Message from SaLuSa from Sirius - 02/09/2015
Times are changing. Everything in life flows differently. The world is changing. There appear the new technologies created to facilitate your life, but the dark cabal hinders that, so these new discoveries are hidden from you and therefore the terrestrial civilization is still remaining in the hands of dark cabal. The light forces help you to get rid of the influence of the dark cabal. And Sirians know, that people should be friendly towards Sirians, as well as other members of Galactic Federation. The Sirians are able to help you Earthlings, if you want it and ask for help from us, the Sirians.Life on Earth is going on, but you like to understand that you are the crown of nature. You nevertheless know, that you can not be more major than all living beings in the world, therefore Sirians think, that the terrestrial civilization is too egocentric, so the Sirians teach you peace and kindness. You should not to destroy the animals for fun and kill animals for that you eat them. Animals have feelings too, they can suffer and be tormented, when you use them for your food. Animals know, that they will not do such evil to a human, which the one causes them ruthlessly.
On Earth, there are many cases of UFO crashes, therefore Sirians are very cautious about an arrival on your planet. There is a risk that our ships will be shot down, therefore we are not going to wage war with you. We offer you peace, humans.
The Sirians know that at this time you, Earthlings can not yet really go beyond the brink of space. You have already the developed technologies, Earthlings, but they are inaccessible to ordinary people and concealed from the people. The Sirians know, that you, Earthlings can not understand that Sirians would like to become your friends. I am saying this on behalf of the entire civilization of Sirius.
The Sirians understand that Earthlings are not yet ready for a meeting with the alien ships. We are not a scary aliens, we have something similar to you. Our aim is peace and friendship, so the Sirians would like to say to the people, that they should help the peace between the humans of the Earth and the Galactic Federation of Light. But the Earthlings are not always right when they say bad things about aliens. The Earthlings know that they are afraid of aliens, but we would like to prove them that not all aliens are evil. Therefore, we would like to have a good relationship with you, Earthers. We would like to establish good diplomatic relations with the Earth.
On the Earth is now passing a new wave of Ascension and the people see that it is not a hoax. The Ascension has to happen with many of you. This must be treated with the seriousness. You live on the Earth, which is filled with the new energies. You get this chance for the Ascension, if you defeat the darkness in yourself. So you have to climb up the spiritual ladder. The vibrations of your bodies should be high, because only in this state, you will be able to ascend.
I am SaLuSa and I leave you with my best wishes and send you my Light and Love.
Thank you, SaLuSa!
Channeled by: NaNiYa
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