Message from SaLuSa from Sirius and the talk with me on November 15, 2015
This morning SaLuSa asked me to write a channeling from him.SaLuSa: On the Earth people live in a different ways. Someone believes in God and someone does not. Believe in God - he exists. I am SaLuSa, I want to prove to you that I exist, and I give to you this channeling for that you believe to me and my channelers. I am the same SaLuSa, who wrote channellings with Mike Quinsey. Today I want to talk to you about my other channelers, in fact, I know, I have some new channelers: you, NaNiYa, then Gabriel Raio Lunar, Phil LightBody, I can also write channellings with Laura (Laura Multidimensional Ocean).
Me: Do you love me, SaLuSa?
SaLuSa: Yes, NaNiYa, I am your Twin Flame, I love you, I am ready to admit it to you. I'm your only husband.
Me: I told you about Maria Isabel Henn, who is she to you? She called me dark One.
SaLuSa: Maria Isabel Henn is not my wife. I do not love her. Yes, I know that you are light, my dear. No, you aren't a dark One.
Me: I love you too, my dear.
Me: I want to know more about Mike Quinsey? Tell me about him?
SaLuSa: Mike Quinsey can no longer write channellings from me, he is considerably old, his health does not allow it.
I'll transmit channellings through you and through my other channelers. I'll help you and know, that we are together forever. I'll protect you, my beloved.
SaLuSa: People of Earth, be aware, you have to continue to evolve spiritually and not only it. People, you will develop further with us, Sirians and we will help you.
We love you, Earthlings, and we wish you welfare, so you have to understand us and become our friends.
We trust you Earthlings, that you do not become our enemies, as did the dark clique and will be for the Light.
We, Sirians know, that the Ascension is truth and that the coming of you to a new level of consciousness, where you become smarter and lighter. This is your spiritual breakthrough, which will lead you to the Light and happiness.
I was with you, and I am happy to help you the people of Earth. I am SaLuSa from Sirius and I'm helping you out of kindness in my heart. The joy and happiness, may they be with you.
Thank you, SaLuSa!
Channeled by: NaNiYa
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