30 June 2018

The Love needs to triumph on this planet Gaia. Know now this. Never forget about this. Choose to be in Peace and Love and never turn destructive. It is indeed. Spread the Love from inside of you by giving it to all the living Beings of this planet and to the Earth too.
You, the part of the people of Gaia, we mean the dark Ones only, you are devastating this planet and are able to lunch the, in reality realisable, Third World War will totally destroy the whole planet and all lifeforms of her including all the humanity, if you provocate it. 
You need to stop to make our living planet suffer. Gaia is a living organism, we do know that. The planet is really tired of the destructors of her, the Mother Gaia.
We are your saviors, the members of the Galactic Federation of Light, who brings you Light, Love and reasonable help according to your karma. But we wish to be your friends, because the contrary is bad for the both sides. The destiny of you is in your hands. So choose the Light way, join the Light side, because the each new member of the Galactic Federation of Light is welcome to us, all the members of the Lightworkers Command. 
The humanity need to go green, protect the health of this planet which is not so good and become kinder in all that's possibilities. 
Stop forever killing the sentient Forms of Life. Make them be friends of you. Only those who are beggining to destroy, killing you, then protect yourself from them as well as you can. Your life is something precious.
You can save yourself from the growing or stagnant karma by doing the Good things and never the crimes. More you are good, more your karma become small. 
The destiny of humanity is in hands of humankind. You have the freewill concerning yourself and to save Earth humanity from its destruction by itself. So choose the right path for your souls. We have warned you regarding an imminent and really big danger. But the Galactic Federation of Light is protecting you, Light Ones and is more powerful that the dark Ones. So be quiet.
We send you much Love and Light. We wish you Peace and Serenity.
NaNiYa and SaLuSa, also some peaceful Lightworkers
Never hate, fulfill yourself with the heartfelt Love, ban the hatred away from your heart, then think you will be happy from that. That's because the Love makes you good and the Goodness can truly make you happy.
NaNiYa and SaLuSa

SaLuSa and I, NaNiYa want to tell you that the Love protects the world from the Third World War. Just love yourself and other Ones unconditionally. The enlightened Lightworkers are against that War. The World War will destroy the planet and her inhabitants, never forget this. So be Love and Light itself in your spirit. Be peaceful and fight against the beginning of the World War. Be united as One.
Sending you our blessings and wishes of Peace and Joy.
NaNiYa and SaLuSa
Reiki - First level free attunement for everybody
Before all, you need to concentrate yourself and seek the energy Ki. This is the energy which is present in the space around you and is a healing energy, that you can use to heal yourself or the others. Therefore, you need to enter in contact with this energy. That connection can be made by two ways: speaking simply with your voice or telepathically, this endly thing is possible if you already have some skills in the telepathy. After this, think that you become the conductor of the energy Ki, able to use this energy. For this, you must be truly accepting it, the fact of that you become a healer. After this, mentally imagine the energy Ki fulfilling you entirely, and at this same moment Ki will fill you in the reality. Thus, you are ready to heal, but before the healing you need to learn and say the healing formulas which you must use while you are doing your healing work. At once you begin the healing, you must say the healing formulas below.
Healing formulas :
To heal yourself, say this:
I am curing with Reiki. The healing energy Ki, pass through my hands, which are already filled with you. Let me become your conductor. Give me the ability of healing and allow me to heal myself of the sickness from which I am suffering. Remove the pain that I feel and make me feel free from ache. Fulfill by yourself all my ill body cells and heal them. I am thankful for your help, the energy Ki.
To heal someone else, say this:
I am curing with Reiki. The healing energy Ki, pass through my hands, which are already filled with you. Let me become your conductor. Give me the ability of healing and allow me to heal the ill person from the sickness from which he or she is suffering. Remove the pain that she or he feel and make the sick person feel free from the ache. Fulfill by yourself all her or his ill body cells and heal them. I am thankful for your help, the energy Ki.
While healing, you have to lay your hands on the struck with illness part or parts of body of the sick person, be very concentrated on the healing process and strongly believe in the healing capacities of the energy Ki, without having any doubt.
We are offering you for free the attunement for the First level of Reiki by blessing you by this skill, so you can use it everytime when you need and with everyone you want to heal. So we tell you this: dear apprentice, be blessed by the ability of healing using the energy Ki, becoming a true Reiki healer and ever keep this great gift in you!
We are sending you Love and Light and wish they remain everytime with you.
NaNiYa and SaLuSa

We live in a very special and breath-taking time. The Golden Age is installing itself little by little on this planet Gaia. It will be a marvelous time of happiness and joy. Earthlings, you will find finally the wonderful and amazing life in that magnificent Age. The Earth will be a member of the Galactic Federation of Light and the extraterrestrials from it will help you, the Earthlings in many of your tasks.
You know that there were several waves of Ascension, but some souls still haven't ascended and they would like to ascend. It is their right. The Ascension is a marvel that you can obtain in your life's reality.
The soul of many of you is already prepared to ascend. But don't think that the Ascension arrives meanwhile a person is dead, in the after life. Do pay attention that such a thing happens very rarely. In that live, in that body that you have now in this moment, you can ascend alive! If you haven't ascended yet, but you are seriously desiring the possibility to ascend, then we recommend to you to do following things to prepare you to your own Ascension:
Calm down, don't be worried or nervous and get quiet in your mind. An advice for you is that you can listen to the music which has the potential to relax you. Sit in the meditation pose, otherwise just sit confortably. Start to meditate and then, while meditating, do concentrate yourself on your wish of Ascension. It can take some days before you ascend. A special day will arrive. In that day you will sleep, a surprising dream will show up to you what is the processing of the Ascension. That will be a very particular dream. Also, in that time, you will receive the ability to fly in your dreams. Thus, in this special dream you could levitate and start to fly in this manner. You will see an ornate tunnel in front of you. Your task will be to pass through it. Not be afraid of it. At the end of this tunnel you will discover a world of the real splendor that will be opened to you. The passage by this tunnel and discovering of the magnificent world behind will mark the fact that you become an ascended One.
The dark Ones are the Ones that have a bad, dark thoughts. Completely egoistic, they want this planet to be their only and create their own negative planetary Order. A particularly active and too much ambitious part of such an individuals between them are desiring to receive the power over the whole planet Gaia, but the forces of Light are strong and indestructible. The Galactic Federation of Light will in reality stop the dark Ones and suppress their negative projects. Never think that the negativity and badness will get victory over the positivity and goodness.
If you see that the person with which you communicate is a dark One or the One that is for sure turning dark, don't let such a person remove the spark of Light dwelling into you. If you understand that there is really nothing to do, even if you are wishing to convert them to the Light or at least to neutrality, abandon then that concerned person and avoid any contact with that One. Such a kind of Beings can make you harm, so you should deliver yourself from them. Ever be sly and never forget they haven't the right to oppress you. You have always the possibility to become a free and spiritually developed person living without someone's control. In the near time Love and Light will be victorious on this planet, understand and believe this. That will be the true reality of the Golden Age.
The New times will bring you the astonishing things. You will discover a lot of the really appearing magical things and also the newest technologies that will surprise you. You ever will be able to use magic to complete some of your personal or mission achievents. The new technologies will amaze you.
Now, this is the starting on these days of the special prepative time and that means that the Golden Age is truly arriving.
All of you possess a magnificent gift, that is your own body. Take care of your body because it worths so much that. You don't even know the real capacities of it. In your personal development, you will acquire a great abilities that are considered as supernatural today. Such an abilities are starting to develop in you while your Ascension is beginning. For some between you, a little part of these abilities is already disponible. For such a people the Ascension will arrive faster. Such a processus for them had already started, but if you are someone of a kind of that Beings, know that you have to complete that processus of Ascension, but it is just simpler for you.
Some of you have an extraterrestrial origins and will go to home planet when your civilization's spacecrafts will take you away from that planet Gaia. That thing will arrive in the reality, but after your terrestrial mission is accomplished.
There are more and more UFO sightings and that means that the extraterrestrials are not letting you down.
We are sending you Love and Light. Much blessings.
NaNiYa and SaLuSa
The true Love has a great powers, everyone needs to know that. The unconditional Love is noble, strong and amazing feeling. Unconditional Love is a Love which doesn't need to ask for something in return, such as desiring the Love feelings as a responding to yours if they are not shared, never without the consentment of your beloved person in the romantic case or in an other cases the obtention of a different profits. The true Love doesn't exist for someone's profit. That unconditional Love is called Agape.
Don't have fear of the Love. It is a splendid feeling which can bring you the ultimate happiness. Do have a belief in that superior feeling.
Love yourself, love your good friends and the Ones who can love or help you. Know, that there you can be loved too.
Feel the unconditional Love with your heart, for the numerous Beings around you. The destiny will reward you, but never think that it is a joke.
Also, know that the Love is a particular healing and cleansing energy. This energy can make your life better, if you are not opposing to believe in it and also deny it.
Love and Light are flowing like a rain on the Mother Gaia. The other Ones who are various sentient Beings, haven't all chosen the path of Light, some of them being deciding to stay with the dark forces.
But the Light forces will win that struggle against the dark forces. The darkness hasn't any chance to obtain the victory that they, the dark Ones, desire. They will loose the combat.
Love will expand on the planet Gaia, so everyone will feel it and enjoy it. Amazing times are ahead. Be sure of that. The Golden Age will be something grandiose and bring the happiness to everyone.
The Lightworkers are the brave workers of Light, everyone of them having an unique task. Every of that tasks is important. With the precious help of Lightworkers, the Light will shine bright everywhere on this planet. Their important mission worths a lot for the Galactic Federation of Light.
Dear Lightworkers be proud and happy, your work leads to the great shift which is the start of the Golden Age. Just never give up but continue your blessed work, know that you can do it. And also remind that you will really receive gifts of the destiny for your good and positive work.
We are sending you Love and Light nicely, because we want to teach you peace, goodness, hearth positive emotions, joy and happiness. We bless you and do know that you are loved friends.
NaNiYa and SaLuSa
The only things that need to win on this planet are the real Love and divine Light, never the hatred and darkness. But it is up to you to make your life be a paradise, so create that miracle by your personal will. Dear Ones, just reunite yourselves together to make this Earth be a marvelous place and be optimistic, then spread the joy elsewhere.
The Great times are beggining now. The Lightworkers, just wait a few knowing that the magnificent future is coming. The Light and Love will rule on this planet and that will bring happiness in the mind and heart of everyone who is ready to receive such a kind of gift.
The true Ascension is however possible for everyone of you, ever if you haven't ascended yet. Just meditate more in taking a meditative pose and in the same time concentrate yourself on your personal Ascension. And the real Ascension will arrive to you. You don't need to die, minding about the desire to ascend, but stay alive while ascending because you don't need to leave this life and search the Ascension in the afterlife. This present life may offer you many marvels and great things. Remember this please. At the precise moment, when you are ready to truly ascend, your personal Ascension happens. You will understand that you have ascended, because there is a sign that you will discover: the Ascension, it is passing while you sleep and in that amazing dream you will be seeing a magnificent visualization where you are flying to the beautiful world where everything is astonishingly pretty.
Do know this: it is never too late to ascend, believe in that!
The God Father and the Goddess Mother are protecting this planet, so keep calm and don't worry. They love you all dear readers and are wishing to you a great Good.
We, SaLuSa and NaNiYa are sending Love and Light to you, dear friends.
NaNiYa and SaLuSa
The astonishing times will arrive - the Golden Age. You will enjoy that.
Do never kill the other Ones, protect your friends, protect your world in which you live. Give blessings to the Souls in need. Escape from the hatred to Love and Enlightenment. Just seek for the happiness, love yourself and the others. Love unconditionally.
All the things can come better, if you strongly want it and have a creed in that. The life can be marvelous, memorize this.
NaNiYa and SaLuSa
Love is all that must rule this world and is truly able to save it.
NaNiYa and SaLuSa
All the people must be equal in their rights and live free. Love forbids the wars, know this. All the religions that exist are leading to the same God, the prime creator of all that is. The paradise world can be created on this planet Gaia.
Everyone can be invited to work for the Light and remove the darkness from their mind. Everybody have the right to develop personally and grow spiritually.
The duality is the existence of Light and darkness in the same time. The Love is what we need to remove the darkness and let the Light win. The darkness is that bad ideas that someone can imagine: the hatred, iniquity, nastiness and pessimism, because that last one can put the person in the negative state of mind, really nasty for that one, as well as for the ones around the person.
Try to imagine the happiness in your mind, say to yourself that you can be truly happy, it's a great right of everyone, believe this.
The Agape (unconditional) Love can change everything in your live, your personal opinion regarding this world can be then changed to the positive. And just be optimistic.
The Third World War can be avoided, trust in this. All of you must unite for the peace, to save the Gaia's world from the devastating planetary conflict. Understand that.
The sacred Light is a pure divine energy, that you can receive from many sources. That is thing to remember. Use that Light to fulfill your soul with, meditation can help you to get it. So you get enlightened.
The dark Ones can be aggressive with you, there are many method to protect yourself from this, abandon the persons that you feel destructive and being against you. Compassion is however important. If you are enlightened, you can teach that dark person how to be a Light One and how to love unconditionbaly. If they don't want, that means that they aren't ready to receive your spiritual help. But don't let them break you. Be careful.
With Love and Light.
NaNiYa and SaLuSa
The unconditional Love is magnificent, the most great that exists, the feeling that gives you the wings, helping the world to exit from the darkness and conflicts, saving the souls from hatred and let them ascend to a superior development level of existence. Love and Light are the ensures.
Let the Light shine forever!
NaNiYa-AlkEsh and SaLuSa
The Peace, Love and Light, the meanings of which are needed to be understood, keep them in your mind, because they will lead you into the world of the Good and the Golden age will begin. Become numerous to think that way. The best times will arrive really, as you expect them.