Message from SaLuSa from Sirius - 20/08/2015
The situation in the world today is very different in different regions of it and we, Sirians know that you, Earthlings want that on the Earth everything should be all right. The Earthlings know that they go to the New Time, therefore earthlings should know, that the situation on the Earth will be discharged and the peace must come. The best times are still ahead. The Golden Age will come. It will be a civilizational breakthrough. Also, it will be a time of great changes, everything in the world will change. Therefore, you should know, that we Sirians will help Earthlings in the transition to this new stage of the life of mankind. The advanced civilization of Sirius, is an example for Earthlings that suits you and so you can take it.The New Age will set you free from the influence of dark cabala, which has since olden times held you in its slavery. Now you are awakening to new truths, that lead you to a new life, with no impact on you by the black cabala. We, the Galactic Federation of Light will help you to get away from the dark cabala.
The Earthlings, understand, that you should not destroy this world, where you live. You have to protect it and preserve your Mother Earth.
Your spiritual development should help you to live rightly. You know that spirituality is necessary for a person. You have to reach a correct understanding of the essence of human life. You must come to the Christ consciousness. This is the highest level of human consciousness raising. Thus you reach a level of spiritual sanctity and so you will be very light and very elevated spiritually.
Your world was created so that you could love him. It is full of wonders and wonderful places, that you have not yet seen. Your planet is unique, she is beautiful and green. You do not know how much it is precious. Its nature is gorgeous. We know, that it can be helped. We, aliens are able to clear it from your waste and garbage with the help of our special technologies. We will do it, when you learn, Earthlings, to live with us in peace and friendship.
We, the Sirians know, that our UFO may seem to you in the sky, but we warn that you, Earthlings Earthlings must not shoot them down. In some cases, UFOs were shot down in the sky and destroyed by the earthly machines. Therefore, Earthlings will understand, that the civilization of Sirius takes account of that the armed forces of this Earth can destroy our ships and so we are very afraid for the lives of our crew. Therefore, we want to warn you that we can not yet land on your Earth because of this danger.
The Sirians know that they can help the whole of humanity, with the help of their high technologies and great knowledge, so Earthlings can understand the Sirians, as being those, who can help them.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and I wish you good luck, and I send you Love and Light.
Thank you, SaLuSa!
Channeled by: NaNiYa
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