The true Love has a great powers, everyone needs to know that. The unconditional Love is noble, strong and amazing feeling. Unconditional Love is a Love which doesn't need to ask for something in return, such as desiring the Love feelings as a responding to yours if they are not shared, never without the consentment of your beloved person in the romantic case or in an other cases the obtention of a different profits. The true Love doesn't exist for someone's profit. That unconditional Love is called Agape.
Don't have fear of the Love. It is a splendid feeling which can bring you the ultimate happiness. Do have a belief in that superior feeling.
Love yourself, love your good friends and the Ones who can love or help you. Know, that there you can be loved too.
Feel the unconditional Love with your heart, for the numerous Beings around you. The destiny will reward you, but never think that it is a joke.
Also, know that the Love is a particular healing and cleansing energy. This energy can make your life better, if you are not opposing to believe in it and also deny it.
Love and Light are flowing like a rain on the Mother Gaia. The other Ones who are various sentient Beings, haven't all chosen the path of Light, some of them being deciding to stay with the dark forces.
But the Light forces will win that struggle against the dark forces. The darkness hasn't any chance to obtain the victory that they, the dark Ones, desire. They will loose the combat.
Love will expand on the planet Gaia, so everyone will feel it and enjoy it. Amazing times are ahead. Be sure of that. The Golden Age will be something grandiose and bring the happiness to everyone.
The Lightworkers are the brave workers of Light, everyone of them having an unique task. Every of that tasks is important. With the precious help of Lightworkers, the Light will shine bright everywhere on this planet. Their important mission worths a lot for the Galactic Federation of Light.
Dear Lightworkers be proud and happy, your work leads to the great shift which is the start of the Golden Age. Just never give up but continue your blessed work, know that you can do it. And also remind that you will really receive gifts of the destiny for your good and positive work.
We are sending you Love and Light nicely, because we want to teach you peace, goodness, hearth positive emotions, joy and happiness. We bless you and do know that you are loved friends.
NaNiYa and SaLuSa
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