Message from the ascended Master Sanat Kumara on 3 October 2018
The people of Earth, don't be afraid of our friends from the Galactic Federation of Light. This is the organization of different alien nations which has a task to perform the rise of your civilization to the level in beyond. That may be your growth as a spiritually advancing Beings to the next step in existence or the growth of the Humanity to become an evolving nation of this local space emplacement. The spirituality must have an important role in the life of every Human on Earth. Because beginning advanced nation in this world means to grow better and stronger physically and spiritually. Much Beings are aware of that. You need to obtain an another level of consciousness to attain the objective of being a sufficiently developed both in the matter of technologically and spiritually advancing. Many cosmic civilizations have passed the similar way of development before becoming a strongly advanced civilizations.You need to remember that we the Beings which belong to the Galactic Federation of Light, before being accepted to be the members of GFL, had the need to develop as a fair and peaceful allies of the Federation. You can join our community too, when we see that you are ready to get a membership, you will be invited to receive it.
We are the collective of Ones who are aware about the connection with the different dimensions mostly remaing in 5D, 6D and 7D. Also the 4th dimension has many Beings which are our allies. All of us are benevolently minded Beings who have the aim to make you become a One, who is being equally developed like us. We send our help to you the Beings of 3D world, so you will obtain the opportunity to get developed to access the highest realms and activating your superior higher dimensional bodies.
The fundamental advancement rule is to love you and others, so you feel that you are the Being that rises in the vibrations to connect with the higher parts of your upper Self. That is the way to progress in your personal development like a strong and fair One who will become awaken to the superior stades of being, what means you will ascend with your soul to the new levels of living. May your life's journey be great for you and give you a lot of happiness and joy!
Sending you much of positive energies and Love. This was the ascended Master Sanat Kumara. Cheers!
Channeled by: NaNiYa
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