Message from the Sirian embassy co-workers on 2 March 2019
Your cosmic world is now expanding as all of you can see because of your continuing development as a Humanity of this Earth. You can see more and more of your world while your life is bringing you more and more knowledge of this world in which you live and you encounter a new levels of reality. The vast space of discoveries is awaiting you and we are your loving guides and instructors who will show you the new horizons of living and spiritually growing.Stay attuned to the Light which we will send to you from our kind and affectionate hearts who are loving you truly. So believe in our loving help while you are taking your Path of true Love to ascend in the higher states of consciousness. We, the Sirians have passed this way many times before you, so we will happy to help you while showing you the right way to take.
Your terrestrial world is amazing and beautiful, so you can evolve inside it to find the way of life that is nothing but the way to awake your consciousness to the reality of this cosmic world. That means that you will meet something that you haven't never knew before and discover the true world that have surrounded you by all your sides.
All of you can take the Light that we are giving to you that we mean to enlighten you and make your spirituality enhance, while you are awakening to the spiritual advancement to the world where the conception of the Light and Love is ruling over all. That is the world which is really outstanding and filled with compassion and the possibility to love everything that is.
The enlightenment is a capital step to the spiritual growing, what means that your personal evolution is continuing while you receive the spiritual energy of Light, nourishing your soul and fulfilling your body with inspirational and exalting, strengthening and positive light energies.
When this step is done the new reality will open itself to you, unveiling you a further steps to take and discover our truly loving gentle cosmic races of Beings from our Galaxy and even more. They may come from several dimensions to take a part in your planetary Ascension task and unfold their inner Light to you.
The past decades of time were a learning time to your mind in order to bring you the knowledge of three-dimensional state of being and make evolve your consciousness in beyond of that state. You were learning through eons of time the life of duality and separation of your true Self. Both negative and positive energies were present, so you could make different steps for advancement of your Self through many incarnations for the aim to recover from the state of separation from your superior state of being, therefore to be again in unity with your higher states of being.
Now is the time to align with your Higher Self and the Higher manifestations of consciousness of a higher realms or dimensions.
The next levels of existence are present to you now, as the higher existential stages to attain.
We have advanced from much of them, so we can teach you from the highest realms, as a strong multidimensional Beings who are now the teachers of your developing civilization of Humans of Earth. Many of us are incarnated here on Earth to bring you the exemple to follow and teaching you the things about the reality in beyond your previous knowledge. We are showing you the way to you to get. We are ready to assist you. You will then attain the civilizational maturity that our Sirian civilization as well as the other star civilizations of our Galactic Federation of Light have fully attained. So we can help you now and awaiting that you will accept our help.
Your beautiful planet is protected by us now and we give you a sign that your civilization live in the secured place guarded by the Galactic Federation of Light.
Each of you, individuals is counting, so every person from you can start the individual awareness and the consciousness growth with our kind help. You are a beautiful collective of Beings searching for the cosmic truth and Love, so you can stay aware of our care for you from our cosmic community. The Spiritual Guides, Lightworkers and other allies from the whole galaxy are here to bring you assistance and to help you evolve in the right way that our light path's showers are getting you to be aware of.
So we wish you luck on your way taken in this life. We want to correct it gently for the highest good of you and us. So we leave you now, not before letting you know that you won't stay alone without assistance, but your spiritual guides and coaches are watching over you to bring you safe.
Channeled by: NaNiYa
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