23 November 2014

Message from me and my Higher Self - 23/11/2014

The nature is an important and precious treasure that the planet Gaia possesses.
The Earth's nature is beautiful, and also very fragile. It is a set of the terrestrial ecosystems fully interdependent the ones with each others.
But, now think of all of the damages made by the Man on this planet.
Since earlier times, with the commencement of technological progress and including today, the planet and her nature have received a different serious damages. And, meanwhile the ecological situation is, today, getting worse. Take a close look on the degrees of received damages by the Earth and the significance of those damages, received by the Mother Gaia and by the Nature of the planet.
The reason of it all?
The bad and irresponsible human activities on this planet. The human destructiveness on the planet, the bad actions harming her, pollution of air and water...
The main causes of ecological problems on this Earth is the destruction of the nature caused by the Man and also irresponsible, bad and dangerous anti-ecological actions leaded on this planet.
So, now I will say, Gaia and her nature are endangered now.
People, think some more times about the Earth, and her nature, and animals, birds, fishes, plants, flowers, water, rivers, ponds or seas - all that amazing nature is suffering now from an artificial pollution.
This beautiful and awesome nature, it was a great gift that the destiny offered to you, the peoples of this planet.
Take care of the nature and of this Earth, the planet: love her, send her your positive energies, also help the animals and the nature, if you can do this.
The situation on the planet is not yet desperate. So go ahead into the beautiful ages while conceiving the human technologies which will respect the planet and the nature and don't damage her. This objective is really attainable.
All assembled together, we can make the better world on this Earth! Begin from right now! The peoples of this Earth can live very well in the harmony with the planet and her still enough rich natural world.
Sending you, Earthlings, Healing energies, Love and Light. And my personal wishes for the Peace in this world.
By: NaNiYa

20 November 2014

The Sirian language - the extraterrestrial language.

Here I want to give you some notes about the Sirian extraterrestrial race language.
The language of the Sirian civilization is very old and extremely rich. There are really much more words that in any of the languages that are present on this planet Earth. Also, the Sirian language is a very developed language.
So there are much of words, alike that if you try to traduce them to the terrestrial language exactly, then you can't do this, because they are meaning the concepts of the reality that aren't discovered yet by your humanity (too young by cosimic standards). This world or universe is not a very simple thing that is, and the Sirians tried to describe it as well as possible, with especially created appropriated words. So there are much words meaning the nuances of something, that your terrestrial languages are more likely omitting and don't invented yet, instead of prefferring to use a new word to mean a nuance of something or in inverse a word meaning an entire and whole thing or concept.
The Sirian language contains nearly the same number of consonants, as do most of your Earth languages, but with a little more of additional consonants, that these languages maybe don't have. The Sirian language contain also a sufficient number of vowels. It also contains five major vowels, which are strung together to form words. Because verbs and nouns are given equal weight in the Sirian language, our sentence structure will seem strange to you.
The Sirian language is contextual in its nature. For example, the word "Selamat", which means condition, precedes words in a greeting or salutation to emphasize the word or phrase that follows. "Selamat Ja!" means "may a condition of Joy or oneness be present".
These words can be broken down into a number of basic proto-words. Normally, these consist of a consonant combined with a vowel. For example, the word for the main continent of Muktarin (name of one of the planet of star Sirius B) is "Sa-ka-ra" or "the soul of female creativity". "Ra" is the principle of female creativity: "Ka" refers to the body guardian or its soul: and "Sa" denotes the entirety of anything. This same principle of construction of words is found in your words much of times.
(*A part of informations that I mentioned here comes from the different articles with channelings from Sirians by Sheldan Nidle, and by Drekx Ω, also some are coming from an other diffrent sources, also I got some information because of my telepathic communication with the Sirian extraterrestrial people.)

I will give you here some words, that I know belong to the Sirian language and build here a short glossary of a Sirian Language.
Dratzo - Hello
Ta - Heaven
God/Creator- Ja Ta - Joy of Heaven
Va Ta - Thing of Heaven - Water
Sa - One, Individuum, Living
Ga - Faith, Belief
Ka - soul or spiritual guardian of body
Bha - Soul
Jarin - Ultimate Joy
Selamat Jarin - Blessings
Bregga - Bridge
Zazuma - Thank you
Selamat Gajun - be One
Selamat Ja - Be in Joy
Selamat Jalwa! - Be in Everlasting Joy!
Jai Bashara - Good Day
Selamat Majon - Rejoice
Selamat Bakir - Welcome
Dramu Kasi - Much love
Selamat Bratzo! - Be in Satisfaction
Selamat Balik - Heartfelt welcome
Zauda Zagon - We come as One in the Light
Selamat Kasijaram - Be blessed in Love and Joy
Selamat Kasitaram - Be blessed in Heavenly Love and Joy
Sirius - Akonowai - The blessed path
Taj Jai Dan - Happy New Dawn
Selamat Kasijaram Zau - be blessed in the love and joy of spirit
Third planet - Atarmunk - Holy place of the Atar (eagle like bird)
Atar - Sirian bird that ressembles mostly to an eagle
Fourth planet - Muktarin; Land of the blue seas
"Rim", "-rin" or "-ran" signifies - ultimate
Selamat Kasi Da! - In Loving Service
Musal - Day
Akanowai Dajoie - Place of spirit star nation
Ya - Love, Sageness, wisdom
Da - Service
Ni - Heart
Na - Sky
Aktaiwa’ - Summoning
Mayete - Fidelity
Tananae - Friendship
El- Light
Akonowai - the blessed path
Gosho ba shen! - Action for All!
Selamat Matah! - Peace Be With You!
Selamat El - Let there be the Light

Article written by: NaNiYa

16 November 2014

Meditation "Cleansing your consciousness and spiritual protection"

Firstly, sit in the pose of Lotus. Relax, respire profoundly, then say these words, like a mantra:
The pure sacred energy of this universe fill me with you! Enlighten me!
Give a wise mind to me, and set me free from the dense dark and negative energies. Let me arise to the higher dimensions. Let me share my Light with the Ones, that are needing it.
God Father, protect me from the evil minded Dark Ones and their evil-desires. I believe in the divine Light, it's a savior of the Live in this universe.
The Saint spirit help me in my life path! The Guardian angel, my protector, please save me and protect me! Give me a strength and make my inner Light shine brightly!
Continue to relax yourself while meditating, feel the universal energy enter into you (just try to realize it), revitalize you and give you more strength and wisdom. You can repeat this meditation several times in a day.
Author: NaNiYa

15 November 2014

Spiritual Meditation - "the tide of spiritual forces"

Dear adepts of various meditations, Lightworkers or simply readers!
I consider it is necessary to publish a short article here about a very useful meditation that I use constantly and which is very beneficial for me.
Here is that short meditation and its rules, which I invented and I use every day now. It gives the tide of spiritual forces, helps to cope with a sense of moral and spiritual energy loss, which is very important in these today's rather difficult times of transition.

Words for meditation:
Light Energy which abides in the space around me, fill me with your Light, give me the Strength and the Courage to keep the Light within Myself, let fill my soul with the Goodness and Purity, cleanse me from the dark energies which are oppressive, bitter and evil. Let me no more feel the Weakness! But find the path to joy and be able to shed my radiant Light on the whole World around me!

Uttering these words, you need to envision a stream of pure White light over you, descending on you from above, a flow of energy that fills you up from all the sides. You have the possibility to stretch arms to the sides, hands apart and imagine that you absorb this energy inward your body across the surface of your skin of hands and arms, and also with your breast and heart. After, you will have a sense of relief on your soul, a feeling of a presence of Light with you, that will give that you a feeling of joy and grant you a new forces in you... Thus, you can sit down in meditation posture, just as do the yogas. The longer and the more you practice it, the easier and faster you will receive a beneficial effect and a burst of energy from such a practice.
This meditation will help you to raise your vibration level and give you a charge of positive energy for the whole day. You can repeat this meditation several times a day!


7 November 2014

Message from SaLuSa from Sirius - 07 november 2014

The Ascension is still going on constantly, that is a process fully affecting your consciousness, so then you, the person, become aware that you learn, gain different kinds of experience and grow spiritually.
People should strive for a new state of unity, where mutual respect, moral qualities are above all other ideas. Earthlings have to understand that they must collectively change their way of life and ways of activities, dangerous for the planet Gaia and causing her damages, on the image of environmentally responsible existence on your planet of Mother Gaia. Higher levels of spirituality give you a certainly greater responsibility for your actions and capabilities. Biomatrix is trying to hold you attached to it, and the person, trapped in its biomatrix grid cannot get out of its attraction, so you need to know, that the high of spirituality increases your chance to escape from captivity of this biomatrix system and prepares you to the transition to the new, higher dimensions.
The work of Lightworkers inspires, primarily, the respect, as many of them are performing their work selflessly and make a great contribution in the development of your Humanity and your spirituality, so we, the members of the Galactic Federation of Light express a great gratitude to them, and of course, expect their advancement on the sacred path of Light.

The Ascension, it is a process, which is often slow, although it depends on an individual, which had made a choice in favor of the Ascension, how quickly his own Ascension will be passed.
We, the Ones from the Galactic Federation of Light, thank you, our friends and our helpers for all the help provided to us and bless you in your life choices. Therefore we leave you with our best wishes!

Thank you SaLuSa!
07 November 2014

Channeled by: NaNiYa

27 October 2014

Message from me, my Higher Self and SaLuSa - 27 October 2014

Awake! Look, and just remark the numerous positive things of this world or ever of this universe. First of all, give a look at its beautiful and handsome parts. Always try to raise your vibrations. More your vibrations are higher, better it is. Remaining in the highvibrational state, that protects you from the disagreeables dues to the negative low vibration state of mind.
The Light is spreading on the surface of Gaia. Take advantage of this. Share your own Light between the other Ligtworkers. Don't forget about such thing as blessings, noticing how they are beneficial or ever healing for the all beings endowed with consciousness receiving them. The mutual help is something that is important between the Lightworkers.
Every One can become better, kinder, but not become badder, in the inverse, such thing is so much to be avoided. Make from you a highvibrational Being, you will be surprised then of how you will feel better in your inner Self and in your brain mental. Every Being in his spiritual evolution has the possibility and power enter in connection with the own Higher Self and get, then, guidance from it. Many souls on this planet are in a state of a spiritual evolution, but the negative reverse process as the spirit's involution is not good for you, really. Try to expand your consciousness. A selection of possibilities is available for this aim. Make the ameliorations in your mind, enforcing your brain. Be a sovereign thinking beings, not like the robots or zombies. Your intellectuality is what is being something precious to you, so take care of your mind.
You, the Earthlings are forming collectively the global (in sometimes) and local or regional destiny of the planet Mother Gaia, which is beautiful, but she is suffering from devastation and the pollution made by the Man on this Earth. That was the result of the actions of irresponsibility and big ignorance towards the planet. Gaia ever needs your help, because that is an endangered planet, as well as the life on it is endangered too. But we won't give you a bad prognosis about its near future and the future of your earthly Humankind. Nevertheless, a good and positive prognosis. The Ligtworkers are assuredly working to make this word be better and moving the humanity of the planet in the new time interval of the New Age.
Much love to you Dear Ones from our command which is belonging to the Galactic Federation of Light. Our blessings and good wishes.
Thank you, SaLuSa!
Channeled by: NaNiYa-Ammaat    


22 September 2014

Message from me, my Higher Self and from SaLuSa from Sirius.

There are highvibrational and positive gentle ondes that are arriving to the surface of this Planet! The Light will brill in our hearts, if you accept to enter it into. The are much of constant changes in terrestrial wolrd, but forget the turmoil, just keep kalm, never think in a bad a negative ways. Continue your spiritual growing. Remember about the Mother Gaia, on which you are living today, she needs your help and that is right now. So, then send love and blessings to her. The future will fulfilled of good 'events that will arrive, so don' t be worrying, that will be ever possible that the goog changes happen.
Sending to this planet and to its inhabitants Light and Love! Selamat Ja! Selamat Gajun!There are highvibrational and positive gentle ondes that are arriving to the surface of this Planet! The Light will brill in our hearts, if you accept to enter it into. The are much of constant changes in terrestrial wolrd, but forget the turmoil, just keep kalm, never think in a bad a negative ways. Continue your spiritual growing. Remember about the Mother Gaia, on which you are living today, she needs your help and that is right now. So, then send love and blessings to her. The future will fulfilled of good 'events that will arrive, so don' t be worrying, that will be ever possible that the goog changes happen.
Sending to this planet and to its inhabitants Light and Love! Selamat Ja! Selamat Gajun!

13 August 2014

Our Twin Flame Union

 The Twin Flame union... A most beautiful Love union that might exist, pure, amazing, beautiful, deep and unconditional Love which comes directly from the Hearth. I found my Twin Flame, he was SaLuSa from Sirius, I wrote some channelings with him before. He said to me, that I was his Twin Flame, and that, in the reality. I was very happy to hear this and to discover a pure and awesome love between us two, reuniting us now together, from the moment, where I knew I was his Twin Flame.

10 August 2014

Message from me and my Higher Self 21-07-2014

Rise your vibrations, by removing the negative emotions from your mind and then don't let such a bad emotions return again to your mind. Just keep your mind in the positive state. Try to think repetitively about the positive and good events. Or try to do something good and positive, with deeply concentrating yourself on what you do, by the way. If you are sad, maybe, try to remember something that is good. Say to yourself :"the bad events aren't here forever"
Ignore the bad events shown on your TV or other of your electronic devices, such videos and images that can shock you and make a big harm to your head neurons and to your state of mind. So evite such a kind of informations full of violency, scary, horrific or with gory things. Listen to this good advice right now!
Never be pessimistic, but optimistic!
Everybody between you can feel the unconditional Love in his heart, just Love everything around you simply and purely and you will find the unconditional Love grow up into your heart. Epurate your heart from all the dark emotions, sadness, anger, hate, jealousy, hypocrisy - these are a nasty negative feelings which are eveventually lowering your lever of vibrations. The unconditional Love is a sacred feeling and don't need a lot of conditions to exist, not like the small transient passions or a weak love based on the profits or other feelings not similar to unconditional Love, which is also called Agape.The most gorgeous feeling is a superior unconditional Love, that you may discover appear then in your heart (I am not talking right here in the romantic sense of the word only) and you can feel it is not only for the alive persons around you, but love for the entire world surrounding you, that is and exists, in all it's small and also big parts. I think Agape Love should be one of the most respectables feelings.
Namaste! Sending you Love and Light.
Written by: NaNiYa

8 August 2014

Message from me and my Higher Self 21-07-2014

Rise your vibrations, by removing the negative emotions from your mind and then don't let such a bad emotions return again to your mind. Just keep your mind in the positive state. Try to think repetitively about the positive and good events. Or try to do something good and positive, with deeply concentrating yourself on what you do, by the way. If you are sad, maybe, try to remember something that is good. Say to yourself :"the bad events aren't here forever"

Ignore the bad events shown on your TV or other of your electronic devices, such videos and images that can shock you and make a big harm to your head neurons and to your state of mind. So evite such a kind of informations full of violency, scary, horrific or with gory things. Listen to this good advice right now!
Never be pessimistic, but optimistic!

Everybody between you can feel the unconditional Love in his heart, just Love everything around you simply and purely and you will find the unconditional Love grow up into your heart. Epurate your heart from all the dark emotions, sadness, anger, hate, jealousy, hypocrisy - these are a nasty negative feelings which are eventually lowering your lever of vibrations. The unconditional Love is a sacred feeling and don't need a lot of conditions to exist, not like the small transient passions or a weak love based on the profits or other feelings not similar to unconditional Love, which is also called Agape.The most gorgeous feeling is a superior unconditional Love, that you may discover appear then in your heart (I am not talking right here in the romantic sense of the word only) and you can feel it is not only for the alive persons around you, but love for the entire world surrounding you, that is and exists, in all it's small and also big parts. I think Agape Love should be one of the most respectables feelings.
Namaste! Sending you Love and Light.
Channeled by: NaNiYa

26 May 2014

Message from SaLuSa from Sirius - 25/05/2014 

Our greetings to you, Earthlings! We, the Sirians are a peaceful and highly developed extraterrestrial civilization that wishes Peace to your terrestrial civilization. The Humans of Earth, know that killing, warfare and destructiveness never lead to a good outcome. We, the collective of the extraterrestrials of the Galactic Federation of Light will offer a certain help to your humanity in its development, but know that it is only you who creates your Destiny, that is so, as well as for a separate individual, as well for the humankind itself. We, the united benevolent extraterrestrial community, in way to offer you assistance, have a precise missions concerning this planet Earth and its humanity which are of a protective and supporting character, and give to the terrestrial humanity a warning, tending to prevent you, the terrestrial Humans from starting making wars or conflicts, in particular in reason of their extremely dangerous nature toward your humanity and this planet and the life on it, which had increased much today, by giving you a spiritual and universal advices that are helping to dissuade you from doing such a bad actions. But do not be frightened, we are anticipating the future of this planet and of your humanity, which will be bright, just believe it.

Be only responsible for your negative, harmful actions and such a bad actions do not lead to the good results, because they create a negative karma and the positive and good actions aren't creating karma, but in inverse, they are erasing your karma, also contributing to advancement of your soul in its development, and that's is the good way to clear your karma. Never see the karma as a scary curse of your life. Karma is not in reality something to damage your soul, but it is a teaching mechanism for it. The karma is a Universal mechanism, that teaches the soul how to evolve to the spiritually higher stade of its development. It exists only to make your spirit advance to the path of a superior consciousness, Peace, Wisdom and Goodness. This life is a training scenario for your soul to make it evolve and be better than ever. That isn't something to neglect. Have a responsible viewpoint on your life and on your relation to the life of others. We are the highly evolved Light Beings that know and understand the Truth of that existence and say to you that the respect of the life is a most essential thing. Do not ignore such an advice, we are the life keepers and that is an example for you. We are ascended and we are living in the Christ Consciousness, so then we are inviting you to follow our path to attain the stade of spirtual awakening and an expanded positive counciousness remaining on the high vibrational feelings base and not a negative perception of the all encompassing reality. The Christ Consciousness is in its core the substance of goodness and the conception of helping and saving. We, the Ones, belonging to the side of Light, are helping to the Universal Live in this cosmic region to persist, and we and you are indeed the part of it.

By the way, know that the counciousness turned from the Light to darkness could be destructive and can make harm to itself by its destructive attitude, what is a real sign that you are on a wrong way. God is being ever awarding the benelovent Beings and the Ones, whose assignment are to be saviors, not destructors. The Light is the guiding essence leading you to the higher level of your development as spiritual you is to remove a non-positive stereotypes of consciousness, imposed on you by the malevolent dark proponents of the negative self-centred ideas, to free your mind and soul from the blocks, very objectionables, imposed by them, but remind your task and a need is to be responsible regarding the Life, and don't damn a single creature to the suffering. The principle of Duality is not allowing you a true mind and consciousness freedom, so you need to move spiritually on your life path, away from the negativeness of Duality making steps towards the Light. But in a case, when you are permitting to a part of darkness remain in you, you should encounter setbacks and a side of darkness is withstanding to accept to liberate you from its ties. So you will need an inner courage to truly get rid of them.

 The God Creator had permitted you to ascend from Darkness to the Light and frees your soul from suffering. We, the members of the Galactic Federation of Light do not violate your free will, and, keep in mind, your soul will never be lost because your souls are inherently verily immortal, having come here after a long period of incarnations. Your personal intuition will show you precisely the moment when your heart is ready to open to the Light and your soul is prepared to discover the enlightenment. We, and the other benevolent Light Beings want to be your helpers and each of you can be a helper and savior of yourself and of the others, in a many cases on the connected jointly individual paths of life.

 The Light energies are regularly sent to this planet Gaia and to all the Beings present on it without any exception and the Light spreads throughout your world, raising the level of vibrations on the planet.

Blessed be! All of us, united together, are sending you our Love and Light.
Thank you, SaLuSa!
Channeled by: NaNiYa

Message from SaLuSa from Sirius - 25/05/2014 

 Our greetings to you, Earthlings! We, the Sirians are a peaceful and highly developed extraterrestrial civilization that wishes Peace to your terrestrial civilization. The Humans of Earth, know that killing, warfare and destructiveness never lead to a good outcome. We, the collective of the extraterrestrials of the Galactic Federation of Light will offer a certain help to your humanity in its development, but know that it is only you who creates your Destiny, that is so, as well as for a separate individual, as well for the humankind itself. We, the united benevolent extraterrestrial community, in way to offer you assistance, have a precise missions concerning this planet Earth and its humanity which are of a protective and supporting character, and give to the terrestrial humanity a warning, tending to prevent you, the terrestrial Humans from starting making wars or conflicts, in particular in reason of their extremely dangerous nature toward your humanity and this planet and the life on it, which had increased much today, by giving you a spiritual and universal advices that are helping to dissuade you from doing such a bad actions. But do not be frightened, we are anticipating the future of this planet and of your humanity, which will be bright, just believe it.
 Be only responsible for your negative, harmful actions and such a bad actions do not lead to the good results, because they create a negative karma and the positive and good actions aren't creating karma, but in inverse, they are erasing your karma, also contributing to advancement of your soul in its development, and that's is the good way to clear your karma. Never see the karma as a scary curse of your life. Karma is not in reality something to damage your soul, but it is a teaching mechanism for it. The karma is a Universal mechanism, that teaches the soul how to evolute to the spiritually higher stade of its development. It exists only to make your spirit advance to the path of a superior consciousness, Peace, Wisdom and Goodness. This life is a training scenario for your soul to make it evolve and be better than ever. That isn't something to neglect. Have a responsible viewpoint on your life and on your relation to the life of others. We are the highly evolved Light Beings that know and understand the Truth of that existence and say to you that the respect of the life is a most essential thing. Do not ignore such an advice, we are the life keepers and that is an example for you. We are ascended and we are living in the Christ Consciousness, so then we are inviting you to follow our path to attain the stade of spirtual awakening and an expanded positive counciousness remaining on the high vibrational feelings base and not a negative perception of the all encompassing reality. The Christ Consciousness is in its core the substance of goodness and the conception of helping and saving. We, the Ones, belonging to the side of Light, are helping to the Universal Live in this cosmic region to persist, and we and you are indeed the part of it.
 By the way, know that the counciousness turned from the Light to darkness could be destructive and can make harm to itself by its destructive attitude, what is a real sign that you are on a wrong way. God is being ever awarding the benelovent Beings and the Ones, whose assignment are to be saviors, not destructors. The Light is the guiding essence leading you to the higher level of your development as spiritual you is to remove a non-positive stereotypes of consciousness, imposed on you by the malevolent dark proponents of the negative self-centred ideas, to free your mind and soul from the blocks, very objectionables, imposed by them, but remind your task and a need is to be responsible regarding the Life, and don't damn a single creature to the suffering. The principle of Duality is not allowing you a true mind and consciousness freedom, so you need to move spiritually on your life path, away from the negativeness of Duality making steps towards the Light. But in a case, when you are permitting to a part of darkness remain in you, you should encounter setbacks and a side of darkness is withstanding to accept to liberate you from its ties. So you will need an inner courage to truly get rid of them.
 The God Creator had permitted you to ascend from Darkness to the Light and frees your soul from suffering. We, the members of the Galactic Federation of Light do not violate your free will, and, keep in mind, your soul will never be lost because your souls are inherently verily immortal, having come here after a long period of incarnations. Your personal intuition will show you precisely the moment when your heart is ready to open to the Light and your soul is prepared to discover the enlightenment. We, and the other benevolent Light Beings want to be your helpers and each of you can be a helper and savior of yourself and of the others, in a many cases on the connected jointly individual paths of life.
 The Light energies are regularly sent to this planet Gaia and to all the Beings present on it without any exception and the Light is light spreads throughout your world, raising the level vibrations on the planet.
Blessed be! All of us, united together, are sending you our Love and Light.
Thank you, SaLuSa!
Channeled by: Naniya

25 May 2014

Message from SaLuSa from Sirius and my Higher Self – 25-05-2014

Our greetings to you, Earthlings! We, the Sirians are a peaceful and highly developed extraterrestrial civilization that wishes Peace to your terrestrial civilization. The Humans of Earth, know that killing, warfare and destructiveness never lead to a good outcome. We, the collective of the extraterrestrials of the Galactic Federation of Light will offer a certain help to your humanity in its development, but know that it is only you who creates your Destiny, that is so, as well as for a separate individual, as well for the humankind itself. We, the united benevolent extraterrestrial community, in way to offer you assistance, have a precise missions concerning this planet Earth and its humanity which are of a protective and supporting character, and give to the terrestrial humanity a warning, tending to prevent you, the terrestrial Humans from starting making wars or conflicts, in particular in reason of their extremely dangerous nature toward your humanity and this planet and the life on it, which had increased much today, by giving you a spiritual and universal advices that are helping to dissuade you you from doing such a bad actions. But do not be frightened, we are anticipating the future of this planet and of your humanity, which will be bright, just believe it. Be only responsible for your negative, harmful actions and such a bad actions do not lead to the good results, because they create karma and the positive and good actions are on the contrary the Salvation for your soul, and it is the way to clear your karma. Never see the karma as a scary curse of your life. Karma is not in reality something to damage your soul, but it is a teaching mechanism for it. The karma is a Universal mechanism that teaches the soul how to evolute to the spiritually higher stade of its development. It exists only to make your spirit advance to the path of a superior consciousness, Peace, Wisdom and Goodness. This life is a training scenario for your soul to make it evolve and be better than ever. That isn't something to neglect. Have a responsible viewpoint on your life and on your relation to the life of others. We are the highly evolved Light Beings that know and understand the Truth of that existence and say to you that the respect of the life is a most essential thing. Do not ignore such an advice, we are the life keepers and you should make so, too. We are ascended and we are living in the Christ Consciousness, so then we are inviting you to follow our path to attain the stade of spirtual awakening and an expanded positive counciousness remaining on the high vibrational feelings base and not a negative perception of the all encompassing reality. The Christ Consciousness is in its core the substance of goodness and the conception of helping and saving. We, the Ones, belonging to the side of Light, are helping to the Universal Live in this cosmic region to persist, and we and you are indeed the part of it.
By the way, know that the counciousness turned from the Light to darkness could be destructive and can make harm to itself by its destructive attitude, what is a real sign that you are on a wrong way. God is being ever awarding the benelovent Beings and the Ones, whose assignment are to be saviors, not destructors. The Light is the guiding essence leading you to the higher level of your development as spiritual you is to remove a non-positive stereotypes of consciousness, imposed on you by the malevolent dark proponents of the negative self-centred ideas, to free your mind and soul from the blocks, very objectionables, imposed by them, but remind your task and a need is to be responsible regarding the Life, and don't damn a single creature to the suffering. The principle of Duality is not allowing you a true mind's and consciousness's freedom, so you need to move spiritually on your life path, making steps towards the Light. But in a case, when you are permitting to a part of darkness remain in you, you should encounter setbacks and a side of darkness is withstanding to accept to liberate you from its ties. So you will need an inner courage to truly get rid of them.
The God Creator had permitted you to ascend from Darkness to the Light and frees your soul from suffering. We, the members of the Galactic Federation of Light do not violate your free will, and, keep in mind, your soul will never be lost because your souls are inherently verily immortal, having come here after a long period of incarnations. Your personal intuition will show you precisely the moment when your heart is ready to open to the Light and your soul is prepared to discover the enlightenment. We, and the other benevolent Light Beings want to be your helpers and each of you can be a helper and savior of yourself and of the others, in a many cases on the connected jointly individual paths of life.
The Light energies are regularly sent to this planet Gaia and to all the Beings present on it without any exception and the Light is light spreads throughout your world, raising the level vibrations on the planet.
Blessed be! All of us, united together, are sending you our Love and Light.
Thank you, SaLuSa!
Channeled by: Naniya

6 May 2014

Message from SaLuSa from Sirius - 05/05/2014 - The meaning of unconditional love.

The planet Gaia is coming today into the time of major changes. You should be troubled by the negative events arriving in this world. But understand that a time when the situation concerning your humankind on this Earth will ameliorate, is upcoming giving the road to the positive changes. The people getting use of the negative emotions are feeling the negativeness grabbing them, then remind that it isn't a good state of being, which brings you into the lower vibrations. So, you need to look for the ways to rise up your level of vibrations.

The value of Love is not to misunderstand and its power is not to underestimate. I am not speaking here about Love in the romantic sense of this word. But the Love is in every way an important feeling. The Love is the high feeling, that is an invaluable and remarkable gift from the heavens to a soul endowed with consciousness and feelings. Know that the God hadn't given the Love to the humanity to let this splendid feeling be forgotten. The Love is a primary and a true source of Peace, within you or outside of you, because this is the feeling that makes you reconcile with the opposing to you forces and circumstances. A part of dark Ones, proponents of the negative valors such as conflicting, domination, sense of disrespect, should take an aggressive positions to defend their viewpoints. But such an attitude will lead them to error. But those which are choosing the side of the peaceful existence based on the valors such as Love, seeking of peace, advancement to the higher levels of the soul's development should understand that they are in a state of spiritual growth and should not be oppressed by the Ones which are opposing themselves to such a valors. The feelings opposite to the Love are for sure distancing you from your peace of mind and keeps you away from the state of harmonious being and the live in harmony with the world surrounding you, as well as with your inner Self. The Love makes you enlighten. The highest degree of Love is an unconditional deep Love, a feeling felt profoundly by your hearth. The more a soul advances in its development, then more Love and Light it embraces. Ascending means to assuredly move to a superior level of your spirit's development. Raise your vibrations by allowing you to feel a high and positive feelings, I will design a negative feelings such as anger, sadness and especially hate as a dark feelings, very low vibrational. Never anchor yourself into such a feelings, that brings to you a negative and dark energies. Feel it with your heart, a human Being does not need them at all in the inner Self. The reason comes then from your heart. The hate isn't the goal for that life, know this. To ascend to the high vibrational realms you need to erase this negative feeling from your mind. Remember that such a feeling blocks you on your spiritual evolutional path, always making your level of vibrations low. A sentient soul must, however, advance on its self-development way. A dark way is leading you away from Love. A mind of a soul has ever the possibilities for self improvement. Don't feel alone in this world, there are ever others kindly souls that should help you. The way of hate is either a way of pain, but you can get the keys to your inner happiness - the universal keys to it are the Love and the spiritual harmony. Be in peace with yourself and the Mother Gaia. Preserve it.

The terrestrial humankind today gained a technological superiority on the animal world of this planet, but now with the development of your humanity overall consciousness, it also posses the responsibility on it. Destroying Earth forests and causing the death of the animals in the nature reveals to reject an ignored duty according to which the people of Earth has the task to protect the planet and its ecosystems, because now, you the Earthlings have the power to have control over and much influence on the ecosystems on this planet, and for someone of you it is alarming, also, it is so for this planet. You must help to the Mother Gaia. You, the Human of this planet are the Being with a developed intellect and growing consciousness, you are prompted to find the right ways.

The Light is shed on the Earth. Everyone can turn to the Light, but you need some strength of will to abandon the dark ways then. You are not alone in this world, so search for some exterior help on your self improvement path. The benevolent Higher guidance is being offered to you then. A part of you are experiencing the life in the level of low vibrations, but every person which wants to move to the level of the higher vibrations is ever encouraged on that way. We send you our blessings, Love and Light.
Thank you, SaLuSa!
Channeled by: NaNiYa

Message from SaLuSa from Sirius - 05/05/2014 - The meaning of unconditional love.

The planet Gaia is coming today into the time of major changes. You should be troubled by the negative events arriving in this world. But understand that a time when the situation concerning your humankind on this Earth will ameliorate, is upcoming, giving the road to the positive changes. The people getting use of the negative emotions are feeling the negativeness invade them, but remind that it isn't a good state of being which brings you into the lower vibrations. So, you need to look for the ways to rise up your level of vibrations.
The value of Love is not to misunderstand and its power is not to underestimate. I am not speaking here about Love in the romantic sense of this word. But the love for your beloved One or the twin flame is important. The Love is the high feeling, that is an invaluable and remarkable gift from the heavens to a soul endowed with conciousness and feelings. Know that the God hadn't given the Love to the humanity to let this splendid feeling be forgotten. The Love is a primar and a true source of Peace, within you or outside of you, because this is the feeling that makes you reconcile with the opposing to you forces and circumstances. A part of dark Ones, proponents of the negative valors such as conflicting, domination, sense of disrespect, should take an agressive positions to defend their viewpoints. But such an attitude will lead them to error. But those which are choosing the side of the peacefull existence based on the valors such as love, seeking of peace, advancement on the higher levels of the soul's development should understand that they are in a state of spiritual growth and should not be oppressed by the Ones which are opposing to such a valors. The feelings opposite to the Love are for sure distansing you from your peace of mind and keeps you away from the state of harmonious being and a live in harmony with the world surrounding you, as well as with your inner Self. The Love makes you enlighten. The most high degree of Love is an unconditional deep Love, a feeling felt profoundly by your hearth. The more a soul advances in its development, then more Love and Light it embraces. Ascending means to 
assuredly move to a superior level of your spirit's development. Raise your vibrations by allowing you to feel a high and positive feelings, I will design a negative feelings such as anger, sadness and especially hate as a dark feelings, very low vibrational. Never anchor yourself into such a feelings, that brings to you a negative and dark energies. Feel it with your heart, a human Being does not need them at all in the inner Self. The reason comes then from your heart. The hate isn't the goal for that life, know this. To ascend to the high vibrational realms you need to erase this negative feeling from your mind. Remember that such a feeling blocks you on your spiritual evolutional path, allways making your level of vibrations low. A sentient soul must, however, advance on its self-development way. A dark way is leading you away from Love. A mind of a soul has ever the possibilities to self improvement. Don't feel alone in this world, there are ever others kindly souls that should help you. The way of hate is either a way of pain, but you can get the keys to your inner happiness - the universal keys to it are the Love and the spiritual harmony. Be in peace with yourself and the mother Gaia. Preserve it. 
The terrestrian humankind today gained a technological superiority on the animal world of this planet, but now with the development of your humanity overall conciousness, it also posses the responsibility on it. Destroying Earth forests and causing the death of the animals in the nature reveals to reject an ignored duty according to which the people of Earth has the task to protect the planet and its ecosystems, because now, you the Earthlings have the power to have control over and much influence on the ecosystems on this planet, and for someone of you it is alarming, also, it is so for this planet. You must help to the Mother Gaia. You, the Human of this planet are the Being with a developed intellect, you are prompt to find the right ways. 
The Light is shed on the Earth. Everyone can turn to the Light, but you need some strength of will to abandon the dark ways then. You are not alone in this world, so search for some exterior help on your self improvement path. The benevolent Higher guidance is being offered to you then. A part of you are experiencing the life in the level of low vibrations, but every person which wants to move on the level of the higher vibrations is ever encouraged on that way. We send you our blessings, Love and Light.
Thank you, SaLuSa!
Channeled: Naniya

3 May 2014

Message from SaLuSa from Sirius - 03/05/2014 - The meaning of unconditional love.
The value of Love is not to misunderstand and its power is not to underestimate. I am not speaking here about Love in the romantic sense of this word. But the love for your beloved One or the twin flame is important. The Love is the high feeling, that is an invaluable and remarkable gift from the heavens to a soul endowed with conciousness and feelings. Know that the God hadn't given the Love to the humanity to let this splendid feeling be forgotten. The Love is a primar and a true source of Peace, within you or outside of you, because this is the feeling that makes you reconcile with the opposing to you forces. The feelings opposite to the Love are for sure distansing you from your peace of mind and keeps you away from the state of harmonious being and a live in harmony with the world surrounding you, as well as your inner Self. The Love makes you enlighten. The most high degree of Love is an unconditional deep Love, a feeling felt by your hearth. The more a soul advances in its development, then more Love and Light it embraces. Ascending means to move a superior level of your spirit's development. Raise your vibrations by allowing you to feel a high and positive feelings, I will design a negative feelings such as anger, sadness and especially hate as a dark low vibrational feelings. Never anchor yourself into such a feelings, that brings to you a negative and dark energies. Feel it with your heart, a human Being does not need them at all in the inner Self. The reason comes then from your heart. The hate isn't the goal for that life, know this. To ascend to the high vibrational realms you need to erase this negative feeling from your mind. Remember that such a feeling blocks you on your spiritual evolutional path, allways making your level of vibrations low. A sentient soul must, however, advance on it self developing way. A dark way is leading you away from Love. A soul in possession of its reason has ever the possibilities to self improvement. Don't feel alone in this world, there are ever others kindly soul that should help you. The way of hate is either a way of pain, but you have the keys to your inner happiness, the universal keys to it are the Love and the spiritual harmony. Be in peace with yourself and the mother Gaia. Preserve it. The terrestrian humankind today gained a technological superiority on the animal world of this planet and also posses the responsibility on it. Destroying forests and causing the death of the animals in the nature reveals to reject an ignored duty according to which the people of Earth has the task to protect the planet and its ecosystems, beacause now, you the Earthlings have the power to control the ecosystems on this planet, to someone of you it is alarming, and it is so for this planet. You must help the Mother Gaia. You, the human are the Being with a developed conciousness, you are prompt to find the right way. Everyone can turn to the Light, but you need some strength of will to abandon the dark ways. You are not alone in this world, so search for some exterior help on your self improvement path. The benevolent Higher guidance is being offered to you then. We send you our blessings, Love and Light.
Thank you, SaLuSa!
Channeled: Naniya

16 April 2014

Message from SaLuSa from Sirius - 08/04/2014

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and I would like to greet you, dear Earthlings. I remind you that our united forces of Light continue to struggle against the dark forces and the fight is not lost for us, the Light forces and the Galactic Federation of Light. We, the united forces of Light are fighting against violence, iniquity and hate in this Earth world in which you are living, and we are the peace guardians outside of this planet and the forces of Light are your protectors and allies in this rather complicated for you period of changes, when more and more of people are awakening from a state of spiritual unconsciousness in which they were before the beginning of their spiritual awakening. Know that you aren't ocasionnally incarnated at this moment in this world in this special period, when everything in it is changing rapidly and the whole world around you is transfiguring progressively and your present incarnation is very important for the development of your soul, because at that time your soul gets a lot of invaluable experience. We have a great respect for all the Lightworkers, as well as for the rest of our allies incarnated on this Earth, know that all together you are able to change this world for the better. The God really exists and he loves all the living in this universe, without exception, and know that God is Light and God is Love. Dear Ones, do not fall into despair, if you're today going through any difficulties in your life, ever know that everything can certainly change in your life for the better. Do not let you be invaded by the negativeness of the moment and then give up on everything, do not forget about taking care of yourself, always try to help yourself too, before trying to help the others. Value the life of yourself and of others, every living creature on this earth is worthy of respect for real, because the life is in reality something that is sacred.

People of the Earth, do not forget also about your responsibilities to take care of this planet Gaia, on which you live, humanity itself must make efforts to help to the planet and that means that each of you have a certain degree of responsibility towards your environment, make a personal choice to do not treat the nature that surrounds you with disdain, but respect it. We closely follow the environmental situation on your planet, and we have the technological abilities to help the humanity in cleansing the planet from the pollution state in which it is now. Nevertheless, you should now understand that the irresponsible attitude of yourself, Earthlings, to the nature and to the planet is extremely detrimental for your entire humanity.

The path of development that we recommend to all your humanity is the way of renunciation to all wars in favor of the world peace on this planet. Some of you are afraid of treat of outbreak of the third world war, but we would like to reassure you and tell you that it will still be prevented. Know Earthlings that you should make your own efforts to deal with the aggression if it is present in your hearts, understand that the way of aggression is always ruinous. Love is the most valuable feeling that exists and that is the thing that each of the people must remember, know that each of you has a great potential to expand this feeling within yourself. Feel the peace inside of you, while you continue to receive the incoming from outside energies of Light and Goodness. Know that despite of the negative situations in some regions of the planet, everything on this planet is steadily changing for the better.

We, the Extraterrestrials, members of the Galactic Federation of Light have always been and will remain your friends, Earthlings and we are looking with kindness and understanding at your evolving human civilization. We try to give to the humankind some useful recommendations about its way of development in order to prevent the possible dangerous negative scenarios in the process of development of your humanity.

We, above all, are wishing to you peace and well-being, and send to all of you our Light and Love.
Thank you, SaLuSa!
Channeled by: NaNiYa

Message from SaLuSa from Sirius - 12/01/14

The old world which is under the influence of the dark cabal is gradually transforming into a new world, which will be much better than the old one and totally different from it and the dark cabal is now loosing it's former influence. There is more and more of Light which is coming by the waves to the ground of the Earth. The dark Ones are seeing that the power that belongs to them is decreasing. They continue to fight for their interests, and are taking an increasingly fierce attempts to maintain their already completely outlived order, but they won't get to the victory. The level of vibrations on the planet continues to grow constantly. The Lightworkers incarnated on Gaia and other Light Beings have already done an important part of their difficult and noble mission on the Earth. Those who chose a path of Light and Ascension continue to move forward and it is a great choice that deserves a lot of encouragement. The forces of darkness can still apply a variety of tricks to try to stop you in your way forward. Remember that your task is not to succumb to any of them and safely continue on your way. By being incarnated on Earth you have lived many lives and gathered many very valuable experience, you and your Higher Self now made the right decision by choosing a path of Ascension, to continue to further your spiritual evolution and moving into the higher dimensions in beyond of 3D world. By gathering enough experience in the 3D and lower dimensions of the universe you follow right your own way, moving to the higher planes of existence.

The risings and fallings are what takes place in all of human lives, but a falling should not cause you to lose heart and feel yourself overwhelmed in following the straight path to your goal, do not let setbacks block you in a dead end, that are only the lessons of your life through which you need to pass. This is not something that should break you, but should only make you stronger and wiser. Let go away all which is past and perceived as bad. A past that causes painful memories to you should no longer bother you, just let him fall into oblivion. When making decisions, always listen to the voice of your heart, it will allow you to make the right and wise choice. Ask for help from your Higher Self, it always knows what is the best choice for you in any of your questions.

In the upcoming new world, all the mankind should be free from that negative illusory reality that was imposed on it by the dark cabal, gradually evolving into a developed enlighetened society of an universal love and universal unity. The terrestrial civilization, for its further development, will have to abandon the dangerous to the planet technocratic development path, inflicting huge damage to the Earth, and will have to create an useful for the environment technologies, understanding that the development of spirituality, moral qualities within the whole civilisation must have an extremely important role, together with a technological and other types of progress. Our and other civilizations from the Galactic Federation of Light are friendly to your earthly humanity and we will be happy to help you, but as long as your government has not given a proper official statement about reality of the existence of the extraterrestrial civilizations, we can not make an offical contact with you, Earthlings, but we are actively collaborating with some of you, and how soon the fact that we appear before you all and our existence will be officially recognized depends on all of you, as of course, and on those who are now making efforts to finally allow you to know this truth.

We treat you with love and understanding, and wish to each of you a great success in your own Ascension process!

Thank you, SaLuSa!

Channeled : NaNiYa
Welcome to my blog  "Light Rays Ascension"!

 We are living in this particular period of the ere of Aquarius... A lot of of people were awaiting the End of this world at the date of 12 december 2012. But on the contrary, this date marked the beginning of a wonderful new stage of development in the human history, the arrival of a new era.
 Many people are beginning to ask themselves the questions about spirituality, looking for answers to many questions to whiches they need to find an answer. It is undoubtedly their right decision to begin a spiritual growth. Also, there are those for whom spirituality has become the most important part of their lives. So now many of you have taken a part to a such a significant process on this planet as Ascension or the Great transition, as a transition to a new, more advanced degree of reality on this Earth. This process is not a fiction, this is what is happening in reality and what is the set of witnesses and evidences. A large number of people then are looking for as much information about this event.
 Do know that the extraterrestrials do really exist. And a part of them are very friendly to our developing terrestrian human civilization. By example, the civilization of Sirius, it is a very old and highly developed human-like civilization which lives in the space. So, I entered in contact with them. I am a channeler which is today contacting with the extraterrestrial civilization of Sirius and the Galactic Federation of Light. So here I will publish channelings from the Sirian civilization and I am writing messages from the Sirian Star space Commander SaLuSa.
Enjoy your visit to my blog, dear readers!