Message from the Sirian embassy co-workers on 16 March 2019
We are coming forth to show you that we care for you, every Human of the Earth, so we are happy to see you looking for the discovering of the new levels of existence in which we are truly present. Our team that is related to Ascension is very busy willing to help you in this times of new Dawn of Humanity. We are creating the multidimensional portals for your ascending souls in order to make you reach the consciousness levels of your star parents to join us as a part of a new enlightened collective of parents and siblings.The Love and the Light are really present in our state of minds, what concerns all the superior dimensional plans also including your third dimension's world in which you dwell now. Our kind Workers of Light are occupied by the bringing the energies of Light as well as of Love on this planet Gaia, to make a great shift of your earthly collective of consciousnesses, to make it access to higher states of living when anchoring the energies of Light and Love profoundly into it.
Your efforts to bring the energies of positivity in this world of Gaia are really appreciated and very valued by us. Our loving presence is now growing to assist you in this task of planetary changes and upgrades. We are offering you our highly powerful energies of high resonance and which are bearing the highest vibrations to make you pass, within this planet's world, to the superior state of being which meant to make rise your whole energies to a more high level. You do not have to have a fear of these energies, because they are only positive and are not negative. So stay confident!
Our galactic citizens community belonging to the Galactic Federation of Light is now cheering you and welcoming you to its ranges as a newly met citizens of our beautiful galaxy light collective place.
We are almost enlightened gently assembled united Ones from the whole galaxy which you call Milky Way, but we call Light what is because of the enormous importance of the Light and its energies in it. The Light is the powerful energy which exists inside the galaxy. We can say that all life depends on it.
We offer you our helping now with your Earth's problems and also your Human civilization's problems which is very nearly upcoming. All of us are ready to help you. That's the right which you are having, so stay sure the help is near you.
All your star system is involved in the process of your growth as a cosmic Beings race. This is very exciting for us that you have attained such a level of growth. Your understanding of us is much primordial for you and us, so we are alleged to offer you assistance and help your terrestrial collective of the developing Beings. Your Higher Selves are involved in this work of planetary collective Ascension to bring you more knowledge and understanding of what your life purpose and aims are. We are enveloping you gently in our positive vibrational energies to help you see the Light of your life ways and wishes. That means that you, as a sentient living Being are understanding much more than in the darkest Ages which your civilization has seen before, so now you have to see much more of wonders that you haven't seen before. Now, you are slightly gaining the access to the Light of all creations what means to get closer to the Universal Knowledge of our galactic creators union, which our Sirian civilization has gained so much of times that have been passed from the time of discovering it. You now understand the truth about you as of a spiritual Being in the quest of spiritual knowledge and advancement. We are your kind teachers who want to make you understand your real spiritual nature and embed our help in your way of advancement. This will be a great trip within your further development as a galactic nation of Beings and individual growth to reach the stage of Creators, a highly evolved collective to which we, Sirians as well as other Galactic Beings are members and your civilization's creators and parents. We are happy to see you, our offsprings evolve further as your consciousness grows and make you get into our realms of living. So we are really glad to encounter your multidimensional advancing Selves from which you are the incarnated present consciousness and what we mean that you are being our children that now are able to understand the multidimensional truth of who you truly are, with the arising knowing concerning us, Sirians as a Creator civilization that is parent to you.
Many lives before this current life which is of your present, you have started this epic journey to reach the new levels of existence, taking the start so much of millenias before, but all in order to develop further from scratch. But you were assisted by much of Beings, such as the Ones from the angelic realms, but not only! Many evolved Beings have taken a part of such work with helping you while you have been progressing through the ages and incarnations, to give you the high knowledge of what is the understanding of this world to make you attain the grade of a highy evolved Being that you have been destined to become. So now this trial has been done for much of you and therefore, for a lot of Ones between you, in today's moment, after all these times ago, during your long trip in the planetary world of Gaia, at once you are staying for real in your whole awakened consciousness as a cosmic Being, you are, in that life instant, ready to join our next level of existing as advanced conscious Beings that you are invited to get. We have to state, also, that much of you will be awakened while the time is running and the Light energies are pouring abundantly on you and are an opportunity to ignite a spark of Light in both your mind and heart.
So many of lessons were learned, so many of progression was done, so many times of evolving have been passed, wholly all of this what was necessary to get to our levels of Being and to rejoice then of getting to the new dimensional reality that is your and our. So we cheer you greatly now!
Channeled by: NaNiYa