Message from SaLuSa from Sirius - 05/11/2015
The Earth is spinning. On the Earth, there are many significant events that occur. People of Earth, look that terrestrial civilization rises up on a scale of development. Although some states are losing in the development and may not be able advance further. Our job is to help you that you rise higher, in the sense of the spiritual and in a some terms materially, as well as evolutionarily.People of Earth, know that we, Sirians are not enemies, but a friendly civilization and you are given the right to get for yourself the help of other civilizations, members of the Galactic Federation of Light.
We want to show you, that we, Sirians are a very strong civilization. But we will not cause you any harm. We want to give you the peace. You should not kill other people, because it is a crime. People should be kind and help other people, but not to kill them.
We, Sirians know, that you earthly people can, in spite of the earthly crises of your socio-economic systems, advance into the Golden Age.
We would like to tell you, that you, Earthlings should love each other and the world around you. Therefore, we, Sirians want to help you to become more developed spiritually and learn to coexist peacefully with one another.
The spiritual development of mankind continues and thus the spirituality for you Earthlings should be a value and you have to develop it.
The Light that you think about of it as spiritual, helps you to resist spiritually to the worldly troubles. You must fill yourself with this Light, for example, through meditation. Earthlings, know that we, Sirians can help you to open in you the best qualities and grow spiritually.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and I want to send you my Light and Love. On this, I am telling you goodbye.
Thank you, SaLuSa!
Channeled by: NaNiYa
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