, as considering you for much as belonging to a full state of being a cosmic and closely related family to them. So it is what you are for us innerly, from our very sincere viewpoint. That fully means that we watch over you, like a guardians, appearing so, as staying as a protective multidimensional group of providing help keepers for every and each from between of you, as well for a simply individuals, so as for a collectivities, in over of all existing kinds of conditions and even in the times, in which this is not being remarked by you. We are around you even in the moments when you feel yourself alike to be wholly and solely separated from everything that brings help and likewise as distant from every Soul, so as this could be seen like as the only variant of truth by your mind, at times when it has the feeling to be strongly captured in the loneliness and in the whole multitude of instants of it. The support from the above of your world is everytime here, even if it looks small, like while when you think obviously like as being living as someone who is only and deeply alone, retained dominated by profound sorts of loneliness.
In meanwhile, as a decisively precise period is rightly coming, as like as you rise as a cosmic collective of Souls, what is the Humankind on this Earth in the today's present, we act therefore in the way which will allow us to make a last step to meet with it as full, in an open sort of manner, as having taken it integrally, as like it is the unique big wholeness made by all of you, as by the Ones who are actually living in this now, a much special time. From this point of view, we are seeing that you are coming into a timelapse of a great importance, as a time of massive upgrades is coming in the lives of you all, so well making wide changes what we want to see alike as being the best only and by then, we want to watch you become furtherly a cosmic civilization, same like as we are. Out of that, for you, there incomes the revealing of the real fact of that you are being getting nowadays indeed near to the encounter with your affectionate cosmic Parents who looked over you for a great time since from your very deep past. This soft attention had a start straight from the first moment of beginning, when you were born in a primaly time as like as the Humans of this Earth, as a new kind of richly sentient creatures in this embodiment form. Then after, we were watching you evolve further, till today, when we are coming right closer to finally show ourselves to you, as a sort of hiding barrier that shaded all the time by itself the vision of our exterior realm from your sight in a strong manner has to fall down in the present. We want to lift the big veil, which pertained your cosmic separation or as it could well be said, your existential sentient kind solitude, which was permanently giving you the impression of a lone existence of a Human and so well mantained rigidly the remaining of you inside of a continuous state of living locked in a limited world of this planet Earth's surface, as in the enclosed small living universe, what hided your real origins and their authentic nature. So we are coming now to be almost ready to show ourselves before your eyes, letting you know the final truth about us, what is now approaching to be very much closer in getting ready to be seen by you, as it becomes unhidden. So we are near to appear to your eyes in our real form, as like as we are a gently aimed union of Beings, as what we are in a true matter of way, for which you count so much, then also for which you are the object of care, so being loved constantly. As we come this time to make the open contact with you, some previous preparation for that must be done mainly, as being however necessary, made with care on the ground of the planet, as the people in its large part needs to get firstly prepared to not to see this event with scare and also, with bad perception.
We are speaking here in these times to make you know that all of your heavenly Creators or who are being the same, your cosmical life-giver Parents, are already feeling today that the moment has come for a special and principally fondamental retrieval that is bringing a numerous forms of changings, but has to be considered as a constitutive great leap for all of you, as like as the earthly Humanity in its whole state. But never see the oncoming changes, while they will take place, as likely to be of a scaring nature. The totally peaceful encounter is planned forth, as build up with friendliness. This meet up is, thus, the first one, so it is being a solely beginning one, but then that one will never be the last, what in its absolute all, should meantime mean a lot for you, as well as it means much for us. This will be an event of a profound positive sense, so we won't give you at all the inutile and nefarious need of being afraid inside your hearts about that raproaching meeting, but to consider it inversely good. Amidst all the means, we are everytime uniquely acting in a totally comprehensive and kind way, because as due, this end relationship is really of an enormous and beautiful valor for both of you and of us, but it is also because of that you, as a number of living sentient Ones, cost a lot for us. This today epoch will be a perfect point to build the allowance of realizing of a progressive form of contact, based on excepting each of kinds of negative sorts of foundation for it, what comes to be important for both of sides, but, thereafter, signify profoundly to give an amount of intense discoveries to you. So as, by these means, a genuine disclosure about our existence continues to advance, making itself to be evident to see, what is gradiently done by its progression. The connection of a cosmic range will form as a result, reuniting you with us. Therefore, we want to tighten this link even and ever more, to make it be then culminated by a live contact. That is incoming rightly, as your eyes come opened towards a cosmic reality and the quest started by you to know your true origins goes onwards to get the desired in a final steps. Effectively, your life world will become drastically enlarged, as like as the earthly Humankind has never seen before, but many beauties will be discovered by you in a such timelines, what will be going further onwards very rapidly, as getting advancing. So a public contact coming from our Galactic representatives, is envisaged to be made within a not so far by the terms of time.
As the time moves forward on the ground of the Earth, there is a growing number of your cosmic allies, such as being a part of our whole assembled collective of a multidimensional Galactic Souls, as remain united by the same will, who join our galactical community with aim of rightly and wisely work on physical and other dimensional plans. They, as it speaks about you, want afterwards to show you the best of types of the road to take, guiding you carefully across all important etaps to get in and to traverse through. The positive energies are added on this Earth, being consciently sent to there, more and more of times at once, so you experience the rise in vibrations, what couples with positive tones of matter, so the constant existant level of these grimps on a planetary level, what is the final kind of enabling movement for a shift, marking the new stage of the energetical growth within all of your Earth global existing alive world. As this occurs, you shouldn't have to get any possible of reasons of having fears. Meanwhile, as something progressive, it takes a precise and an almost big amount of time to be really achieved. Therefore, all of our efforts are applied to ensure that this event passes in a most sleek and unharmful sort of way, so it occupies a lot from between of us to perform a collective job about this, which is encompassing all of the necessary tasks about its completion as a whole and integrally. We are working to release away much of anchored kinds of suffering and destructiveness from your minds. We want to make you know that we, as a cosmic large group of enlightened Ones, remain endowed with rich wisdom and so, we are currently offering and doing now many variants of help, what concerns caringly many of our earthly helpers and allies, but also each of persons who come to us in a peaceful way or in a friendly seek. By while, we add that our job is concerning all the living Beings, as so the Humans are like, but also the other varieties of Beings, not only considered as highly sentient, but which come to be a part of your planetary nature habitants, as for example the animals, but samely, all of what surround you as a various forms of living creatures making a part of this motherly protected and nursing world of that planet Gaia, which you call Earth, which bears this inner world of your living sphere, hosting the life and its abundance on her planetary body. We address her much of respect as a cosmic Nurturer Mother, so we also tell you the important necessity to feel a lot of respect from your part for this planet which gives you a place to grow and also to prosper in. Her living biosphere contains an outstandingly large number of different varieties of life forms, which is your precious earthly heritage, but meanwhile makes this be a select world to see and to live inside of it, but also much as to be conserved forever, while being careful with its sustainable integrity, as a gift given to you, likely as a sort of kind offering, done to you with it's full state of bright magneficence, granted to you with a thought of care.
Our common and deeply increasing current existant need, about which we are talking today, is presenting itself as the genuine necessity to produce the entire restoration of the integrity of this blue and green planet, as making a complete cure to a beautiful world, which she is handling, designed to live and to thrive in great abundance which innerly includes the Humanity, as being living within, in the same time as while it is getting shifted to a new term of conciousness and awareness, as the capital changes and transformations are arriving, what carries you to a new type of living, very different of what you experienced before. There will be a gentle repairing action done from our part towards that planet. Also, as we are acting helpfully, but also caringly for the entirety of the Humanity, which passes by a most special stage, as a future and its approaching reality unveils to you, so different in its properties, which thereby show up, but also which were so much attended and anticipated, leading you to discover the space and of the traces which leads to find us. So then, a new Era will start, as bounds of your world expand, what we see as an end step to the culminant retrieval of you with us, guiding you to find the source of your origins. As the most important, we need to say that it is a time for the first kind of contact and of meeting with your Galactic family, as we are your cosmic parents, thus relatives, as we belong to the united alliance of your space Creators, which means basically genitors for you, dear earthly Human friends, making you know that you are our children in the space. So, there are ever a lot of kind allies for you, protecting you from behind, giving you Assistance and also Guidance, being ever present before the birth of your life as of each of you, seen as individually and of all of the total Humankind, but in much of ways keeping continuous our care about you.That has a start in in the very deep past, since the Humanity's time of creation. We was called by many names, such as angels, good spirits, Soul keepers, many spiritual guardians, positive helpers coming through your history since even in the times of its very start, providing you care and assistance, as it was needed. However, from a very ancient time which expires today, you stayed separated as a sentient species from other forms of the cosmic alive intelligent lifeforms and unable to access the realms existing in beyond a restrayed integral material plan of existence, due to the lost of complete c onnection between you and the higher dimensional worlds of existence, in which we dwell.
For a reason caused by the past time winning of a rule of a totally negative faction realm and its forces upon your terrestrial live ground by a sort unkind conquest, what was conceived mostly on a strongly adwerse types of constructive basements, rejecting the energies of a higher nature trying to getting through its substantial core, the Human Being on this planet has lost the connection with the highest dimensions of the real existence. So a reign of a dark ages was established. But ever by the time of these ages, there were the complete instants when a sometimes granted aid was provided from outer dimensional higher planes hosting the life of divine conciousness, as being donated in a kind way from behind and kinds of protection was given in important cases. But a separate state of existence pertained itself for almost all of the earthly Humans, as of Ones, who were living a life which was originally cut out from the source world of the sentient Creators of your birth, as of divine cosmical parents, remaining fully inaccessible, during an almost long time history concerning your living kind, what is about to end, as the present comes. So these times of domination get to a real term, as the temporal flow moves in its constant way. Thus, the Humanity regains step by step its divine and free state of nature. That is a point that we celebrate a much. The new arrival of divine, loving and pure high energies, comes deeply and fluently and so, as we come ready to find you finishing your big struggle to recover the spiritual gifts of the past, lost by the times of the past darkness, having as end the meet up with us, what we scheduled already, changing as gradually, but with kind of a softness all of your precedent views of this universe, which dissolute by their obsolescence.
The progressive moving forward to this event is now taking place. That is the fusion of our cosmic world with yours. It was meant to arrive, starting from the moment, which has to come, as you as the earthly Humanity is now touching the time of the conciousness Awakening, as the universe unfolds its wholeness and its real nature to you. This acts like a magnet to you and to us, leading to finally get in contact, as our worlds are getting closer, approaching to celebrate a culminating meeting. As the past time comes away, a cosmic separation state comes to its termination point, opening for you the portals of truth guiding you to a new dimension reality in its convergence with your space of life, which was previously staying limitedly closed, so what was established as the darkness coming from the big historical temporal segment of its puissant domination, which was keeping it as a ties for you, fades as being dissolved by the time and by our work to ensure the Light in its part as a vehicle of a positive knowledge, that we bring to you, completed together with the energies of constant Love, being sent from us to shine with kind grace upon all on this Earth's surface, as they are washing up the negativity of a lone period which presently flows away. The lock of a closed gate keeping the Humanity in a solitary state in this space of the universe world, is now broken and thus disappeared, what permitted to let our healing and transmuting powerful energy of Light pass through of it in an immense amount to fill from itself your existence in a world, that sees the ending dissolution of its previous barriers. This will be the start step in the new Era, as the times of the old Era will be left behind, so a New Age will flourish.
We know that you need some progressive and instructive adaptations, as what is regarding the passage to a new time evolutional grade, modificating largely your reality, as its full set of upgrades comes through your life, but residual number of sometime accurating achievement faint stops come to get our attentive profound work on and have a need to be timely resolved, while they are present without becoming altering, what is heavily due of what takes a root from the false fears and kinds of blocking received ideas of your mindset. However, their inutile sense is evident and their core foundation is poor. Also, these popping from time to time contrarieties will not make terminate or interrupt in any of ways the advancement to the contact of you and us, as well as the ensemble and unity of your whole evolutional precious acts of movement going forward, as our assistance is given to this all, because we care a lot about. It is all like a stream which smoothly goes on. There will be an existential shift, leading to an important changeover, which will help you to step into such an Age of a new kind and by a while, to find and see its abundant discoveries and the culminating final manifestation of the other forms of conscious life, coming real to your eyes, presenting themselves in a many varieties of appearances, living sentient, like as we all are. With an intelligent and wise approach to tell, we come there to help you to maintain your spiritual, metaphysic nature, technological, live amelioration and so more, as remaining in a state of fair progression, but in a same way to prevent your falling into a hole of degradation.
The multidimensional nature of the universe will then show up itself to you, opening you a bridge to a higher dimension of life. Thus, the uninterrupted progression moving in a still and straight direction, after being pushed rightly, but also correctly, going from its beginning stade and so leading towards the best of a kind in its integrity. That is a future making road to which you are today seeing yourself to be softly converged, as our careful help is added to make that all success. So there is a new checking level point that you need to reach, placed on that road, approaching greatly, as you are getting continously more and more near to it. That way's consistency in its entireness needs to be revealed as to be felt of a total importance, fondamental in its wholeness nature, but rich in impressive marvels, as it unwraps and unhides an another universe to your sight, which was remaining by the past as absolutely unseen to you. As what is being important, the main property of that road is that it is being based on the all positive only, what is its deep and solid foundation having to be kept everytime following it, but also stays as a very huge part of itself, as of a composite whole. As we look upon you, then we see that your continuing development brings you into that way, as offering you a step destined to be done, as a required final move, what is the completion of a long complex travel which arrives to its final point. Coming to this, we have to greet you, and cheer the new beginning which comes ahead. We have been with you for a while and along your multiple paths, but now, we are more and more present with you all, as you had come closer to know us and we get ready to give you to immerse in our large, but beautiful cosmic world, that then turns to be yours too.
So we leave you with our Light and Love, but we are intensely encouraging you for doing the best things, as we wish them to you. Ever focus on positive, on real kinds of good changes, as we bless you with that all. So never feel alone, as your full state of loneliness is not a real truth, but you are surrounded by benevolent presence, responding as you seek it, which is protective and comforting, coming with a variety of assistance, even if you think that you are lost and feel like as all is being completely wrong. The gift of a Hope is given to you, and Love is given to you as one of a keys to always remember this.
Channeled by: NaNiYa