Message from SaLuSa from Sirius - 07 november 2014
People should strive for a new state of unity, where mutual respect, moral qualities are above all other ideas. Earthlings have to understand that they must collectively change their way of life and ways of activities, dangerous for the planet Gaia and causing her damages, on the image of environmentally responsible existence on your planet of Mother Gaia. Higher levels of spirituality give you a certainly greater responsibility for your actions and capabilities. Biomatrix is trying to hold you attached to it, and the person, trapped in its biomatrix grid cannot get out of its attraction, so you need to know, that the high of spirituality increases your chance to escape from captivity of this biomatrix system and prepares you to the transition to the new, higher dimensions.
The work of Lightworkers inspires, primarily, the respect, as many of them are performing their work selflessly and make a great contribution in the development of your Humanity and your spirituality, so we, the members of the Galactic Federation of Light express a great gratitude to them, and of course, expect their advancement on the sacred path of Light.
We, the Ones from the Galactic Federation of Light, thank you, our friends and our helpers for all the help provided to us and bless you in your life choices. Therefore we leave you with our best wishes!
Thank you SaLuSa!
07 November 2014
Channeled by: NaNiYa
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