Message from SaLuSa from Sirius - 03/05/2014 - The meaning of unconditional love.
The value of Love is not to misunderstand and its power is not to underestimate. I am not speaking here about Love in the romantic sense of this word. But the love for your beloved One or the twin flame is important. The Love is the high feeling, that is an invaluable and remarkable gift from the heavens to a soul endowed with conciousness and feelings. Know that the God hadn't given the Love to the humanity to let this splendid feeling be forgotten. The Love is a primar and a true source of Peace, within you or outside of you, because this is the feeling that makes you reconcile with the opposing to you forces. The feelings opposite to the Love are for sure distansing you from your peace of mind and keeps you away from the state of harmonious being and a live in harmony with the world surrounding you, as well as your inner Self. The Love makes you enlighten. The most high degree of Love is an unconditional deep Love, a feeling felt by your hearth. The more a soul advances in its development, then more Love and Light it embraces. Ascending means to move a superior level of your spirit's development. Raise your vibrations by allowing you to feel a high and positive feelings, I will design a negative feelings such as anger, sadness and especially hate as a dark low vibrational feelings. Never anchor yourself into such a feelings, that brings to you a negative and dark energies. Feel it with your heart, a human Being does not need them at all in the inner Self. The reason comes then from your heart. The hate isn't the goal for that life, know this. To ascend to the high vibrational realms you need to erase this negative feeling from your mind. Remember that such a feeling blocks you on your spiritual evolutional path, allways making your level of vibrations low. A sentient soul must, however, advance on it self developing way. A dark way is leading you away from Love. A soul in possession of its reason has ever the possibilities to self improvement. Don't feel alone in this world, there are ever others kindly soul that should help you. The way of hate is either a way of pain, but you have the keys to your inner happiness, the universal keys to it are the Love and the spiritual harmony. Be in peace with yourself and the mother Gaia. Preserve it. The terrestrian humankind today gained a technological superiority on the animal world of this planet and also posses the responsibility on it. Destroying forests and causing the death of the animals in the nature reveals to reject an ignored duty according to which the people of Earth has the task to protect the planet and its ecosystems, beacause now, you the Earthlings have the power to control the ecosystems on this planet, to someone of you it is alarming, and it is so for this planet. You must help the Mother Gaia. You, the human are the Being with a developed conciousness, you are prompt to find the right way. Everyone can turn to the Light, but you need some strength of will to abandon the dark ways. You are not alone in this world, so search for some exterior help on your self improvement path. The benevolent Higher guidance is being offered to you then. We send you our blessings, Love and Light.
Thank you, SaLuSa!
Channeled: Naniya
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