Spiritual Meditation - "the tide of spiritual forces"

I consider it is necessary to publish a short article here about a very useful meditation that I use constantly and which is very beneficial for me.
Here is that short meditation and its rules, which I invented and I use every day now. It gives the tide of spiritual forces, helps to cope with a sense of moral and spiritual energy loss, which is very important in these today's rather difficult times of transition.
Words for meditation:
Light Energy which abides in the space around me, fill me with your Light, give me the Strength and the Courage to keep the Light within Myself, let fill my soul with the Goodness and Purity, cleanse me from the dark energies which are oppressive, bitter and evil. Let me no more feel the Weakness! But find the path to joy and be able to shed my radiant Light on the whole World around me!
Uttering these words, you need to envision a stream of pure White light over you, descending on you from above, a flow of energy that fills you up from all the sides. You have the possibility to stretch arms to the sides, hands apart and imagine that you absorb this energy inward your body across the surface of your skin of hands and arms, and also with your breast and heart. After, you will have a sense of relief on your soul, a feeling of a presence of Light with you, that will give that you a feeling of joy and grant you a new forces in you... Thus, you can sit down in meditation posture, just as do the yogas. The longer and the more you practice it, the easier and faster you will receive a beneficial effect and a burst of energy from such a practice.
This meditation will help you to raise your vibration level and give you a charge of positive energy for the whole day. You can repeat this meditation several times a day!
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