Message from the Sirian embassy co-workers on 11 March 2019
We have been there for a while, assisting to your development as a new star-nation arising from the darkest ages to the Light of today. You have done a long way which we describe as your progression in both spirituality and knowledge. So, now you can understand us as we are talking to you Humans of Earth. We are here now to be helpful while offering you help in your civilizational and individual growing to get the new higher degrees of your consciousness. That had taken for a while that you have beginned your personal way to achieve the obtention of the new and more high grade of development. That was a huge work that you have done until today, so you can know that you are now standing on the new step of your civilization advancement and progress to become an elder and more improved civilization.This way that we are advising you to choose leads you to discover the new knowledge about the life and about the matter of conscious being, so you will be awakened to understand a more high levels of living with an upgraded acknowledgeable state of mind. Don't be afraid of this. We bring you this very safe Knowing that we, the Sirian star-nation, as well as many other civilizations from the Galactic Federation of Light possess too, while aiming to make grow your awareness to next important level of growth to discover the new stages of life what is necessary to your growth to become a cosmic Beings like us.
So much of time that have been spent and which you have passed forth to grow on this third dimensional plan of living are now giving you its results, we mean an abundant harvest of knowledge, so you passed now to the new state of living, freeing yourself from the ties of the past dark times.
The Light and Love are the beautiful conceptions that you need to adopt to access to the new, much more high vibrational levels of being. Their positive nature offers you the rise of your own embodied vibrations. This is an exciting time for you that we call the advancement to our level of consciousness which is very high vibrational. Your conscient level is now growing to achieve the next grade of development. Each of us, your guides and protectors are very happy from this, so we are glad to assist you in this lap. Much of you are already discovering the new shapes of the world that unveils to you with its greatness and wonders that were lying in the universe in below of what you could imagine in the past centuries.
The New Age is bringing you the new stages of discoveries to afford and this is a time that offers you a new opportunities and new challenges to take, but you are now ready to step into the different times, releasing you from the ties of darkness that holded you through the times of darkness. Much of aspects of Love and Light are being showing to you. But you need to understand that your heart is now ready to receive these high vibrational energies coming from these two primar sources of the positive energies which are Love and Light. So stay strong as the light energies that are constantly spraying from higher realms to be grounded on Earth, on her soil as well as in your hearts, all that thanking the benevolent Beings that assist you in these times of changes.
You are the masters of your own lives, so now you need to be ready to receive the positive uplifting energies to your souls, to make an advancement in your planetary Ascension task. This happens to you as individuals, this happens also to you as to a collective of sentient Beings bilding up your evolving new Human society on Earth, but meanwhile not to some restricted type of creatures, but to all kinds of other Beings which are experiencing now the uplifting in the ascendant energies of the planet Gaia. These are the Beings that you will be able to contact in the near future.
All of our evolved Light Galactic Society is wishing to you to continue your growth as well as in matter of spirituality, also as from the civilizational growth's point of viewing. So be reassured, we are doing our spiritual and live matter's teaching work gently to help you and we are very happy to see that it is progressing through your society. Many Lightworkers get incarnated in the three dimensional plan working to uplift your world and make it more prosperous. This is indeed a wonderful job.
So now we wish you a great advancement and also the predomince of Light over the darkness in your world!
Channeled by: NaNiYa
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