Reiki - First level free attunement for everybody

Before all, you need to concentrate yourself and seek the energy Ki. This is the energy which is present in the space around you and is a healing energy, that you can use to heal yourself or the others. Therefore, you need to enter in contact with this energy. That connection can be made by two ways: speaking simply with your voice or telepathically, this endly thing is possible if you already have some skills in the telepathy. After this, think that you become the conductor of the energy Ki, able to use this energy. For this, you must be truly accepting it, the fact of that you become a healer. After this, mentally imagine the energy Ki fulfilling you entirely, and at this same moment Ki will fill you in the reality. Thus, you are ready to heal, but before the healing you need to learn and say the healing formulas which you must use while you are doing your healing work. At once you begin the healing, you must say the healing formulas below.
Healing formulas :
To heal yourself, say this:
I am curing with Reiki. The healing energy Ki, pass through my hands, which are already filled with you. Let me become your conductor. Give me the ability of healing and allow me to heal myself of the sickness from which I am suffering. Remove the pain that I feel and make me feel free from ache. Fulfill by yourself all my ill body cells and heal them. I am thankful for your help, the energy Ki.
To heal someone else, say this:

I am curing with Reiki. The healing energy Ki, pass through my hands, which are already filled with you. Let me become your conductor. Give me the ability of healing and allow me to heal the ill person from the sickness from which he or she is suffering. Remove the pain that she or he feel and make the sick person feel free from the ache. Fulfill by yourself all her or his ill body cells and heal them. I am thankful for your help, the energy Ki.
While healing, you have to lay your hands on the struck with illness part or parts of body of the sick person, be very concentrated on the healing process and strongly believe in the healing capacities of the energy Ki, without having any doubt.
We are offering you for free the attunement for the First level of Reiki by blessing you by this skill, so you can use it everytime when you need and with everyone you want to heal. So we tell you this: dear apprentice, be blessed by the ability of healing using the energy Ki, becoming a true Reiki healer and ever keep this great gift in you!
We are sending you Love and Light and wish they remain everytime with you.
NaNiYa and SaLuSa
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