Message from SaLuSa from Sirius - 07/08/2015
You, the terrestrial civilization, you want to understand why on the Earth, there are events that should be understood as the destruction of the human system? You know that you can not prevent this. In fact, you must understand that you have a too negative attitude toward your planet. You destroy it, Earthlings, you scathe the forests, the lungs of this planet, that you cut down, as well as destroy the bowels of this planet, that you use irresponsibly, animals also suffer and die through your fault, birds and marine inhabitants are killed. You pollute this Earth with garbage and waste. You know that you are destroying your planet, so you have to understand, that it seriously pines away.You built your systems on the ideas of the dark system, so you need to know, that the dark Ones built these systems on the wrong principles. Such systems can not stand for a long time and they collapse. Therefore, the Sirians know, that the present system of rules and values of the mankind has to be changed. Civilization should become safe for the planet Earth. You should not turn into a fossil civilization. Civilization must be more humane and friendly to the people. Peace and concord must reign in your hearts. Money should not be the subject of your idylls nor subject of your desires. Today's financial system is doomed to collapse; there are methods of transition to non-currency system life. The Sirians know that they do not have currencies, so they can be a shining example for you.
The ways to preserve the Earth's human civilization do still exist, so the people can save a society of themselves intact. However, there will be changes in the society and people will live in a different way. Changes in society must be carried out for the benefit of mankind, rather than against it. The Sirians can help people to develop, if the people ask to them that. You do not need to be slaves, you have to be a free beings. Earthlings, know that you come to a new phase of the human life - its transition into a New Age. It begins progressively and started at the present time. The New Age will open to you the horizons of the new life with the development of new technologies and the opening of a new frameworks for your fulfilling life. The clergy, too, must undergo change, so you'll know, that many of the old will be forgotten and discarded. We guarantee you the spiritual freedom and incentive to the development of the spirit. You should not forget about spirituality, as need and opportunity, leading you to the full Ascension.
The new energies are coming to the Earth. Now, it is the peak of their arrival, so you will know that earthly life needs them. These energies will help you to gain Light within yourself and imbibe it. Know, that these energies are light, so they help you. They cleanse you and make your soul lighter.
I would like to say thank you for that you read my channelings and I send you a lot of energy of Love, Light and Good.
Thank you, SaLuSa!
Channeled by: NaNiYa
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