We live in a very special and breath-taking time. The Golden Age is installing itself little by little on this planet Gaia. It will be a marvelous time of happiness and joy. Earthlings, you will find finally the wonderful and amazing life in that magnificent Age. The Earth will be a member of the Galactic Federation of Light and the extraterrestrials from it will help you, the Earthlings in many of your tasks.
You know that there were several waves of Ascension, but some souls still haven't ascended and they would like to ascend. It is their right. The Ascension is a marvel that you can obtain in your life's reality.
The soul of many of you is already prepared to ascend. But don't think that the Ascension arrives meanwhile a person is dead, in the after life. Do pay attention that such a thing happens very rarely. In that live, in that body that you have now in this moment, you can ascend alive! If you haven't ascended yet, but you are seriously desiring the possibility to ascend, then we recommend to you to do following things to prepare you to your own Ascension:
Calm down, don't be worried or nervous and get quiet in your mind. An advice for you is that you can listen to the music which has the potential to relax you. Sit in the meditation pose, otherwise just sit confortably. Start to meditate and then, while meditating, do concentrate yourself on your wish of Ascension. It can take some days before you ascend. A special day will arrive. In that day you will sleep, a surprising dream will show up to you what is the processing of the Ascension. That will be a very particular dream. Also, in that time, you will receive the ability to fly in your dreams. Thus, in this special dream you could levitate and start to fly in this manner. You will see an ornate tunnel in front of you. Your task will be to pass through it. Not be afraid of it. At the end of this tunnel you will discover a world of the real splendor that will be opened to you. The passage by this tunnel and discovering of the magnificent world behind will mark the fact that you become an ascended One.
The dark Ones are the Ones that have a bad, dark thoughts. Completely egoistic, they want this planet to be their only and create their own negative planetary Order. A particularly active and too much ambitious part of such an individuals between them are desiring to receive the power over the whole planet Gaia, but the forces of Light are strong and indestructible. The Galactic Federation of Light will in reality stop the dark Ones and suppress their negative projects. Never think that the negativity and badness will get victory over the positivity and goodness.
If you see that the person with which you communicate is a dark One or the One that is for sure turning dark, don't let such a person remove the spark of Light dwelling into you. If you understand that there is really nothing to do, even if you are wishing to convert them to the Light or at least to neutrality, abandon then that concerned person and avoid any contact with that One. Such a kind of Beings can make you harm, so you should deliver yourself from them. Ever be sly and never forget they haven't the right to oppress you. You have always the possibility to become a free and spiritually developed person living without someone's control. In the near time Love and Light will be victorious on this planet, understand and believe this. That will be the true reality of the Golden Age.
The New times will bring you the astonishing things. You will discover a lot of the really appearing magical things and also the newest technologies that will surprise you. You ever will be able to use magic to complete some of your personal or mission achievents. The new technologies will amaze you.
Now, this is the starting on these days of the special prepative time and that means that the Golden Age is truly arriving.
All of you possess a magnificent gift, that is your own body. Take care of your body because it worths so much that. You don't even know the real capacities of it. In your personal development, you will acquire a great abilities that are considered as supernatural today. Such an abilities are starting to develop in you while your Ascension is beginning. For some between you, a little part of these abilities is already disponible. For such a people the Ascension will arrive faster. Such a processus for them had already started, but if you are someone of a kind of that Beings, know that you have to complete that processus of Ascension, but it is just simpler for you.
Some of you have an extraterrestrial origins and will go to home planet when your civilization's spacecrafts will take you away from that planet Gaia. That thing will arrive in the reality, but after your terrestrial mission is accomplished.
There are more and more UFO sightings and that means that the extraterrestrials are not letting you down.
We are sending you Love and Light. Much blessings.
NaNiYa and SaLuSa