23 November 2018

Some people think that the spirituality is not worthy. Nevertheless the spirituality is truly important for the consciousness. It is because the spirit needs to grow and that is done by the spiritual cultivation.
Evolving means to move forward with avoiding the decaying. It also means growth. You will become a much more complete Being while growing spiritually. That is not something unimportant. This need is given to you for that you become a spiritual Being which has succeeded to be the One whose spirit is stepping to a new level of existence, alike many others who can easily unite because of their universal spirituality's ability to connect and communicate on the owned spiritual capacity of linking with other Beings who had cultivated their spirituality, likewise.
Always be progressing on your spiritual growth way. Do not give up. The progress is necessary in order to advance in your personal life path. The progress is a key to prosper in your existence. We all need and can become stronger with our soul. But the moral part of all concepts must really not be ignored.
In our life, when coming forward, we must not to forget about to not become bad and worser. The goodness is a great virtue, you should remember this! Making good is never to blame, contrariwise it is something to esteem.
You spiritual growth progression will show you amazing new horizons in your life. Your mind will be enchanted and changed. But spirituality is good to enjoy. Your choice to grow spiritually will give you much of surprising possibilities that the people who is not interested by the spirituality will never see and know. The world of spirituality is huge and your live experience in it will be surely superb. Your advancement in it will make you discover alot.
May the good times follow you. May the Light enlighten your life and the happiness last forever for you!
NaNiYa, SaLuSa, SaLeIre and Sirian embassy co-workers

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